~ Chapter 77: Shattered Pt. 4 ~

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"HHHAHAHA! So much power! And it's mine! All mine!"

Naugus placed a hand on the Master Emerald and his eyes and a horn glowed green.

"The only thing more sweet than total victory is gloating about it! Oh, Wendy? Dear sister, can you hear me?"

The image of his sister Wendy that looks like Naugus, but a female revealed herself from his horn.

"Wally? I didn't know you were nearby."

"I'm not! I've secured the Master Emerald and finally restored my magical prowess--no thanks to you!"

"Well, good for you! I've joined the Eggman Empire!"


"So while you've got your mojo flowing, I've got a worldwide empire supporting me."

"Y-You... unbelievable traitor!"

"Wah-Wah--! Cry me a river, Sally. Then go drown in it. Or tell me where you are so I can deliver that precious gem to--"

Naugus had enough and blocked her out by placing his hat back on. He turned to the frozen Knuckles.

"No... I won't let her spoil this for me. I've won. After a well-deserved rest, I'll decide what to do with all of you. It's not like you're going anywhere! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

What Naugus didn't know is that the frozen Y/N heard what he said and was angry as the sky above them began to turn dark as the sun is setting. Her form began to change through the crystal as purple smoke is coming out. Naugus noticed it and was confused.

"What the--?"

Suddenly, Y/N broke free from the crystals without any problem as she's now in her Werehog form, letting out a howl.


"GYAH!! W-What are you?" Naugus shrieked, backing away.

Werehog Y/N snapped her head towards him and growled, slowly approaching him with her fangs bared and her claws out.


She outstretched her fist towards Naugus, making him scream and dodging the attack as her fist hit the wall. This left a huge crack as he thought he peed his pants already. Y/N outstretched her other fist as she chased after him.

"No! No! No! Stay away!!"


Naugus suddenly got cornered and slowly turned to see Werehog Y/N walking close to him, dragging her claws against the ground. With one last step, she jumped at Naugus as she was about to bring out her blow.


Naugus out of instinct activate his magic  and fired it at her and everything is silent. He looked over and sighed in relief to see Werehog Y/N stuck in the crystals once more as she struggled to get out and only her face was not trapped.

"Phew! You sure an interesting one. I'm taking you with me." he said with an evil grin and began to drag her towards somewhere along with the Master Emerald, leaving everyone still frozen.


Meanwhile, after Y/N had transformed into a Werehog, Knuckles, who's still trapped in the crystal started to remember those words Y/N spoke to him.


In the cloud sky, Knuckles and Y/N are riding on a magical Pegasus Unicorn she summoned from her ruby as she's riding in front while he sits in the back, holding onto her waist while Kneecaps is riding on his hoverboard.

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