~ Chapter 61: Countdown to Chaos Pt. 2 ~

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Metropolis Zone, in the skies above Westside Island...

"Last chance—any word from Bunnie?" Sonic asked, standing on the wing of the Tornado next to Y/N and Kirby.

"Negative. I can't reach her, and she's not called *KZZT!*"

"Then... it's likely she's lost her cover and she's been captured." Tails said.

"I don't know. That's not like her to get captured. She must have something planned." Y/N said.

"We'll see, sis. We'll just have to go down there and politely ask the Egg Army to let her go."

"'Politely ask,' he says... Keep the Tornado out of range, T-Pup. I'll call you for pick-up."


Sonic, Y/N, Kirby, and Tails jump off the Tornado as they dodge the incoming lasers from the machines.

"Hahaha! Think they noticed us?" Sonic laughed.

"No time for messing around. We've got to get straight to the Command Tower..." Y/N said as they easily take down the Egg Army Mobian soldiers as they pass by. 

"...and find out where she's being held and yadda yadda yadda. I've done this hero thing enough times to know the drill." Sonic said, already knowing what she's going to say.

They then made it inside the Command Tower where they stop to see the big white Mobian soldier and a female Mobian bunny. But for some reason, Y/N recognize her.

"Hey! You've got tassels. I bet you're important!" Sonic said, pointing at him.

"Ack! How'd you get up here so fast?!"

"Somehow you've never heard of me...?"

"Lock us down! They're not escaping!"

The Mobian bunny punched the red button, causing the big door behind them to close.

"Okay, dude? I don't like walloping Egg Soldiers like you. You're in a tough spot—I get that. But we're here to rescue a friend of ours, and we all know how this is going to end. So work with us on this, man."

"You can't intimidate me! I take orders from Dr. Eggman!"

"Uh-huh. 'Of course, doctor! You want fries with that?'"

Y/N giggled at his joke.


But the Mobian bunny didn't attack Sonic and instead attacked him as she punched him hard in the stomach.

"I-I... knew... there... was a... spy..."

She walked over to the mic.

"This is Scarlett. We've got Sonic the Hedgehog and Y/N the Hedgehog sealed in the command room. Do not open the door! Get everyone armed and in position first! Now then..."

She removed the helmet to reveal Bunnie D'Coolette.

"...Howdy, guys. Feels like it's been ages."

Tails and Y/N hugged her.


"You're alright!"

"Sho' am. Ah take it this was your idea for a rescue? Charge on in, get locked in a room and end up surrounded?"

"Hey, we found you, didn't we? So far my plan's going perfectly."

"You hadn't reported in for so long, we thought you must have been caught. And now... we've blown your cover..." Tails said.

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