🎂 Happy Birthday, Knuckles! 🎉

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Today is the day. It's February 2nd, which means it's Knuckles' birthday! Y/N and her friends are right now settling everything up in Angel Island.

"Is everything all ready?"

"Yep! All good!" Sally nodded.

"The cake is ready?"


"Anybody got gifts?"

"Yep! We never forget!"

"Good. I just want everything to be perfect. This is going to be his very first ever birthday he's going to have. I want him to remember something special we've given him." Y/N said, looking nervous.

Sonic comes over and slings his arm over her shoulder.

"Relax, sis. It's perfect. Knux is going to love it."

Y/N sighed, taking a deep breath and knowing that her brother is right.

"Alright. Just make sure it's all good. This is a surprise. Remember the plan, right?"

"We got this." Sonic waved off. "Now go get him before he figures something's wrong."

Y/N nodded and rocket skated off to find Knuckles.


By the shrine, Knuckles was napping next to the Master Emerald he's guarding as it's looking as bright as ever. A shadow covered over his body as Y/N stood before him with a smile. She giggles at how cute he sleeps. She pulls out a feather and lightly tickles his nose, causing him to groan and swat whatever is bothering him. She kept on doing until he opened his eyes to see her up close.

"Morning, sleepyhead."

Shocked, he immediatedly sit up and accidentally bumped her head against his, making both of them yelp in pain.



"Sorry! My fault!" Knuckles and Y/N said in unison.

"No, I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't have surprise you like that."

"Alright. But I'm still sorry for hitting you in the head. What are you doing here?"

"I just thought I'd take you somewhere fun. Thought you might need some break from guarding the Master Emerald. Don't you get bored?"

Knuckles opened his mouth to decline, but he stopped and closed them. Honestly, she's right. He has grown tired of just guarding the gem and wanted to do something else to at least keep him busy and entertained.

"Alright. Only because you're right. What's your occassion?" he sighed in defeat, rubbing his eyes.

"Somewhere very much fun." she grinned.

Before he knew it, they're at the arcade as Knuckles was playing the claw machine.

"You're doing it! You're gonna win it!" Y/N cheered him on.

Knuckles kept moving the claws until he finally caught something as it slowly lifted up the prize and then moved it towards the hole and dropped it. He and Y/N high-five each other.


Knuckles bent down and grabbed what appears to be a treasure box.

"Huh. I wonder what's in it."

He opened it to reveal a jeweled flower.

He opened it to reveal a jeweled flower

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