💖 Valentine's Day 2022 Special Pt. 2 🍫

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In Y/N's room, Zero and Eclipse were shocked and slightly disappointed at Y/N for setting a date with someone else they don't like. Their heart belongs to her only.

"How could you do this to us?!" they exclaimed in unison.

"It's not a real date, you guys." Y/N assured them, chuckling.

"I don't even know this girl!" Zero exclaimed.

"Yeah! I want you to be my date, not the girl you've set me up!" Eclipse pouted.

"Again like I said, it's not like you're dating her. No one on the Valentine's Day is actually dating. Except for Fiona and Scourge that is... We're all just hanging out and happened to be in even couples."

Zero and Eclipse glances at each other then to Y/N before groaning.

"Fine, but what if I end up... liking this girl?" Zero asked.

"That's the one I'm afraid of as well." Eclipse agreed, shivering a little.

"Hmm... I'm not sure. I just picked the girls that I know would just... get to know you two. Like I said, it's not a real date. Now are you two just gonna keep freaking out about this or are you coming along? This is your chance to make more friends! Everyone is going to be there!"

"F-Fine... I'll go. But if she starts to get... feelings, you have to save me." Zero said.

"Same for me." Eclipse added.

"Heehee! I will. Don't worry, you two. I've got your back. You really should learn how to be more forward with things."

"Hmph. So you and... Knuckles. Is this considered a date between you two or is it just something Scourge forced you two into?"

Y/N blushes at the mention of his name and stutters.

"W-Well... I mean... I don't know. I mean, it might be but that would be up to him really. Hehe... We-We're just friends. That's all."

This made them feel slightly jealous that Knuckles is getting affection from her. But they'll be keeping an eye on them as Shadow and Tails told them. Though, they find her adorable to see her like this.

"Heh. You're cute when you get nervous." Eclipse smirked.

"Hehe. She is."

Y/N jumped in surprise to see Knuckles, who's hiding behind her door, even surprising Zero and Eclipse.


"Wh-What are you doing here?" Zero exclaimed.

"Uh, I wanted to talk to Y/N." Knuckles replied.

"Look! This isn't what it looks like! I--" Eclipse exclaimed.

"No need to explain. I know you're good friends of hers."

This surprised the two.

"Huh. More docile than Tails and Shadow, I see."


"Y-You wanted to talk to me?" Y/N asked.

"Yes. Is this a date?"

"I-I mean... It doesn't have to be, but if I mean, we both wanted to. It could be, but--"

Suddenly, Sonic steps in.

"Not so fast!"

"Sonic?! When did you get here?" Y/N exclaimed in shock.

"Just now after Sally told me about this double date. You and Knuckles are only PRETENDING to date, right?"


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