~ Chapter 40: Journey to the East Pt. 4 ~

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Everyone were surprised to see Espio appear in front of them, especially Y/N who's surprisingly not angry or hurt, just had a mix of how she feels about seeing him.

"YOU!" Ken growled in rage, walking towards Espio with his staff glowing. "You dare show your face to--!"

Sonic zoomed in between them.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Time-out!"

"He's a traitor to you and to his team!"

Y/N comes in next to Sonic.

"And he's been a friend for much longer."

Ken turned to her in disbelief.

"He attacked you! He punched you in the eye!"

"Yeah, he did. And it's unforgivable of him to do that." she said, glaring straight at Espio who glanced away in shame.

"You and I have gotten into three times as many fights. By that logic, I should be stomping you into the dirt." Sonic added.

Ken gritted his teeth.

"Fine. Have it your way."

"I usually do."

"First you go soft on Robotnik, now this guy..." Ken muttered, glaring at Sonic.

Sally walked up to Espio.

"Ken raises a good point, though. You've made it clear you're with the Iron Dominion. Why are you here now?"

Espio bowed to her.

"I don't want to debate semantics, but I am with the Shinobi Clan. I am only with the Iron Dominion through... extenuating circumstances."

"Knuckles mentioned something along those lines. But he wasn't sure what you mean."

"The Bride of Constant Vigil has been observing your efforts in trying to dismantle the Clan of Four Houses. I volunteered to guide you to a meeting with her."

Y/N really wanted to trust him, seeing that he's telling the truth fully but noticed Sally wasn't convinced.

"I'm sorry, Espio, but your word isn't good enough now."

Espio was silent for a minute before he spoke.

"Very well then. No more secrets. I'll give you all I have on each of you, removing any advantage I might have had."

Sally, Y/N, and Tails looked at each other nervously after hearing that.

"Secrets? About us? We're the heroes, Es. We're squeaky clean."

Sonic walked up to Espio.

"But if you think that will warm us up to you, fine. Hit me with your worst."

Espio suddenly smirked.

"The sneak."

Y/N immediately spitted saliva out of laughter, holding her stomach as she tried not to laugh. This left Sonic speechless.

"That was a one time thing... Just for laughs... How did you even...?"

Tails went next.

"I haven't been a Freedom Fighter very long. What do you know about me?"

"Captain Super Fox-Man."

Tails froze in surprise while Espio smirked still. Y/N had to cover her mouth to stop her laughter without making Tails feel embarrassed and hurt.

"Nobody was supposed to read that! I was just a kid-- More of a kid!"

Y/N walked up to Espio as they had been staring at each other for a while.

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