Chapter Nineteen: Nightmare Resumed

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In the apartment the group sat in silence as Lance paused and two things became clear to the non military men.  The first was that the four ex-Soldiers were remembering the events as if they only happened yesterday and the second was that the others knew instinctively what followed would be something they would never truly understand despite the nature of their sometimes disturbing work.  The former realization was enough for Adam to steal a glance at his friend and what he saw pained him.  Jay was still leaning forward, arms resting on his knees, but now his hands were held together so tightly that fingernails pressed against the flesh had drawn blood, not that he seemed aware of this.  For a moment he thought of asking for a break but then came to the slow conclusion that it would only prolong the agony.  Sharing a look with Al across the way he received a subtle nod of approval for not intervening.  Lance took up the story once more and began to recount how the patrol had descended into a bloody nightmare .......

On point Jay and Sam, a twenty-four year old fellow native of Chicago, began veering to the left of the first building as ordered.  Sam was on the inside and Jay slightly ahead on the outside.  They cleared the ruin and approached the second building as the men behind began to follow their path, that after all was the best way to survive if the person in front had not been hurt.  The warm air was suddenly ruffled by a strong breeze which moved in, causing the sand to dance around them.  It was then things started to go wrong.  Jay had just taken a step when he heard a familiar sickening sound behind him. Turning quickly he saw Sam frozen in place, one foot now standing on something revealed by the swirling sand.  Something deadly.  Putting up a hand to signal a stop he cautiously retraced the step he had taken and turned to look down at the partially exposed landmine.

"Okay could be worse," Jay spoke calmly to the man stuck in place even as he looked at the ground surrounding the endangered man.
"Damn," Sam cursed as perspiration dripped down his face.
"I'm going to take your pack off.  Don't try to help," as he spoke Jay leaned over first and took the offered M4 rifle then undid the straps carefully removing the pack before offering his canteen to the other mans' mouth, "drink."
"Thanks," the trapped man gulped down a good amount of the liquid and handed back the canteen.
"Stay still while I expose it," Jay got down on his knees as he spoke taking out his Swiss army penknife, "have you out of here in no time."
"Like the sound of that."
"So I'm going to get you out of this," Jay stated confidently as he stood up and poured some water into the cup of his hand and christened the other man with it,"you promise to stay here while I get some things?"
"I'll consider it," Sam spoke shakily, as if he had a choice.
"Won't be long," Jay assured as he retraced his steps to the edge of the first building where the Soldiers had retreated as he spoke to the endangered man.

"What are we looking at," Gonzalez asked Jay as he kept sweeping his gaze over the terrain and his men who had taken up posts to provide cover.
"Sir there are at least three landmines. Sam triggered the middle one. He doesn't know about the other two. If I use some rocks I might be able to get him out."
"Risky Lieutenant."
"Sir I believe it can be done," Jay spoke as he too searched the horizon for signs of danger.
"Okay but do not get yourself killed as well," Gonzalez turned to face his subordinate, "no point in two of you dying."
"Yes Sir," Jay saluted then walked away before signalling Jack, Mark, Lance and Will forward as he gestured to the wall beside him, "I need four medium sized rocks. There are some in this building."
"Yes Sir," the men went around the other side to gain entrance, Lance and Will providing cover as the other two retrieved the requested items.

Jay quickly took off his pack after laying down his Mk 11 as he looked back to Sam and he could see the right leg on the mine trembling.  Picking up his full canteen he put the strap over his head and nodded as the men brought the four rocks over.

"Okay. Put them in this," Jay quickly emptied his pack onto the ground and held it up to be filled.
"Sir we'd like to help," Lance spoke for the four men.

Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now