Chapter Eighty-Six: Making a Stand

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Jay looked across the desk at the Armani suited figure.  The well built grey haired man looked tough, a prerequisite in his line of work, as his cold grey eyes took in the trio before him.  Jay however noticed something lurking in those eyes now which had not been present the day before.  He couldn't identify it but the young mans' instincts were sending warning signals.  The tall, black haired second in charge once again stood ominously behind his boss.

"I have decided to send Johnny away," Petrocelli began, watching the Detectives' reaction carefully, "but I told him I would give you a job."
"Fair enough," Jay replied casually with feigned indifference, knowing he was under scrutiny from the four men.
"You don't seem upset that you won't be working with him," Brown advanced a step to stand beside his boss.
"We've never worked together before.  Didn't have any expectations."
"Well let's get down to business," Petrocelli said straightening up in his chair, "your skills will come in handy after all."
"They will?"
"I want you to take out someone for me."
"Who's the target?"
"You're willing to do it?" Brown asked.
"Yes. I need a job.  Any job."
"You have a problem going up against Soldiers?"
"None," Jay assured without hesitation, wondering just what he had become embroiled in.
"Meet Sergeant Andrew Billings," Petrocelli opened a file before him on the desk and passed over an A4 photograph of a brown haired forty something man in military uniform, "he is responsible for my Vincent dying."
"I don't understand," Jay handed back the item with a raised eyebrow, "I thought your son died in Iraq."
"He did," Petrocelli confirmed as his tone took on a harsh edge, "and this b*****d recruited him."
"You know where this guy is?"
"Yes.  I have someone watching him."
"This is definitely something you want to do?" Jay checked focusing solely on the main man, deciding to make a stand now to prove he wasn't a walk over.
"You said you had no problem going up against Soldiers," Brown cut in.
"I was talking to Mr. Petrocelli," Jay didn't remove his gaze from the seated man as he addressed the second in charge sternly.
"Yes," Petrocelli looked from Jay to Brown and then the two henchmen, "I wish to talk to Sullivan in private."
"But Sir .....," Brown immediately began to argue.
"I have spoken!" the suited man slapped an open palm down on the desk before him.
"Yes Sir," Brown capitulated but not before sending a glare in Jays' direction.
"Yes Sir," Jimmy nodded as Paul and himself headed after the departing man.
"So you think I should not do this," Petrocelli commented rather than asked once the two were alone in the warehouse.
"Not sure.  It's up to you," Jay shrugged.
"Yet you asked if I definitely wanted to do it."
"Guess it was a reflex reaction," Jay shuffled his feet, "after what you told me about your son I didn't think it was something he would agree with."
"Yes.  You are right of course.  Vincent understood honour and right and wrong.  What do you think I should do?"
"Me?" Jay had no problem acting surprised at the question.
"Yes.  Tell me.  I would like to know."
"I don't know Sir.  He was your son.  I have no idea what I would do in your shoes."
"I appreciate your honesty," Petrocelli put the A4 sheet back in the file and closed it, "I will consider the matter further."
"This mean I'm out of a job?"
"No.  I like you.  You remind me of Vincent.  I will have work for you to do.  With Johnny away there will be plenty for you."
"Sir," Jay nodded relieved that the plan to kill the Sergeant had been stayed, if only for the moment.

Across town the Unit had been called to the location of a body found in a dumpster in an alley.  The Medical Examiner stood by after giving his brief preliminary assessment to the Sergeant.  The male victim had been shot twice in the back of the head.  There were no signs of a struggle.  Hank, Adam, Kevin and Antonio approached the victim with steady steps but slowed as they got closer.

"Ah man!" Adam looked down at the remains of Johnny Jackson.
"He knew the risks," Hank stated.
"Boss do yourself a favour and don't say that to Jay."
"Looks like it was pretty clean," Antonio said after he crouched down to get a closer look at the body, "he doesn't seem to have been tortured which is something."
"Another thing not to say to Jay," Adam voiced his frustration and worry, "now what do we do?"
"We wait for Jay to get in touch," Hank turned away as he replied and started walking back towards his vehicle.
"But Sarge he might be in trouble," Antonio objected.
"You think he doesn't know that?" Al asked as he approached after talking to a couple of uniformed Officers and his old friend kept walking.
"Hell this is the worst case scenario we didn't want," Kevin observed as the quartet began walking towards the street.
"We'll deal with it.  Jay is depending on us."
"I know."
"Ye think Sarge will pull him out?" Antonio wondered.
"Not sure.  Knowing Halstead he'll want to stay under," Al pointed out.
"Well I'll be at the diner in the morning," Adam reminded his friends, "just hope Jay is."

Across town Jay was playing poker with Jimmy and Paul in the warehouse waiting for a shipment to arrive.  Jay had been informed of the delivery but not of its' contents. Deciding not to risk antagonising Brown further he had settled into the card game easily enough.  Shortly after their private discussion Petrocelli had taken his leave which meant Brown was in charge.  Jay had expected some sort of backlash from the big man, verbal or otherwise, over the way he had spoken to him earlier.  When none was forthcoming he guessed the discussion with raised voices he had heard between Petrocelli and Brown had related to him.  The pale man didn't make any effort to engage the second in charge but did not try to irritate him either.  Jay had noted the looks exchanged between Jimmy and Paul and it was clear the pair had been expecting some fireworks when the boss left. They did not voice their surprise however and this told Jay they were afraid of Brown. Not that he blamed them.  There was an air of malevolence about the man. Of course none of the men were 'good' in this business.   The tired man was still trying to work out what Petrocelli had planned for him in the long run.  Jay had hoped that the thought of killing the Sergeant had only been an opportune one when Petrocelli found out about his skills but upon learning the military man was under surveillance he realized the mob boss had plans in place before his arrival.  The fact that he had apparently allowed Jay to dissuade him from his plan for retribution was no consolation.   The Detective knew it was only a temporary reprieve and he was struggling to come up with a way deal with the issue once and for all. Glancing up from his cards he met Browns' gaze and kept it until the other looked away.  He had to walk a fine line between being strong and being suitable to work with.  Any misstep could prove catastrophic but this was nothing new. It was the nature of undercover work.  Putting down his winning hand he chuckled at the twin groans from Jimmy and Paul.  Getting along with them would make his task easier. Tomorrow morning he would offer to take them to a local diner to make up for his winning streak.  He needed to get the Unit to track down where his old friend was working.  That would give him the peace of mind to enable him to concentrate fully on the job.  He just hoped everything worked out for his friend.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now