~ Chapter 79: Big Show, Big Ideas ~

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Meanwhile, in the dark bar where those bad thugs, thieves, etc goes as they drink, arm wrestle, gamble, and more. On the far side, there sat Scourge and the Destructix as they're discussing their plan of action when all of the sudden, the doors slam open to reveal a black hooded figure, looking soaked from harsh rain outside. The stranger couldn't care less about themselves getting all wet as they walk inside with water drops hitting the ground. The people stare at them and notice they had a long black tail with big white fluff at the end of it. Who is this Mobian creature? The stranger stood in front of the bartender and sat down on the stool.

"What do you want from here?" Bartender asked rudely.

Unfazed by his behavior, they leaned over and whispered.

"I'm looking for Y/N..."

Bartender was confused and leaned his ear over.

"What? What did you say??"

"I'm looking for Y/N." they said a little loudly.

"What's that? Darn it, man! Speak up!!"

They growled and shouted right in the Bartender's ear, making him flinch.


The chairs clattered and they turned to see everyone standing behind the hooded stranger. Looks like they know who she is.

"You're looking for the Y/N?" Bartender asked before he and everyone began to laugh, except for the Destructix.

"You don't wanna go near Y/N. She's dangerous and scary. Last time we fought, she gave me a bad cut on my face with her own blade for insulting her."

"Pfft! As if! She gave me a broken elbow! Look! I can clearly see my bone!"

They all cringed at that. Scourge leaned over to the hooded stranger with a smirk.

"If you want to meet that hot Y/N, I'll gladly take you to her."

The hooded stranger looked at him, not liking this person already as they could clearly tell he's had some bad aura. But they decided to play along in order to know where she is.

"Really now?"

"Of course! I know her! Let's just say we have something in common. Boy, she can be fiesty." Scourge sighed in lovestruck before pulling out a green gem that Y/N had given him long time ago.

"She's also cute." Fiona added with a coo.

The hooded stranger glared at them.

"Alright. Lead the way."

The Destructix grinned evilly and led him out of the bar. Once they're far away and into the forest, the stranger turned to them with their arms crossed.


Scourge suddenly gave him an evil smile.

"We'll tell you... if you tell us who you are and why want to see Y/N."

"Not a chance. It's none of your business and it's important and an emergency that I see her." they stated.

"Wow. Rude much?"

"You better not be wasting my time. If you know where she is, then spit it out."

"With that attitude of yours, I'm not sure if I should tell you where she is." Scourge chuckled and snapped his fingers.

Sergeant comes forward and punches his fist. The hooded stranger stare at him, not amused to this threat as the Gorilla comes closer. Then to their surprise, the hooded stranger punches Sergeant straight in the stomach, sending him flying. The Destructix were shocked at that and Scourge nods at them to fight him off. Predator and Lightning grabbed the hooded stranger by the shoulders, but they swiftly shoved their gloved hand away from Predator's grip and elbowed him in the face, knocking him off before turning to the other side on time to see Lightning about to give them a sucker punch when they ducked from it. They glanced at the tree and used it to press their feet against the bark and swing themselves, grabbing Lightning by the shoulder and throws him towards Fiona, who's about to help them when they're knocked down hard. Predator tried to attack them from behind when with their quick sense caught him and spins their arms to twist him and then punches him in the face. Sergeant, who was now up from that harsh hit, goes for a revenge to crush them with his fists when the hooded stranger moves their elbow up, hitting him right in the chest, knocking him down again. They turn to see Fiona tries to kick them when they dodged that and rapidly punches her in the stomach, chest, and neck. Everytime they tried to attack the hooded stranger, they just took them down without breaking a sweat as they grab onto the branch, pulling them up in the air and kicks the Destructix off before jumping down. Scourge, who was watching this, was enraged to see this stranger easily defeating them.

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