~ Chapter 43: The Road We Take ~

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At night, since they defeated the Iron Dominion, Y/N, Kirby, and Sally were visiting Ken in the Dragon Kingdom as they were standing on a cliff, overlooking the Stormtop Village.

"I've got a lot of rebuilding to do. I have to rebuild the people's trust in me as their new king. I have to maintain peace between the various clans, and I have to make sure the Iron Queen stays locked up where she is. And then I need to look into that 'other Khans' thing Espio mentioned..."

"You certainly have your plate full. But I have the utmost confidence you can do it." Sally said with a proud smile.

"We both do." Y/N added.

"Pooteetah." Kirby agreed.

"Oh, yeah? Why's that?"

"When we first met, you were a swaggering, overbearing hot-head. Today, you're a thoughtful, loving person who's learning to master his temper and has learned humility. You've grown up a lot since we first met." Sally said.

"We've grown a lot since we first met. You wouldn't even give me the time of day then, but now..."


"Ever since that day, I've always had feelings for you. But I can see now that your heart truly belongs to Sonic and only him."

Y/N smiled, feeling proud that he's getting over with Sally and letting her go and learning to accept it.

"And now..."

Ken turned to Y/N.

"I can feel feelings of affection for another growing as well."

"Wait... K-Ken?... W-What do you mean...?"

He took her hand and got down on one knee.

"Y/N the Hedgehog, in the short time I've met you, you've shown me that you are a strong warrior, with a kind and brave heart. And can be scary when you're angry. You even helped me with my depression and anger. These people need someone strong, compassionate, and capable. I've still got a lot to learn. They could benefit from a Queen of the Free People."

Y/N's face turned red in shock and turned to Sally for explanation who looked just as shocked and surprised as her. Kirby was the most surprised of all as his three eyes were big and his mouth agape.

"K-Ken... I-I'm sorry. I can't. I mean, I'm flattered and all, but... I'm not ready for a relationship yet. Maybe someday after we defeat Eggman and every other villains, I'll think about it. Please understand. Give me some time."

She looked at Ken waiting for him to take out his anger on her and surprisingly, he gave her a small smile.

"I understand. And I guess I appreciate your being up front with me."

"Thank you, Ken. This means a lot to me." Y/N said.

All four of them stood together on the cliff in silence, enjoying the view.

"But when Sonic screw up, you know I'll be right here waiting." Ken said to Sally, causing her and Y/N to laugh.

"Hahaha! Stop it!"

He turned to Y/N.

 "As for you Y/N, I'll wait for your answer. You know where to meet me."

Y/N nodded.

"We'll stay just a big longer, but then we need to get back home and start the rebuilding there." Sally said.


After a good minute of staying with Ken, Y/N and Kirby decided to leave and went through the warp ring as they are now in Angel Island where the Shrine Isle is that's just not too far as they could see a campfire. Y/N took the warp ring and placed it in her pocket. She decided to sneak in to see what was going on seeing the Chaotix all together. Kirby hopped onto her shoulder as she quietly jumped over the bridge with a flip and landed gracefully, thankfully not making a sound and quickly hide behind the shrine as Knuckles started the meeting.

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