~ Chapter 86: Find A Way ~

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In the treehouse, Y/N sobbed into her pillow as she's in her locked room with Kirby by her side, who tried to comfort her.

"Pooteetah, pooteetah." he said, showing her his fighting move as if telling her to never give up and fight back.

Meaning he wants her to go after Eclipse and the Dark Arms while she still can.

"No, Kirby... Don't you see? The show's cancelled! Eclipse's arrested and he's probably gone already! And it's all my fault!"

Y/N sobbed back into her pillow. Kirby watched on sadly and decided to walk out of her room to give her some space.

Y/N stopped crying and looked out the window as the sky is grey and raining. She begins to sing.

"I have to find a way
To make this all okay
I can't believe this small mistake
Could've caused so much heartache"

Meanwhile, Tails is trying to fix the machine he was building earlier, but it ended up crashing down. He looks down with a sigh.

"Oh why, oh why?"

Shadow walks down the path, looking depressed and regretful as the rain wets his entire fur, but he couldn't care less. He glances at the townspeople, who gave him glares as some shut their windows, doors, and shops to keep him out of their site. Shadow sighs and resumes his walking. Rouge and Omega, who're holding their umbrellas up, watches him with concern.

"Something is wrong, it's plain to see
This isn't how it's meant to be
And you can't see it like I do
It's not the life that's meant for you

Oh why, oh why?"

Sonic watches sadly as he looks at the happy couple with their wedding rings on. He glances at his case that holds the ring inside and looks down. He notices Sally sitting on the bench as she was looking gloomy and depressed. He approaches her and holds up the umbrella to cover her from the rain that's been soaking her fur. She smiles softly as he sat down next to her to comfort her.

Rotor is standing in front of what's supposed to be a rehearsal as he sadly barricaded the windows with the help of Bunny and Antoine as they locked the door. Freddy and the gang are surrounded by the fans as they're bombarded with questions and concerns, but they're too sad and depressed to speak as they walk away from them and back to their house car.

"Losing promise
I don't know what to do
Seeking answers
I fear I won't get through to you"

Geoffrey tried to find a job, but they all ignore him and didn't accept him, not after what he had done. After hours of job searching, he begrudgingly have to take the job at the bar as it's the only place to work there as he got started on cleaning the glass cups after being hired.

Lastly, Cream is sitting in the empty fountain with Cheese and Chocola as they watched the sad, gloomy Mobian citizens walk past by. Some accidentally bump into each other and began an argument, scaring them.

"I'll try
And I'll try
I'll try
And I'll try"

As soon as Y/N finishes singing, she lies back down in her bed and covers herself with a blanket. Kirby sighs in defeat, thinking there's nothing that can do to make her happy again. Suddenly, the door was knocked, surprising him. He cautiously walks up to the door and jumps and unlocks the door. He pulls it open to reveal a black-hooded stranger. They gazes down blankly at the three-eyed alien, who gulps.

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