Chapter Seven: Pain

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Three hours later Jay lay partly on his left side, a pillow in front of him to cushion him. He had asked Will years ago why it was easier to lie on the injured side but his sibling said there was no medical explanation but most people did. Of course this time Jays' right shoulder was aching fiercely because although the joint had been put back into place it would take a while for everything in the area to calm down after the physical upheaval. Heck you'd think he'd be used to it by now he thought to himself. The fact that he had sustained similar injuries before did not prove to be of any benefit however and his body had no hesitation in showing its' displeasure at the harsh treatment it had gone through. He groaned as he tried to find a more comfortable position.

"Hey how are you doing Jay?" Will walked in quietly and turned on the bedside lamp before crouching down beside the head of the bed.
"What time is it?" the younger man frowned not answering the question.
"Time you got some rest," the Doctor stood up purposefully and brought up his left hand to show a syringe and a small bottle, "I'm going to give you something to ease the pain okay? You need to rest," as he spoke Will filled up the syringe.
"Don't want it," Jay went to move and let out a cry of pain as his broken rib bones grated against each other.
"What the hell happened?" Voight ran in with Al following, both men had weapons drawn and were scanning the room.
"It's okay," Will explained calmly, "Jay just moved the wrong way. I'm going to give him a shot so he can get some rest."
"No you're not," Jay insisted as sweat broke out on his forehead as he tried to deal with the agonising pain from his ribs.
"Yes I am," Will pulled back the covers quickly and then the black briefs inserting the needle after swiping the area with a sterile wipe before his brother could protest any further.
"Hey man!"
"You need a break from the pain," the redhead stated unrepentantly as he quickly covered his sibling up.
"Halstead you behave for your brother because believe me if I have to give you an injection it will really hurt," Hank stepped closer to the bed seeing the strain on the injured mans' face and lost his mirth, "you get some rest Kid. We'll need your help tomorrow," with that he walked out after Al and closed the bedroom door feeling the older siblings' glare on his back.

Will placed the empty syringe and bottle on the bedside table and then sat down carefully on the bed, making sure he didn't jostle the broken bones.
"Said I didn't want ..... a shot," Jay pouted.
"I know but you need a break from the pain. Broken ribs take a lot out of a person."
"You think I don't know that Will?" Jay asked without anger.
"No. I know you know a lot about broken ribs little brother," Will sighed as he ran a hand down his face, "and other injuries."
"Hey I'm going to pay you back," the prone man forced levity into his voice.
"For what?"
"You just let my boss and friend see my ass!"
"Heck not much to see," Will chided as he picked up the stethoscope he had brought in earlier and checked his brothers' breathing once he had the pad in place, "deep breath in."
"Do I have to?" Jay pleaded as he felt his eyes grow heavy.
"Damn," the Detective reluctantly complied despite the pain it caused.
"And again."
"You like ... giving .... orders," Jay sighed in relief as he slipped into the drug induced blackness where pain had no home.
"You're doing good Kiddo," Will ruffled the younger mans' hair fondly and rearranged the covers over him before heading out to tackle Voight.

"Doc before you say anything I want you to know I'll keep an eye on him. Heck the whole team will," Hank stood up from the couch as soon as Will walked out of the bedroom.
"You cannot be serious. Do I need to give you a full rundown of the injuries he has sustained again?" Will demanded crossly but kept his voice down.
"Doc you know Jay better than we do," Al cut in calmly from one of the armchairs as he folded the newspaper he had been reading, "you really think he's going to sit on the sidelines?"
"Well ...,"
"Look Doc if I thought it would work I'd order him to stay here but we all know he won't do that," Hank pointed out.
"I know," Will conceded unhappily.
"At least if he's with us we can keep an eye on him," Al said in consolation.
"Ye should know our father has a pathological hatred of Jay. The fact that he had someone helping him this time means he's escalating things."
"We know," Al nodded as he headed over to the window, "we reckon it's time Jay moved somewhere else."
"I have access to an apartment downtown," Hank explained "a friend of mine only uses it once or twice a year. He asked me to keep an eye on it and in return he lets me use it as I see fit."
"Won't downtown mean it will be harder to protect. Won't it be more open?" Will frowned as he walked over and sat down on the couch.
"Sometimes hiding in plain sight is a good thing," Al turned away from the window when he was satisfied there was nothing untoward happening on the street below.

"Guys how are ye going to track our father down without Jay finding out I told ye about him?"
"We've been thinking about that," Hank replied, "his army buddies are going to work with a Sketch Artist tomorrow and we'll show the team the results. One of them will make the connection and then Jay will have to admit who attacked him."
"You're sure?"
"So when does he have to move?"
"We're planning on tomorrow," Al shared a glance with his old friend before continuing, "we think you should move in with him also."
"But I told ye he never hurt me."
"Yeah but you said yourself he is escalating things and what better way to get at Jay? If you are threatened your father no doubt knows how it will affect Jay."
"Never thought of that."
"So you'll move downtown with him?" Hank checked.
"Yeah but I'll still go to work."
"Okay so tomorrow we'll talk to Jay before heading to the precinct."
"That's going to be fun," Will said sarcastically as he shook his head and got up to check on his brother again.
"We figure you should be part of the conversation Doc," Al put in drily, "figure there'll be safety in numbers."
"With Jay don't bet on it," Will went into the bedroom without looking back leaving the two men to wonder if he was being serious or not.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now