~ Chapter 18: Home, New Home ~

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Since Bunnie's and Antoine's wedding, everyone was doing their own thing. Sonic was tuning his guitar, Vector and Mighty playing video games, Espio meditating in the corner of the room, Y/N painting her canvas with the help of Kirby who looks a little messy from all the color paints, and Ray, Charmy, and Saffron playing darts at the picture of Eggman.

"I say Eggman's gotta be planning something huge! He's never been one to stay quiet for this long." Knuckles said.

Y/N stopped painting and remembered that he's got a point. Eggman hasn't been out to attack them since Tommy sacrificed himself.

"You've got a point there, Knuckles." Y/N agreed.

"He's probably just taking some time off, Knuckles. Even villains need a vacation once in a while."

"I don't think villains need a rest. They never until their enemy is gone forever." Y/N pointed out. "I am having a bad feeling that something is going to happen. If only I have a vision to show me that."

Rouge walked into the room as Y/N forgot she was here. Rouge move over to Y/N and wrapped herself around her arm.

"Relax, Y/N. If it makes you feel better, you and I can go out into Eggman's base and snoop around."

"Really? You'd do that, Rouge?"

"Sure she'll do anything." Knuckles rolled his eyes.

"Watch it, Knucklehead."

"You watch it, batty!"

"Whoo boy." Sonic sighed.

"I guess it's a good sign that we can afford a little banter lately." Sally said, walking in and kissed Sonic.

"Things have never been better, Sally. Knothole is a booming little city. We've got a sweet little home-away-from-home here in Freedom HQ."

"Families are reuniting after so much time apart. The monarchy is young and strong, while the villains are on the decline. We've already got some of the worst locked away safely. At this rate, we'll topple Eggman's Empire in no time." Sally said.

"We're just shy of perfect. If only Tails..."

"What about Tails?"

"I think he's still feeling guilty about not telling us about Fiona. As for Y/N, she's been fine lately, but I can still she's a little hurt from Fiona's betrayal."

Sally was about to say something when all of the sudden, the roof was ripped open by Snively who's inside the green robot as he controls it.

"Knock-knock, my friends."

Before they knew it, he started blasting Rotor, Rouge who quickly pushed Y/N away, Julie-Su, and Vector as they disappear from the laser.

"Guys!!" Y/N shouted.

"Just like fish in a barrel!"

"Snively just vaporized...!" Sonic exclaimed, throwing away his guitar.

"Bunnie! Get him outside and give us some room!" Sally ordered.

Bunnie flew off.

"Ah'm on it, Sally-Girl!"

Snively caught Bunnie by her robotic arm.

"Oh, I think I can handle you!"

Snively started to blast more people as it vaporized Antoine, Charmy, Saffron, Ray, and Sally.

"Sonic, I want you to—"

"Liaise-Elle, monstre!"

"Mighty, help me!"

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