~ Chapter 62: Damage Control ~

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Station Square, Soumerca... Shattered world crisis—first hours...

"This poor city has already seen more than its fair share of disasters. The people still haven't fully recovered from perfect Chaos' attack. Now it looks like they're sitting right on a fault line. Freedom Fighters—we are going to rescue them. Team Freedom—your squad will get the environment under control." Sally said through the comm.

Sonic, Y/N, Kirby, Tails, T-Pup, Rotor, Big, Antoine, Bunnie, Amy, and Omochao are flying down towards the Station Square to rescue the citizens.

"Sonic, you're a runner and skater for both teams. T-Pup and Omochao will be feeding me your progress while I direct you from here."

Once they landed, they all split up to find the citizens and working on some machines to free the people. Y/N and Kirby went off alone to find the people. She activate the board from her rocket skates that Tails have upgraded for her. Y/N landed on the water and easily skates through the water as she look around the flooded city when she heard a cry. Turning, she quickly skid to a stop to see a baby in a crib as the water started to rise. She quickly jumps in and grabs the baby and wraps him in a bundle of blanket before tying it around her shoulder tight as the baby is now hanging around her. Y/N then jump out of the building and zoom in towards Bunnie and Antoine who're moving the crane away.

"Bunnie! Antoine! I've got the baby! Where should I go?!"

"Head for ze rooftop where it's safe! Maybe you'll find ze baby's parents!" Antoine suggested.

"On it!"

Y/N then zoomed away as she was about to climb up to the roof when she saw a big wave coming towards her. Kirby gasped at the sight as Y/N looked down at the baby.

"Hang on tight, kid. This is going to be a bumpy ride!"

Just as the wave was about to crash into her, Y/N brought out her Extreme Gear and got on it and began surfing through the wave.


"Pooteetah!" Kirby gasped in awe and excitement.

The baby in her arms laughed as he was having fun actually. Once the wave was high enough to get her to the rooftop, she boosted it off towards it and landed where the rescued citizens are and saw Amy and Sonic.

"Sis! You're okay!" Sonic said in relief.

"No worries. At least, this baby is safe."

The baby let out a cute coos. The human mom and dad rush in and were happy to see him.

"Sweetie! Oh, there you are!"

Y/N handed the baby to his mom.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

"God bless you!"

"You're welcome." Y/N smiled.

Just then, the blue hologram of Sally popped out from Omochao.

"Sorry about the close call there, Sonic. Antoine and Bunnie ran into some trouble."

"Don't sweat it, Sal—We're tight on flying camera-radio-thingies. Do you have some kind of evac plan? 'Cause we're running out of buildings." Sonic said.

"Maybe. Rotor? We need an evac plan. Can the Sky Patrol...?"

"RRGH—Nope! It was built to hold about two dozen people. She's a mobile base, not a ferry."

"What about the subway? Can we move people to safety elsewhere?"

"Subway's a wreck and we don't have the management or gear to get it working again. I'm not even sure the rails are intact."

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