~ Chapter 13: Comings & Comings ~

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Y/N woke up the next morning and found herself in her bad. That surprised her. She wondered how'd she get here. She turned to her side to see Kirby sleeping on the pillow next to her with a cute small snore. Y/N pat his head, making him wake up.

"Morning, Kirby."


"How did I get here?"

"Pooteetah, pooteetah, pooteetah."

"Fiona brought me here?"

Kirby nodded in affirmation. She was about to ask him again when she got a call from her wrist watch and picked it up to see her brother called her.

"Hey, bro."

"Hey, sis. Just wanted to let you know that we found the white Chaos Emerald from the destruction in Nanite City from Rotor. You don't want to know what was inside." Sonic said, shivering a little. "Other than that, we're going to meet Merlin at Freedom HQ. He has something he's been planning with the Chaos Emerald. Don't know what he means. You in for a mission?"

Y/N thought for a moment and nodded.

"Sure. On my way."

She turned off the wrist watch and puts on her roller skates. Kirby got out of the pillow and jumped onto her shoulder as they left the treehouse to the Freedom HQ.


Y/N and Kirby made it to see her brother, Tails, Knuckles, and Merlin. Knuckles was holding a round green gemstone.

"Uncle Merlin! Why do we need the Chaos Emerald? What favor is Sally repaying?" Tails asked.

"And what do you need me and the Guiding Star Gem for?" Knuckles asked.

"Patience, young ones. This old charlatan has one more trick up his sleeve." Merlin said. "Namely, I'm going to make Tails' parents reappear."

"Mom and dad are coming back?!" Tails asked in excitement.

"Wow! That's great!" Y/N smiled.

"All we need is something to open a path to the ring world of Argentum and something to power such an incredible journey."

"Hey, the Guiding Star Gem makes portals to distant lands, so... Oh, wait, I get it."

They all sat in a circle crisscross around the Chaos Emerald with a Guiding Star Gem on top as they put their hands on the emerald.

"Knuckles, guide the energies for us. Tails, reach out with your heart and find them. I will help keep us intact. Sonic, Y/N... hold on to something." Merlin instructed them.

"Yeah, yeah. Wish I knew where Fiona was. She might've enjoyed this."

Y/N said nothing about that and closed her eyes along with everyone else as they were being lifted off the ground and moved really fast. When they opened them, they never expect to see this place as it's in a middle of a war with spaceships blasting each other.

"Holy— This is not how I left this place!" Sonic exclaimed in shock.

"What happened here?" Knuckles asked, holding the emerald and gem protectively.

"...Oh, no... Mom!!! Dad!!!"

Tails run off to find his parents.

"Tails! Wait!"

Merlin runs after his niece.

"Guys! Wait! We need to stick together!" Y/N exclaimed.


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