~ Chapter 67: Control ~

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Rocky Jungle Zone, Soumerca

Sonic and Y/N were running and skating away from E-113 that kept firing lasers at them, which they dodged that.

"Whoa-ho-ho! Kitty's got claws and lasers!"

"You really need to stop with the puns and jokes sometimes..."

Sally and Amy are hiding behind the tree, waiting for the good time to take down E-113 as Sonic and Y/N are getting it close to them. Sonic stuck his tongue out.

"That's it, bright eyes! Right this way!"

What they didn't know is that the robot could see and know that Sally and Amy are hiding for an ambush and didn't hesitate to claw at the hedgehog siblings and the tree where the girls are hiding.

"Oh, shoot—Duck!"

Sally and Amy quickly moved out of the way safely.

"You guys okay?!" Y/N shouted, still skating away from the robot.

"We're fine! Put some distance between you and that thing and regroup with us!"

"Don't hog it all to yourself, for once! I want a whack at it!"

"Easier said than done, ladies!" Sonic shouted, dodging the lasers. "Gotta hand it to the doc—his E-100 bots always give me and sis a workout, but we've never technically lost to one yet. And I don't plan on changing that!"

"Well, we better be careful!"

Sonic and Y/N ran and skated up to the cliff, but E-113 knocked them off by firing the lasers to where they're running and skating on, causing them to fall.



E-113 got ready to fire as Y/N goes to activate her bubble to protect herself and her brother.

"...Lucky shot, jerk..."

Suddenly, a yellow tail caught Sonic by the wrist.


"Wha—Oh! Awesome!"

It was Ray who saved Sonic as he dodged the incoming lasers.

"Thanks for the save, Ray!"

"Eep! Sure thing!"

"Wait! My sis!"

"Don't worry! She'll be okay!"

Just as Y/N thought she was about to fall to her death, a pair of gloved hands caught her. She looked up in surprise to see Mighty who smirk down at her, carrying her in bridal style.


"Falling for me already?"

"You wish!" she rolled her eyes playfully, slightly blushing.

"You sure about that?"

Without looking back, Mighty grabbed E-113 in one hand and threw it towards the rocky wall, breaking it as it's now offline.

"Okay, maybe I am."

Mighty chuckled and brought her down as Sonic and Ray approached them.

"Long time, no see, Mighty!" Sonic elbowed him by the arm who elbowed back.

"Why is it whenever we meet up, you're always in some kind of trouble? Especially, Y/N."

Sonic and Mighty grabbed each other's hands as they're about to wrestle.

"Me? You're the one who—"

"Sonic?! Y/N?! Are you two alright?!" Amy exclaimed as she and Sally approached them.

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