Chapter Ninety-Four: Lockup Conference

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For Jay sitting in a holding cell had not been where he had expected to end his night when he left the house. He thought back over the past few hours. Once he had checked his weapon outside the quiet house he had gone around the back through a small side gate. His presence had not been observed and checking a slightly open window into what he assumed was the living room he considered his options.  He had not asked about the alarm as he would not have known how to disable it.  Finding the window open set the hairs on the back of his neck standing up.  The alarm appeared to be working so an open window should have had it blaring. From the moment he had been instructed by Brown to pull up outside the residence his gut had been warning him that he was in danger.  He hadn't been sure if the two mens' presence outside was practical or wise but from what he had learned of Brown he had known any questions would not have been appreciated. He had some leeway of course in that he was not supposed to be an expert Hitman and therefore his apparent hesitance in approaching the house could be put down to first time nerves.  Immediately upon seeing the open window he had checked the front, careful to remain out of sight from anyone on the street, and noted that the car was gone.  He knew then that he was on his own in more ways than one.  Upon deciding he had little choice but to do what he had been directed he made short work of accessing the house and was just approaching the living room door when the alarm came to life.  In the distance he could hear sirens getting closer and yet no one made an appearance in the house.  It became obvious that in fact the dwelling was devoid of inhabitants, except for himself he had thought wrily.  Figuring the set up was Browns' attempt to get rid of him Jay opted to let himself get caught.  Presumably if there was any suspicion that he was an Undercover Cop the arrest might throw his targets off the scent.  He had expected to find himself convincing Billings and his brother to play along with a ruse but instead found himself playing a beligerent home invader with two uniformed Police Officers.  As he was being led to the black and white cruiser the young Detective had seen Paul and Jimmy drive by but gave no indication that he had seen them as he continued throwing curses at his captors as he struggled in their firm hold.  Keys rattling announced the arrival of a sour looking Sergeant, bringing Jay back to the present.  Looking at the four men in the cell the grey haired, heavily built man finally rested his gaze on Jay where he sat on the floor in the far corner, a position of defence.

"You come with me," the firm order was accompanied by a thick finger pointing at the younger man.
"Guess you got lucky," a twenty something young man, who had introduced himself as Andy, who looked emaciated commented listlessly as he watched the Detective get to his feet.
"That'd be the day," Jay groused as he walked out of the cell, looking neither pleased or happy about his release, "where are we going?"
"You'll find out," the Sergeant replied as he quickly locked the cell and motioned for the released man to walk in front of him after locking handcuffs in place, "just keep your mouth shut and do what you're told.  When Flanagan brought you in he forgot some details."
"So? That's not my fault," Jay pointed out sullenly with a frown as his arm was tugged to make him stop walking as they approached a door in the corridor, far from the holding cells.
"He just needs some additional details to finish his Report," the Sergeant looked at the young man and placed a finger to his lips as his whole demeanour changed and he offered a wink before continuing in the same stern tone as he opened the door then unlocked the cuffs, "don't worry you'll be back with your buddies back there soon enough."

After ushering the Detective into the room the Sergeant had departed after confirming to the occupants that he would be back in thirty minutes to collect the prisoner.  For his part Jay was going through a range of emotions, the most pervasive of which was fear.  Fear that he was going to be pulled out.  Looking from his superior, to Adam, to Dr. O'Sullivan and a man he didn't know he decided the best option was attack.

"I'm staying in."
"Sit down Halstead," Hank instructed as he pointed to the one remaining chair around the table, beside the medical professional.
"I'm ......,"
"Wasn't an order."
"Man you look like hell," O'Sullivan pointed out as he got an up close look at his patient, it was no coincidence the seat beside him had been the only vacant one.
"What's going on?" Jay favoured the comment with a glare before looking at his Sergeant.
"This is Pete Moretti ......,"
"Heard a lot about you," Jay interrupted and automatically offered his hand across the table, stifling a groan as the movement pulled at his still healing ribs.
"So give us the short version of what went on tonight," Hank said getting down to business.
"I was told I was taking Petrocelli and Brown to a meeting.  When we pulled up outside the house I was told that Billings and his brother were inside and I was to kill them both. I refused initially."
"How did that go down?" Moretti checked.
"Brown wasn't happy.  I explained I had agreed to kill Billings but not his brother.  Petrocelli seemed okay with my reasoning but Brown was furious."
"How furious?" Adam spoke for the first time as he looked across at his friend, trying to hide his concern at the dark rings under his eyes.
"With Brown it's hard to know," Jay replied unhappily, "he seems to have only two settings, angry or suspicious.  Anyway long story short it was agreed I would leave the brother alive.  Petrocelli and Brown waited outside in the car after Brown gave me a handgun.  There was no silencer.  I had a feeling anyway that all was not as it seemed. Before I entered the house I saw they had left."
"Yet you entered anyway," Moretti noted.
"They expected me to get caught so I obliged them.  De Luca and Lombardi hung around long enough to see me arguing with the uniforms who arrested me."
"You figure Brown was behind the set up?" Hank asked looking at his subordinate with assessing eyes, seeing the pain and weariness he tried to hide.
"Definitely.  Petrocelli trusts me completely."
"You haven't been under very long so why do you say that?" Pete wondered thoughtfully.
"The son gave me a free pass where he's concerned," Jay stated with obvious discomfort, using a dead child, let alone a dead Soldier, did not sit well with the young man.

"Well he went along with Browns' setup," Adam cautioned as he glanced at the clock overhead, they had ten minutes before the Sergeant would be back, "so don't get complacent."
"Never!" Jay was affronted by the advice, which he clearly felt was unnecessary.
"The house is owned by Petrocelli," Hank cut off any argument that might ensue after a subtle glance at the silent Doctor, "he went along with everything to presumably prove Brown wrong.  Trouble between the two could either help or hinder us.  You want to get out?"
"No way Sarge! We've put too much into this.  Petrocelli needs to be closed down.  This might be our only chance."
"We'll leave things stand for now but if you can't plant any bugs in the house in the next few days we'll have to reconsider things.  We need recordings to nail him.  We're sending you back to holding and then hopefully Petrocelli will get you released.  If not you might need to go to jail.  That happens we'll send someone in to keep an eye on you," the Sergeant rose as did Moretti and Adam, "the Doctor here is going to check you out and before you argue it's either that or you leave with us now."
"Knew you'd see it my way," Hank said smugly and motioned for Moretti and Adam to leave the room as he became serious, "Jay Moretti has a leak.  Tom Franklin, Head of Narcotics.  He's Petes' Brother-in-Law.  You be extra careful."
"Schucks you're just afraid of telling Will I got hurt," Jay chided as he reluctantly allowed O'Sullivan to pull up his jumper and check his side and back.
"Damn right I am Kid," Hank chuckled with a salute as he left the two men alone.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now