~ Chapter 46: In Service to the King ~

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In the rainy night at Castle Acorn

"I specifically asked for you to report to me alone, Commander." Maximillian said to Geoffrey who's standing in front of him.

Y/N was confused on Maximillian's behavior and didn't like that while Sonic just yawn. Alicia quickly moved him back with his wheelchair.

"I'm sorry, Geoffrey. I'm afraid the weather has put Max in a bit of a mood."

"No apologies needed, your majesty. Sire, you tasked me with finding a means to restore the monarchy to proper authority, correct?"


"A Chaos Emerald would do just that, but they are difficult to collect without *ahem* acceptable losses."

Sonic and Y/N slightly offended and confused what Geoffrey mean by that.

"Ah, I see. Very pragmatic. Proceed at your discretion, Commander."

"Thank you, sire."

Sonic, Y/N, and Geoffrey then left the room as Alicia deal with Maxmillian.

"First you drag me and sis out early in the morning in the rain, and now we're an 'acceptable losses'? Care to clue us in, Stripes?"

"It's no fun that way, but if you're gonna be sissy about it... It's heart-breaking, but old Max is losing his marbles."

"Yeah, I picked up on that. He's never like that before." Y/N said, looking uncomfortable.

"He thinks he can bring back the old days, and tasked me with finding a way to make it happen." Geoffrey explained.

"So you're getting him a Chaos Emerald?" Sonic questioned as he and Y/N put on a goggles while Geoffrey hopped onto his motorcycle and put on his helmet.

"It wouldn't hurt for us to have one. He'll be happy, thinking things are changing... and be none the wiser."

"I hate to pull one over on the old man, but it's a good plan. Y'know, for you."

Sonic and Y/N ran and rocket skated and Geoffrey rode his motorcycle towards the Freedom HQ through the rain.

"How does us getting soaking wet factor in your brilliant plan, tho?"

"Builds character. Plus you've got experience in the Special Zone... and I hear you're on Feist's good side. I need you on this one."

"What does that have to do with me then? I know nothing about this 'Special Zone'." Y/N asked.

"You have a skill of power and you are connected to the Chaos Emerald with your gem."


"Aw, that's so sweet. What would Hershey think?" Sonic said in a joke tone.

"She knows you're not my type. Which is to say you're vacuous and narcissistic." Geoffrey remarked.

"Oh, good one!" Y/N snickered, making Geoffrey grin.

Sonic went to the door first and began to open it.

"Quiet, you'll make me blush—Oh! Sorry, Mina!"


Sonic stopped to see Mina, nearly hit her with the door. Ash angrily comes towards Sonic.

"Cripes, hedgehog! Knock her across the room, why don't you?"

"Geez, Ash! Calm down! He didn't know!" Y/N confronted him, getting into his face.

"She's right. I didn't know she was there, Ash. My bad." Geoffrey apologized.

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