🎄 Christmas 2021 Special Pt. 3: The Decoration Fight 😇

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Sally, Bunnie, and Amy enthusiastically are standing by Y/N's bed with Kirby right beside them.

"Y/N! Wake up!"

"Ugh... Just five more minutes." Y/N groaned in her sleep.

Ecstatic and possible annoyed from waiting, Amy urges Y/N to rise.


She then promptly destroys her bed.

"What the?! Amy, why did you do that?!"

"Because it's Christmas decorating day!" Bunnie exclaimed.

"Pooteetah!" Kirby nodded excitedly.

"You heard her, now come on!" Sally said.

Immediately, Y/N got out of her bed.

"Christmas decoration?! Awesome!"

"That's right, Sugah! Let's go get 'em! I know where to find those decorations!"


The girls then hustle down to the basement to retrieve some decoration. Before that, Y/N quickly fixes her bed Amy broke with a help of her power and then catches up to them with Kirby, who waited for her.

"Oh, I'm so excited to decorate!" she squealed.

At the basement, Y/N finds Sally and Amy arguing over the theme of their decoration with Bunnie trying to calm them down, but it's no sse.

"Well, Amy I think the blue ornaments are cuter."

"Huh?" Y/N questioned.

"Pooteetah?" Kirby tilted his head.

"What?! You're crazy! I think a good combination of red and green is more festive! Plus, with a hint of pink that's brighter than ever!"

"Girls, girls, I think both of color themes are great, but we have to agree with this." Bunnie said.

Sally and Amy didn't listen to her.

"Yeah, but that's so predictable! Blue is a great color! It symbolizes ice!... And Sonic..." Sally said, muttering his name quietly, blushing a little.

"Ice? Tch! That means someone who's cold-hearted like Eggman!" Amy scoffed.

"At least, I don't look like your color pink vomited on me!"

"What did you say?!"

As the two exchange insults, Y/N comes in between them and stops the dispute.

"Ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies, what happened? You two were so friendly and excited! Plus, it's Christmas spirit, it makes everyone happy, right?"

Sally and Amy look at each other and said nothing, but grumble or huff. Bunnie and Kirby look on nervously.

"Look, look, we can all add some of our own flair to the treehouse and make it all ours. Now come on, what do you say??"

"F-Fine..." Sally sighed in defeat.

"I guess ice is beautiful." Amy grumbled.



Sally and Amy then give each other a hug.

"Phew." Bunnie sighed in relief.

"Great! That's a spirit!" Y/N smiled. "Let's go ahead and pick up some of the decorations."

"Sure. Let's keep searching."

After grabbing some ornaments they thought would be good, they head back up to decorate the inside of Y/N's treehouse. Y/N begins decorating in the dining room, Amy fixes up the kitchen, Sally decorates parts of the living room, and Bunnie and Kirby goes out to buy a perfect Christmas tree. After finishing their decorating inside, Bunnie and Kirby came back with a tree. Thrilled, they went all out on the tree before letting Kirby doing the honor of placing a star on top of the tree. Once they're finished, the girls and Kirby head outside, not before putting on their Christmas themed sweater, to beautify Y/N's treehouse.

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