~ Chapter 44: Reigning Cats and Dogs ~

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Another week has gone by since they defeated the Iron Dominion as New Mobotropolis was almost back on its feet and what's most surprising of all is that Sonic and Tails found Dimitri, the former Grandmaster of the Dark Egg Legion. He had been betrayed by his granddaughters, Lien-Da and left for dead in the box. When Sally and Y/N heard his story and saw that he had regrets for his past mistakes, they decided to show him mercy, seeing him betrayed by his own family and didn't deserve this. What remained of his body as he was installed into the Science Center to keep his presence a secret while he recovered. He was currently preparing himself to apologize to Knuckles with the help of Y/N encouraging him.

Today, Y/N who's in her new outfit that she got from Dragon Kingdom (The one from chapter 41: "Y/N's Challenge". She will now be wearing that for the entire story), Kirby, Sonic, and Sally are flying in the Tornado towards the Wolf Pack Nation in the Southern Continent. They had been invited so they could become honorary members of the Wolf Pack. As for Kirby, the leader of the Wolf Pack was curious about this new friend of Y/N's. When they got here, they were greeted by the white wolf Canus as he hugged Sally and Y/N.

"It's good to see you, Canus!"

"Happy to see you are well, Princess!"

"Great seeing you again."

"Same to you, Y/N. You've grown stronger I see."


Sonic shook the female wolf's hand.

"Long time, no see, L-L-L-L-Lyco?"


"Like I said—long time, no see."

"She's my identical twin. We get that a lot."

Leeta turned to Y/N and hugged her.

"Y/N, great to see you."

"Long time, Leeta." Y/N said, hugging her back.

She looked over to Kirby who's on Y/N's shoulder.

"Is this little friend of yours we've heard about?"

"Yep. His name is Kirby."

"Aw! He's so cute!!"

Leeta started petting Kirby, causing him to blush and giggle. After a good greeting, Canus escorted them into the city.

"Please come this way. The chief is eager to see you."

"Ditto! It's been just as long since we last saw—"

They arrived at the biggest house in the village and were greeted to see a familiar brown and gray male wolf.

"Lobo?" Sonic and Y/N questioned in surprise.

"We're glad to see you, too, of course, but..." Sally said, looking just as surprised as them.

"But you're confused. It's alright. Before I was roboticized, I was this pack's chief. I took back that title when my wife stepped down." Lobo said, opening the curtain for them to walk inside.

"Stepped down?... Since when did Lupe 'step down' from anything?" Sonic asked.

"Why would she do that?" Sally asked.

"Because my people asked me to step up as the grand chief of our new nation."

They turned to see Lupe in her chief outfit. Sally and Y/N went up to her and hugged her.

"That's wonderful! Congratulations!"


Lupe looked to see Kirby on Y/N's shoulder who gave him a cute smile.

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