~ Chapter 4: The Good, The Bad, & The Unknown ~

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Y/N, Sonic, Tails, Bunnie, Tommy, Rotor, and Fiona took the Tornado and Twister to explore around the abandoned facility that was a source of some weird seismic activity. Y/N had to leave Kirby in her treehouse that no one else still haven't figured out where she had gone to keep him safe and that it was dangerous. She promised him a good sweet treat when she gets back much to his joy. While Sonic was exploring one part of the facility without letting Y/N catch up, Y/N, Rotor, and Fiona were trying to catch up to him as Tails, Tommy, and Bunnie explore another part of the facility. When they caught up to him, they saw Sonic looked real hurt.

"Sonic!!" Y/N exclaimed, rushing over to him.

"Oh, my! He looks pretty bad!" Fiona gasped.

"Rotor to Bunnie! I need the medi-kit!"

"Copy that! I'll retrieve it from Freedom One and be back in a flash!"

Rotor leaned Sonic against the wall.

"Easy, Sonic! Just relax! I guess we stumbled onto something bigger than we could have imagined!"

"Are you alright, bro? What happened?"

"I'm okay! Just exhausted!"

"You look more banged-up than beat tired." Fiona commented.

"That obvious, huh? I ran into Shadow!"

Y/N's eyes narrowed.


"While you were playing around with the computers, I decided to check out the joint while waiting for the others to hook up with us. So we ducked it out for who know how long! Bottom line, that sucker can throw a punch!"

"Shadow may look like a hedgehog, but I don't believe for a second he's related to you in any way!" Rotor said. "In fact, I'm not sure he's even a Mobian like us!"

"That's because he's an ultimate life form." Y/N said, walking off.

"Sis? Where are you going?"

She turned to him with a glare.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm going to have some serious talk with him!"

Without a second, she rocket skated off before they could say anything.

"Is she out of her mind?" Fiona asked in worry.

"Don't worry about her. She can actually handle him. I hope she doesn't get too overboard..."


Y/N skate through the hallway, searching where Shadow might be until she found him with a golden robot called Isaac.


He froze and turned to see her with a very angry expression.

"You and I are going to have a serious talk right here and now! I heard you beat up my brother!"

"WHO'S THAT? WHY DOES SHE LOOK SO ANGRY?" Isaac asked, pointing at her.

"That's Y/N... She's always angry when they did something bad..." Shadow slowly explained, feeling a little scared. "I don't have time to explain, Y/N."

"With what?!"

Before he could say anything, a stomp was heard and they turned. Y/N was in shock to see Metal Sonic that she thought she never get to see again.

"Metal Sonic?!"


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