Chapter Seventy-One: Good Deeds

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It turned out that the Producers, Tim Jacobson and Andrew Harris, were from different stations but had contacted each other on receipt of the tape.  The two men in their early forties had brought the tape that had been delivered to each station with them and presented same without prompting to Jay, each in a clear plastic bag.  That had offered Hank and Jay a reason to hope they would not air the footage.  Initially the men had requested to speak to the Detective alone but before Jay could say anything the Sergeant had insisted that he should be present and led the men into the break room where he closed the door for privacy.

"As I explained to Sgt. Platt when I phoned the tapes were delivered via post.  There was no note but as ye can see from the top label Detective Halstead is identified as the child in the footage and it's obviously him," Jacobson looked from the young man to the Sergeant and back again before continuing, "the problem is copies were undoubtedly sent to other media outlets also."
"How come ye contacted each other?" Hank checked with a frown knowing that in general there was no love lost between News Stations.
"Tim and myself go back a long way.  Used to work together years ago," Harris explained as he ran a hand through his grey streaked black hair, "we're not all bad you know."
"Did ....... ye watch it?" Jay finally spoke in a near whisper as he looked across at the pair.
"How many others saw it?"
"Including us seven altogether in both stations," Jacobson answered looking at the younger man apologetically, "neither tape was addressed to us.  The envelopes were just addressed to Production Office with the address of the station.  The Sergeant took the envelopes downstairs but we wanted to personally give you the tapes."
"So besides ye we need the names of everyone who viewed the tapes," Hank explained, "and a full list of personnel at each station."
"We had the names typed up of everyone who saw it," Harris took a folded A4 sheet out of his inside jacket pocket and handed it over to the Sergeant, "we'll get the full personnel lists to you by this afternoon."
"So why didn't ye use it?" Hank enquired as he accepted the list.
"It was decided that it would not serve any purpose," Jacobson said as he ran a hand down his face, "truth is some wanted to run it as a part of a story of child abuse as actual footage is way more powerful than any words and that level of abuse is rarely recorded by the perpetrator.  In the end however it was agreed this is a personal matter for Detective Halstead."
"Well we appreciate that," Hank stated in a rare show of gratitude.
"Least we could do," Harris offered, "especially in view of everything Detective Halstead has done for this city."
"What does that mean?" Jay sat up straighter in his chair, "what would ye know about my job?"
"Word gets around.  We know among other things you were tortured by a drug dealer yet didn't give up any information and thereby saved lives."
"How the hell did ye find out about that?" Hanks' voice rose as he glared at the two men.
"Information is our business," Jacobson explained, obviously not intimidated in the least by the renowned Sergeant.
"Ye have a problem though," Harris decided to get back to the real issue, "like Tim said copies were probably sent to the other stations. Three that we know of, like we told Sgt. Platt, have definitely received a copy.  We've contacted a number of people around the city and will do our best to stop the footage airing but we can't make any promises on behalf of other stations."
"Why would ye do that?" Jay picked up the tapes absently.
"What?" Jacobson asked.
"Why did ye put yerselves out? Ye don't even know me."
"True but after watching the recording we realised that you have gone through a lot and it's amazing you've grown up to become such a good man."
"You didn't learn what kind of man Jay is by watching any tape," Hank pointed out perceptively.
"No we didn't.  We did some research.  That's our business after all."
"Anyway if there's anything we can do let us know," Harris stood and gestured for his old colleague to do likewise as he offered his hand to Jay and eyed the sling, "looks like you've been in the wars again."
"It's nothing."
"I doubt that," Jacobson offered his hand with a smile, "I'm glad I got to meet you.  Just wish it was under different circumstances."
"Thanks," Jay offered sincerely as he walked out after the two men.
"No thanks necessary," Harris saluted as he led the way down the stairs.

"So?" Adam asked as he walked over to the two men at the break room door.
"Check these out," Hank handed over the list, "any more calls?"
"There's a News Director from WCTV News on the way in," Adam knew what his boss was asking, "we did some checking.  There are nineteen stations in Chicago.  Antonio and Kevin are contacting them.  So far they have confirmation of seven being received."
"Damn," Jay took a step back and his features paled as the enormity of the problem overwhelmed him, "they're.......... they're going to air it."
"Whoa Kid," Hank shot out a hand and gently guided the unsteady man back into the nearest chair in the break room.
"Jay we're going to do everything we can to make sure no one airs it," Adam crouched down in front of his friend, "I promise you man."
"Ye can't stop them all," Jay argued as he ducked his head taking deep breaths to overcome the dizziness which had overcome him, "everyone will see .......... me."
"Halstead you listen to me," Hank crouched down beside Adam, "we're going to do everything we can to stop the footage being shown but if it does get aired you have nothing at all to be embarrassed about.  You hear me Kid?"
"I can't ...... face it I ...... ," Jay looked at the two men reluctantly, exposing the anguish in his eyes for the first time.
"Jay you don't know the meaning of the word 'can't'," Hank reiterated what he had told his subordinate before, "and I promise you any friend of yours won't watch it if it does get shown.  Everyone has too much respect for you."
"I want to go back to the house," Jay didn't acknowledge the words instead he straightened up and got to his feet, the two concerned men following suit as the upset man picked up the two bagged tapes the Producers had brought handing one to Voight, "only you, Adam and Antonio.  I want your word."
"You got it.  Adam and Al are going with you."
"Al will be more use here."
"Okay," Hank pursed his lips as he scrutinised the younger man, "but I want your word you aren't going to take off."
"My word," Jay nodded as he coughed and held up the tape in his hand, "I'm taking this copy with me. Doubt if there are any useful fingerprints on it anyway."
"Tom will need it," Hank said referring to the Forensic Scientist that they knew Jay trusted, "but he can have it after you've looked at it."
"Thanks Sarge," Jay rubbed his forehead as he walked over and picked up his jacket before nodding to the others wordlessly and heading down the steps with Adam following slowly behind shrugging on his own jacket.

As soon as they were alone Hank looked around at the others.

"That footage gets aired over my dead body.  Anyone who doesn't agree to hand over the tape I want to talk to."
"So far five have agreed to give the tapes to us," Antonio looked up from his notebook, "Als' two say their legal departments are going to get back to them."
"I explained they would be interfering in an active investigation but they didn't seem too worried by that," Al said in disgust.
"Let me know as soon as ye have contacted everyone," Hank bristled heading for his office, "this is the last damn thing the Kid needs!"


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now