~ Chapter 81: Practice Makes Perfect ~

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The next morning, Y/N, Eclipse, Dark Arms, and Kirby were having breakfast as they chatted when they heard a knock on the door. Alarmed, Y/N stood up and walked over to the door while Eclipse and the Dark Arms hide behind the couch. She opened to reveal Tails, holding the box.

"Oh, morning, Tails."

"Morning, Y/N. I got you the disguise gadgets just like you asked me to. You just need to tap it and it will change your form."

Y/N takes the box.

"Thank you. This means the world to me."

"No problem. See you in the rehearsal."

With that, Tails took off into the sky using his twin tails. Y/N closed the door and opened the box to reveal watches.

"Come here, Eclipse."

Eclipse got out of his hiding spot and approached her as she pulled out the watch.

"Give me your hand."

He did as he was told. Y/N placed the watch around his wrist, making sure it is a little tight before pulling away.

"Tap it and see how it goes."

Eclipse curiously tapped the watch and his form began to change into a dark gray hedgehog.

Eclipse curiously tapped the watch and his form began to change into a dark gray hedgehog

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"Whoa!" he gasped and tapped it again to see him back to normal and did it again.

"Tails... Your geniuses paid off." Y/N grinned. "Hey. How about you and the Dark Arms join in for the show?"

This made him turn to her with his nonexistent eyebrow raised as the Dark Arms squeaked in confusion.


Y/N made it into the stage as the stage crew and her friends were busy until Sonic noticed her.

"Hey, sis. Just in time."

"Hi, bro."

"Hey, who's this?" Amy asked, pointing at someone behind her back.

There stood behind her is the dark gray hedgehog, wearing yellow gloves and yellow shoes. He gave them an awkward wave.

"Oh, I'm glad you noticed. This is my friend... Sharad the Hedgehog. He's going to be playing a role for the planet of Black Comet. Along with his adorable wisps."

On cue, the flying wisps came out from behind Sharad looking around the room in awe.

"Ohh, they're so cute!!" Amy squealed.

Sonic walks up and holds out a hand.

"Sup! Name's Sonic! Nice to meet you. Looking forward to working with you."

Sharad reaches his hand and shakes it.


"Alright, everyone! Back to work!"

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