Chapter One Hundred and Eighty: Guilt

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"So you want to tell me why ye kept quiet about Carlisle," Adams' voice betrayed his hurt as he eyed his friend in the empty kitchen while the others sat in the living room finishing their meals.
"Didn't intend to," Jay frowned as he finished pouring a glass of Sprite and turned to face his companion, "it was late when we got back from the Morgue the other night.  We had worked out on the drive back that Carlisle was the only one who could have passed the information to Wells.  Voight said he'd do some checking and would talk to the team once he had enough details to confirm our suspicions.  We were all kinda busy since."
"It's not nice being left out of the loop," Adam observed aggrievedly.
"That wasn't our intention."
"You haven't said how you got on at the Morgue."
"Told you we didn't learn anything new," Jay stated dismissively as he took s sip of the cold liquid.
"You knew you wouldn't."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You only want there because you feel guilty about James."
"Like hell!"
"Jay you have to stop punishing yourself for what Wells is doing," Adam stated firmly, "James is dead because of Wells, end of story."
"That's easy for you to say," Jay muttered as he went to pass his friend but found a strong hand on his arm, "what?"
"There's nothing easy about this at all. You know that more than any of us. All I'm saying is try to remember you're only responsible for your actions, not anyone elses."

Heading back into the living room they were greeted by raised voices.
"What's up?" Adam asked in surprise as he took his seat at the table.
"It seems Sergeant Voight doesn't agree with a suggestion Frank made," Parker broke the silence which had descended.
"What suggestion?"
"He thinks we should lay bait for Wells," Antonio explained reluctantly.
"I'm all for that," Jay stated eagerly, finally someone agreed with what he wanted to do!
"Hold on Jay," Al quickly cautioned before receiving a nod from tbe Sergeant to continue, "Frank didn't suggest you as bait ....,"
"Who the hell could be bait besides me?!" Jay demanded angrily as he glanced at the silent bomb expert.
"Frank suggested himself," Voight explained.
"Are you nuts?"
"Maybe," Burke replied calmly, "I figure if he knows there's someone on the case familiar with bombs he might switch his focus from you."
"Yeah well that's not going to happen," Jay growled as he glared around the room for emphasis, "and anyone who says it will had better be ready to deal with me!"

"And there it is," Burke held out his hand with a a smug grin and accepted notes from Kevin, Antonio and Mouse.
"What the hell is going on?" Adam looked at the others in confusion.
"I bet I could get Jay to threaten the team," Burke looked up from folding his money.
"Sarge you went along with this?" Jay sounded incredulous.
"I said I'd play my part but knew Frank would win."
"How come?"Adam eyed his Superior curiously.
"The only way to get Jay to threaten the Unit is by making him think he's protecting someone," Voight shrugged.
"Hell I need a whiskey!" Jay took a sip of Sprite despite his words.
"I might just buy you one out of my winnings," Burke declared happily before becoming serious, "all joking aside maybe we can use my knowledge to draw Wells out."
"You're investigating this because of your expertise in the field," Jay frowned in confusion.
"Maybe we could be more proactive."
"How?" Mouse queried as he pushed away his empty plate.
"Tell the media I'm involved .....,"
"That's not going to happen," Voight declared resolutely.
"Baiting him with a Bomb Disposal expert would only antagonise him," Al pointed out, "it might goad him into gping bigger."
"What do you mean?" Burke raised an eyebrow.
"He might want to create more mayhem.  So far his targets have been relatively small areas.  He also has a low body count.  Bigger targets will result in higher casualties, I don't need to tell you that."
"You have a point. Guess I didn't think it through."
"You're young, can't be helped," Al winked.
"Gee thanks!"

An hour later the table had been cleared and dishes washed.  The men had taken up residence on the comfortable leather couches and arm chairs in the front room. Jay sat in the armchair closest to the fire, grateful for the warmth the orange flames provided in contrast to the chill which seemed to have invaded his body ever since he had learnt of the killing of Thomas James. Deep down the young Detective knew his friends were right, he was not responsible, but his mind unhelpfully kept conjuring up 'what if' scenarios. He looked over at Burke, busy texting his wife, and wondered why he had made such a selfless offer.  Being bait came with the very real possibility of meeting a very real dead end yet he knew the suggestion had been made genuinely.   He rubbed a hand down his face wearily and checked his watch.  It was twenty after elevem.  Although he knew sleep would be elusive he said his goodnights and retreated to his room to do some thinking.

Once they were alone the others turned the talk to protecting their friend.  He looked like hell and they knew if Will or Conor saw him they would be insisting on him going home.  That option however was not available.  Wells needed to be stopped and unfortunately that meant Jay had to stay on the case.

"He's getting headaches again," Adam noted.
"Well at least he agreed to take painkillers the other night," Antonio reminded.
"Only because I told him that was the only way he was going to the Morgue," Voight admitted.
"Does he get them often?" Burke enquired.
"He's susceptible to migraines," Voight answered after contemplating how much to divulge, "he won't let his problems interfere with the job if that's what you're worried about. "
"Didn't think he would," Burke had seen first hand how close the Unit members were and the high level of respect they had for Jay was clear, "something tells me if he had a limb falling off it wouldn't stop him."
"Knew you were a good judge of character," the Sergeant nodded, "so how does your wife feel about you going AWOL?"
"Well I'd like to say she was pining for me but she's having a great time in Ireland.  That's why I was able to offer my services.  She's going to be away for at least a month."
"That's a long break," Kevin noted.
"Yeah but it's the first time she's gone home since we were married ten years ago. She loves New York but Ireland will always be her home."
"How about you?" Antonio checked.
"Well I'm second generation Irish-American. New York will always be my home."
"New York is nice," Adam agreed before continuing mischievously, "but it's not a patch on Chicago."
"In your unbiased opinion," Al stated ruefully.
"It's the truth."

Upstairs Jay stood looking out the window into the night skies.  The full moon shone on patches of the tree lined driveway.  He wondered if Wells was aware of their new residence.  It wasn't outside the bounds of possibility.  The fact that the deranged man had been able to approach Carlisle still made him feel uneasy. He obviously had contacts to aid his agenda. They were unable to ascertain how Wells learnt about the Janitors' circumstances.  The fact that he learnt Betty Carlisle was given a cancer diagnosis had shocked Jay and the others.  How could he have gained access to that information when even Murphy didn't know?  It raised a lot of questions and like everything else in the investigation they had no answers.
A thought struck him while he was pondering the seemingly impossible task they had.  Maybe they could get false information to Wells.  It might allow them to finally capture the man and he wouldn't have to feel guilty about more people dying.  Stifling a yawn he headed for the door.  He needed to talk to the others ...


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now