~ Chapter 70: Champions Pt. 2 ~

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The next round is Nack vs Bean as Nack was being chased by Bean with many bombs being thrown at him as he tried to escape from him.

"Dang it, Bean! Knock it off!"

Sonic and Y/N who're back to their normal form started laughing at the hilarious chase.

"I gotta give Breezie props for this round! This is hilarious!"

"Yeah! It's like watching Tom and Jerry!!"

"I should've been down there. I could take either of them..." Tails angrily pouted with his arms crossed.

"Tails..." Y/N frowned to see that he's still upset being eliminated from the last round.

"Oh, come on, bro. Are you still mad about being dumped by Honey?"


"Why? Win or loose, that's one step closer to the Chaos Emerald."

"Because she made me look like an amateur in front of the whole world!"

Sonic and Y/N went silent while Kirby was busy watching this whole match with a giggle. Sonic wrapped his arm around Tails' shoulder as Y/N patted his head.

"Alright, so that was embarrassing. But everyone knows that you're our go-to guy. What's one fight compared to all the times we've kicked Eggman's butt?"

"Yeah! You're Tails! The kid who keeps us running! Tails! The hero who saved Station Square! Tails! The guy who took one for the team and didn't mope about it all day!"

"Ha—Yeah, yeah, I get it, already. Thanks, Sonic, Y/N. I just feel like I've gotta prove myself sometimes. You're a tough act to follow."

"Yeah, well, I count on you to follow and watch my back."

"But we always count on you and your genius ideas. Don't forget that."

Y/N then placed a kiss on the cheek, making Tails blush.

"Now let's get back to watching Eggman's two stooges!" Sonic grinned, looking back at the match.

"While you guys do that, I'll be ready for my match soon. Catch you guys later."

Sonic and Tails waved her goodbye as she went into the room. Y/N waited, knowing the match will be done soon until she heard the announcement that Nack is the winner. Odd... Oh, well. Y/N then stepped forward to the boxing ring as she saw Amy waiting for her, holding her hammer.

"No hard feelings, right?"

"No worries, sweetie."

Y/N and Amy gave each other a nod before getting into their fighting stance as the bell rung for the match to start. Amy immediately charged her with a battle cry. Y/N stood there calmly without any weapons in her hands as Amy went closer to her until she managed to punch her square in the face.

"Ow!! My face! My beautiful face!" Amy yelled in pain, holding her snout.

"Sorry!" Y/N said through a smile on her face before charging her.

She brought a kick towards Amy who ducked from it and shook her head to ease the pain. Amy swung her hammer towards her torso. Dodging from it, Y/N swiftly went up to her without giving her a chance and karate chopped her neck, causing her to collapse and let go of her hammer. Y/N caught it and placed the hammer on her belly, making her groan again.


"Dang! That was fast!" Tails exclaimed in surprise as Y/N helped Amy up whilst apologizing to her, which was given to the punch in the arm.

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