~ Chapter 35: Blackout ~

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The Mobius soldiers are firing lasers at Jun Kun who's there to cause trouble to New Mobotropolis. Commander Amadeus Prower -- the military leader in charge of protecting Mobius from those who would misuse the city's ruins.

"Keep firing! The bows and arrows may have failed us, but with these, he's bound to fall!"

The lasers that are hitting Jun Kun have no affect on him as he stand there with a grin.

"A pitiful effort from pitiful being with pitiful weapons."

He broke down the stronghold they're in.

"Ha ha ha! I am the cliffs and you are the waves! You strike and break against me!"

He took down all of the soldiers and goes to the barrier that's protecting New Mobotropolis when Amadeus charged him with his sword raised.

"STOP, BLAST YOU! I will not fail Armand's memory--"

He tried to strike Jun Kun to the side, but it only ended up breaking his blade into pieces.


Jun Kun grabbed him by the back of his shirt.

"Gnat. Speck. None can stand against the Iron King."

"I don't think so!!"

The pink shield was thrown straight towards his face, causing him to drop Amadeus. The shield flew back to reveal Y/N.

"You! Came back for more?"

"I came for a rematch!"

Jun Kun smirked, cracking his neck.

"We'll see about that."

Sonic zoomed in and checked on Amadeus.

"You okay, Commander?"

"I'll be fine. Nicely done for your sister."

"That was, wasn't it? Tails is evacuating everyone from what's left of the fort. Me and sis will handle Iron Pants."

"I'll entrust the matter to you, then."

Amadeus got up and ran towards the vehicle where the soldiers are heading into. Sonic turned to see Y/N and Jun Kun facing each other once again with determination, not wanting to lose. He's going to let her do the fight and when there's trouble, he won't hesitate to come and help her. He heard a flight sound and turned to see the vehicle flew off to New Mobotropolis.

"Sweet! Everybody's safe!"

Jun Kun charges first with his tremor mace raised which Y/N immediately ducked from it and blocked it with her shield. He goes to attack her again when Y/N smacked him both in the cheeks with her shield, pushing him away. He groaned in pain, massaging his jaws.

"You'll pay for that, rodent!"

He slammed his tremor mace on her a couple of times, but she keeps dodging it. He then finally slammed her shield, breaking it as it disappeared.

"Now you're defenseless." he chuckled.

"I'm never defenseless without being prepared."

Y/N brought out her pink hand fan and threw it towards him. Jun Kun quickly blocked it, but it caused the fan to fly back to him and gave him a scratch almost up to where his eye is. He was caught off guard from that and it gives her the opportunity and kicked him in the chest, pushing him away again. They fought back and forth.

"You got this, sis! Knock some iron out of him!"

Jun Kun kept dodging the swings from the fan that kept coming back to him after Y/N caught it and threw it back to him. When the fan came back to her, she made it disappear. He was about to strike her when she grabbed his arm and punched the pressure of his muscle, making him hold his arm in pain. He realized too late as she took the tremor mace from him and she held it like it's nothing. She slammed him with it as he hit the ground. He got up and tried to charge her with his horns when she stopped him by tripping him. Jun Kun brought his balance back up, but ended up getting hit a couple times where the pressures are on his body as Y/N kept hitting him rapidly not allowing him to breathe or move as he grunted from each impact.

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