~ Chapter 24: A Bold New Mobius Pt. 2 ~

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Y/N was hoping she would never see him again and Chaos had to let that happen.

"I'm guessing this home invasion is your bright idea, Scourge?" Sonic grinned, standing in front of his evil twin.

"That's 'King' Scourge, Sonic." Scourge grinned back.

"Ha! So now you're officially a royal pain?"

Scourge kicked Sonic away.

"It makes me the superior! Do you remember what you said to me?"

"I've called you lots of st- UHF!"

Scourge elbowed Sonic in the stomach.

"You pointed out that, in the end, we're the same guy... that all it would take for either of us would be to lean a little in the other direction."

Sonic blocked the punch from Scourge using his arm.

"You were actually listening to me?"

Scourge grabbed Sonic's chin roughly.

"I gotta admit it; you made sense. You got me thinking. You're the 'Hero of Mobius.' The single most powerful dude on the planet. What does that make me? So I went back to my home dimension. I let loose-applied myself, you might say. I conquered my Moebius in a matter of days!"

He threw Sonic against the wall. Y/N's body shake in anger as her pure sister mode was activated into 100%. Scourge's Anti-Freedom Fighters and Fiona stand beside him.

"I gave my world the same treatment I gave myself on our birthday. We're not just your 'evil twins' anymore. I am Scourge, King of a Bold New Moebius, and now your world is gonna fall into my Suppression Squad."

Y/N covered her mouth to stop her laughter at the lamest name she's ever heard. She finds it ridiculous.

"Heh. What's in a name?" Sonic smirked as Y/N and the Freedom Fighters stand beside him ready to fight. "A 'dork' by any other name is just as lame."

"Burn, bro!" Y/N smirked, causing the villains to glare at her.

"You're messing with Sonic and Y/N the Hedgehog, Heroes of Mobius, and the Freedom Fighters. Pack it up and go home before you regret it."

"Is your neck bothering you again, Rotor?" Nicole asked who's in the screen with Rotor who's sitting in front of the computer.

"No, Nicole. For once, I'm kind of glad it's side-lined me because I don't think I'd want to be in the middle of that!"

Rotor was right as everyone charged at each other.


Tails vs Miles

"You've ignored your magical heritage and you follow the blue and light blue fools like a pup! You make me sick! What does that Y/N of yours sees in you?" Miles said with a hateful glare.

"Who are you to judge? Aside from me. Y/N sees me as a friend and a great fighter than you!" Tails glared back at his evil twin.


Antoine vs Patch

"You have much to answair for, villain." Antoine said, clashing his sword against Patch's.

Patch smirks at him.

"You know what they say, non? Like fathair, like son."


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