Chapter Fourteen: Distressing News

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It was an hour later that Will and his companions heard the bedroom door being unlocked.

"So remember what I said and any time you want to talk my door is always open," Charles spoke as he led the way out.
"I'm good Doc," Jay stated tiredly as he watched the Psychiatrist head for the door after saluting the other men and collecting his coat, "thanks."
"I'll be in touch in the next day or so with the profile," Charles directed to Hank as he opened the door before adding to the injured Detective, "after you see it."
"Excuse me!" Hank stood up but found himself talking to a shut door.
"You look like hell," Will couldn't stay quiet any longer.
"What the hell is he talking about Halstead? I'm in ...," Hank rounded on his Detective and for the first time got a proper look at him, "the mood for Italian.  Anyone want some?"
"Starving," Antonio tossed a wink at Jay as their Sergeant on a rare occasion decided not to argue about who got the profile first.
"Well I had Chinese earlier," Will took a leaf out of the older mans' book knowing now was not the time to chastise his sibling, "but I could eat again."
"Heck you keep going the way you are and you're going to be unrecognisable by the time we leave here," Jay chided.
"Nothing wrong with a healthy appetite," Will defended as Antonio went over to the kitchen area and found the menu they wanted.
"Think I'll stick to simple food," Jay went over and opened the refrigerator taking out milk and eggs.
"I'll do the omelette while we're waiting for the delivery," Will offered and took the eggs to place on the counter.
"Okay but don't burn it," Jay spoke as he poured himself a glass of milk then took the pill bottle out of his jeans.
"You can't wait for the omelette before you take them?" Will asked innocently.
"Just wanted ....," Jay sighed and began to put the bottle away.
"Hey Jay I didn't mean anything," Will walked over and caught his brothers' wrist stopping him, "take some now.  Milk is as good as food."
"I ...,"
"I shouldn't have said anything Kiddo," the redhead insisted glad the other men were engrossed in the menu, or pretending to be anyway, "you know me I'm always on duty."
"Okay," Jay opened the bottle and poured three of the painkillers into his hand then gulped them down with the milk, "think I'll have a cheese omelette," he decided imperiously as he headed over to the couch with his cool drink.
"Heck I've created a monster," Will groaned loudly as he retrieved a block of cheese from the fridge.
"You say something?" Jay looked around at his brother.
"Me?  No. I'm too busy cooking," Will grinned.

An hour and a half later meals had been demolished and the remnants binned as the men settled down to watch the first Die Hard film.  It seemed no matter who was on protection duty an action film always found its way on towards the end of the night.  Jay had been quieter than usual but his companions knew the day had been a hard one for him.  Antonio had tried to draw him out in between eating his lasagne but soon gave up as it became apparent his friends' mind was elsewhere.  None of them needed to guess what he was thinking about.  Today would have brought up many memories he had not thought about in a long time.  Knowing there was nothing they could do to help the other men spent the time complaining about the police procedure portrayed in the film.  There was still half an hour to go when Jay stood up and said goodnight.  Will had followed him into his room but returned a short while later saying he couldn't get him to talk.  The three men had little interest in the end of the film.

The following day Jay got up early and was already dressed when Antonio and Hank arrived in the kitchen looking for breakfast.

"You going somewhere Kid?" Hank asked mildly.
"Work," Jay frowned, "why?  Was I supposed to do something else?"
"Just thought after yesterday you might want to take it easy today," Antonio put in as he poured himself some cereal.
"Prefer to work," Jay poured himself a glass of water.
"I'm going to be tied up at Headquarters most of the day.  I'm trusting you to stay on desk duty," Hank spoke gruffly as he sipped his coffee.
"Sarge about that ..," Jay began only to see Antonio shaking his head furiously behind his superior.
"Ah ....," the pale man scrambled deciding to take his friends' warning, "be okay if I leave a bit early?  Day might be a bit long."
"No problem.  Any time you want to leave do just make sure someone is with you."
"Feel like a kid," Jay complained.
"You know your father wants you dead so don't make things easy for him," Hank spoke bluntly to get his point across.
"Besides once we have the profile from Charles we should be able to make some
progress," Antonio spoke optimistically as he rinsed his dish before putting it in the dishwasher.
"Hope so," Jay didn't sound convinced.

Once sitting at his desk Jay looked across at Antonio, the only other occupant of the office for the time being as Adam and Kevin were out chasing down a lead on another case and Al had accompanied Hank downtown, albeit reluctantly.

"So what was that about earlier back in the apartment?"
"Sarge would have flipped if you suggested you could do more than desk duty.  Take it from me he'd be happier if you stayed in the apartment altogether.  You can thank Al for that when everything is sorted."
"If it ever will be."
"It will besides your brother isn't the only one whose waistline is going to suffer," Antonio patted his stomach worriedly.
"Yeah sure," Jay shook his head then settled down to read the file they had compiled on his father to date hoping for the hundredth time something would stick out.

A short while later Jay got a call from Chicago Med about Will.  Seeing his friends' reaction to whatever he was being told Antonio put his fingers to his lips as Hank and Al came up the stairs followed closely by Adam and Kevin.  Replacing the receiver Jay stood up shakily.

"Jay what's going on?" Antonio had moved to stand beside the stricken man and placed a hand on his arm to still his movements.
"I gotta get ..... to ...,"
"Tell us," Hank directed.
"Will ..... Will's been hurt."
"On it," Adam walked away from the group taking out his mobile.
"Sit down a minute," Al ordered not liking the dazed expression on his young friends' face.
"No ...," Jay shook his head.
"Just for a minute," Antonio suggested guiding the shaky man down onto his chair.
"It's okay Jay," Adam walked back to the group hurriedly and handed over his phone, "it's Will."
"But ..," Jay made no move to take the phone.
"Here," Antonio took the device and spoke, "Will tell your brother you're okay.  He needs to hear your voice," Antonio nodded as he pressed the speaker button.
"Hey Jay!  I'm fine. Nothing happened," Wills' voice could be heard by them all, the concern evident, "say something Kiddo."
"Jay answer the man," Kevin urged.
"Dead," Jay passed out and Antonio dropped the phone barely catching the man in time before he met the hard floor.
"What the hell is going on?" Wills' voice demanded underneath the desk.
"We'll bring him in ourselves," Hank decided.
"Doc," Adam scrambled to recover the phone, "we're on the way."
"To the apartment," Hank spoke loudly to ensure they all heard.
"But ....," Al began as he helped Antonio and Kevin settle the unconscious man between them.
"We would be expected to bring him to Med.  Could be a trap," Antonio agreed.
"One problem," Al got everyones' attention.
"Someone might be watching the precinct.  They called him here."
"Damn," Antonio muttered.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now