~ Chapter 45: Family Matters ~

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In the Council of Acorn, Nicole showed them the hologram of Guntiver from her eyes with Sonic and Y/N by her side while Kirby has to stay home after hearing something bad happened with Rotor's parents and she wouldn't want to risk him.

"...And we've seen Rotor's people being used as laborers and security for the construction of something it looks like a refueling station, but it's way too big. Anyway, we could really use a hand if you've got someone you can spare."

Nicole then shut off the hologram of Guntiver.

"That concludes the transmission from the Northern Tundra."

"Th-Thank you, N-Nicole. Thank you." Dylan nervously said.

"Uh... You're... welcome? Is everything alright?"

Dylan flinched when Nicole approached him.

"Y-Yes! Sure!"

"It's fine, Nicole. Thank you." Penelope assured her.

Nicole's ears dropped down in sadness.

"...I see."

Y/N patted her back to comfort her.

"Well, unless Sal and Amy find something in the Eggdome, me and sis are free to run up there and lend a hand. Pack something warm, Rote, and we'll get going." Sonic said.

"Councilor Rotor isn't going anywhere." Hamlin disagreed, glaring at him.

"Uh... wasn't asking for your permission there, Hamlin."

"Rotor has returned from your team. His duty is to this council and the people of the republic."

"I think you missed the part about his family being in danger."

"You're just saying that because you used to be part of the Freedom Fighters and look where it has gotten you. This is Rotor's choice, not yours." Y/N said, glaring straight at Hamlin.

This made him quiet and looked away with a scoff.

"It's okay, Sonic and Y/N."

Sonic and Y/N turned to him in shock.


"No, Hamlin is right. My place is here."

"If you're sure about it, big guy." Sonic said.

"I'm sure, besides, I know I count on you two to save the day."

"I can't argue with that."

"Alright. But you know, even if you hurt your back, you can still keep fighting on not just for us, but for your family." Y/N said.

"Thanks, Y/N." Rotor smiled.

"I'll just grab a couple of power rings and we'll be on our way, then."

Sonic and Y/N then walked away.

"Very good, then. If there is no further business, the council is adjourned." Elias said, ending the meeting.


Later— the Northern Tundra, Sonic and Y/N made it as they went through the warp ring to see Guntiver in front of them as he covered his face from the incoming snow spray after Sonic skidded into a stop with Y/N beside him.

"Yo, Guntiver! Sorry to take so long." Sonic greeted.

"Ha! We only sent word the other day!" Guntiver laughed.

"Nice to see you again, Guntiver." Y/N greeted.

"Great to see you too."

The three shook hands.

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