Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Five: No Progress

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Silence descended on the room as the Agents gathered contemplated the statement, some with hope, others with shock.

"Detective what you are auggesting is drawing Wells into a game of cat and mouse," Jefferson finally shattered the silence.
"That could be very risky," Murphy observed, "it might make him become more dangerous."
"It could," Parker agreed thoughtfully, "but really in essence he is already toying with Detective Halstead."
"Ye don't have proof that Wells was responsible for the earlier bombings other than similar components were used and the similar low casualties," Al pointed out evenly, "was there any contact between Wells and any of the Agents investigating those cases?"
"No," Murphy supplied, "and you're right. The connection is tenuous to say the least but it's all we have at the moment."
"Which is why we need to do something," Jay stated firmly, ignoring the glares sent his way from his friends.
"Detective you seem eager to walk into the lions' den," Agent Mary Novelli glanced at her older FBI partner and received a nod of agreement.
"Was there a question in there?" Antonio eyed the brown haired young woman.
"I'm just curious as to why Detective Halstead would put himself in danger."
"How about because it's part of his job," Adam put in, "and because .....,"
"We're not rehashing things again," Voight interrupted with a stern look at Adam before turning his attention to Novelli, "if you want to waste time doubting Halstead I can't stop you but I suggest you concentrate on Wells."
"Agent Novelli was there a reason behind your statement?" Murphy joined in after motioning to Voight that he would handle the issue.
"I was merely wondering if Detective Halsteads' suggestion is in line with his previous work ..... as in does he make a habit of putting himself in danger for others."
"Oh well," Adam looked chagrined, "he does have a tendancy to do that .....,"
"Hey I ...," Jay began only to be cut off.
"And I have the grey hairs to prove it," Voight conmented as he eyed the female Agent, "so what's your point?"
"If Wells has been studying Halstead maybe he's expecting him to reach out."
"So by not reaching out it will upset his agenda?" Kevin asked with a frown.
"It might also enrage him," Antonio spoke shaking his head before focusing on the Psychologist, "so Doc which is the best option?"
"Both options are valid. It really comes down to how well he knows Detective Halstead."
"So we're back to square one," Jefferson scratched his forehead, "Wells is ten steps ahead of us."
"He'll slip up," Murphy stated confidently as he motioned for the lights to be switched back on to end the Briefing.

As the room emptied Agent Novelli walked over to where Murphy and Voight stood talking with Parker and the Unit.

"So you still on for dinner?"
"You better believe it," Murphy turned with a smile, "been looking forward to it for weeks."
"Hey it hasn't been that long!" Novelli insisted punching his arm.
"Gentlemen," Murphy had been aware of the surprised expressions on the men from Chicago, "allow me to introduce Mary Novelli, my daughter."
"Daughter?" Adam eyed the brunette.
"Yeah," Murphy grinned, "she married an Italian of all people."
"Dad! You love Marco."
"True, otherwise he would be a dead man."
"Forgive my father he gets protective at times," Mary teased before looking over at Jay, "I'm sorry if you thought I was doubting you earlier. That was not my intent."
"It's fine."
"So would ye like to come for dinner?" the young woman looked at the out of towners, "there is always more than enough food for visitors."
"That sounds really ....," Adam began to accept the invitation eagerly, it had been a long time since he'd had a home cooked meal.
"Unfortunately we can't at the moment,' Voight put in, "perhaps when the case is over."
"Sure," the FBI Agent grinned unoffended, "like I said there's always plenty of food at my place. Better go and do some work."
"How does she find time to cook with her day job?" Antonio wondered as they watched her leave.
"She never said she cooked," Murphy smiled fondly.
"But ..,"
"Marco owns two restaurants so he's always bringing stuff home," the HS man explained before becoming serious, "we need to catch Wells before he kills someone else"
"We need to get ahead of this guy," Al uttered solemnly.
"Well standing around here isn't achieving anything," Voight spoke purposefully, "we're heading back to the crime scenes. I want to check if we've missed anything."
"All of them? Murphys' surprise was obvious.
"All of them," the Sergeant turned on his heel and led his men out.


After fruitless visits to the last two sites the team arrived in Central Park with a sense of despair. The crime scene was still cordoned off but now only attracted a few morbid onlookers. The debris from the bomb had mostly been removed in an attempt to return the area to some normalcy but crimson leaves betrayed the objective.

"This area is surrounded by trees," Antonio looked around, "he was keeping the blast area small."
"To ensure only a small number were hurt," Al continued the reasoning as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully then continued, "but if the troupe was the real target there would have been in excess of thirty people here."
"But the troupe and entourage only made up thirty," Adam frowned.
"Bound to have been some members of the public who would take an interest," Voight elaborated, "even if there was no publicity cameras rolling would have drawn attention."
"We need to find a link between Vegas and the Sierra Dance Troupe," Jay noted as he surveyed the landscape seeking anything at all that would help their investigation, "the fact both played at the arena seems tenuous. Maybe there's something else."
"Like?" Adam asked eyeing his friend, not liking the haunted look in his eyes.
"I don't know, just think there's something else. If we could work out why he chose those two then we could try to predict who he's going to target next."
"Hate to repeat this," Antonio sighed heavily, "but we can't rule out the troupe might not have been a target. Yes it seems a big coincidence that they were due to perform here when the bomb went off but if we look at this from another angle maybe Wells actually killed who he wanted to here "
"Because of the small numbers?" Adam contemplated the theory they had previously ignored
"Fits with the other attacks," Antonio shrugged, he wasn't keen on the scenario either but it was a possibility they had to consider.
"If that's the case we could say all three attacks are different," Jay reluctantly voiced everyones' thoughts, "which doesn't give us any answers "
"Well hopefully Murphy will have some new information in the morning," Voight checked his watch as the dull sky overhead began to signal nightime was approaching, "for now let's head back to the house and regroup."

Back at their temporary residence the men had just consumed a tray full of sandwiches and coffee and sat in the living room discussing plans for the following day.

"I want to know everything there is about the last four victims," Voight instructed Mouse, "find out if there is any link to music or Nevada."
"Isn't Murphy already checking that?"
"Sure but you might come up with something new," the Sergeant noted.
"So what do you want us to do Sarge?" Adam checked eagerly, he was anxious to start making some headway in the case.
"You and Jay are going to talk to Frank Burke. He's an expert in bombs. I've told him ye'll be dropping by in the morning."
"Burke ....," Al eyed his old friend with a frown, "heard he was dead."
"Frank Senior died five years ago," Voight nodded, "his son is as good as he was."
"What exactly does he do?" Kevin frowned.
"Bomb disposal. Spent two years in Afghanistan."
"Hell that's one job I'd skip," Kevin shuddered.
"Ditto," Antonio chimed in.
"Who is he working for now?" Adam looked at his Superior.
"Teaches others now at West Point."
"They teach bomb disposal at West Point? Kevin asked in surprise.
"Not sure about that but he teaches strategic remedies to achieve damage control."
"Well ....," Jay began only to be interrupted by the landline ringing on  the table beside him, "hello?"
"Who is it? Voight asked impatiently.
"Murphy has Wells on the line," Jay explained bemused as he covered the mouthpiece, "he's insisting he needs to talk to me."
"What the hell does he want?" Adam demanded angrily before receiving a warning look from the Sergeant.
"Let's find out," Jay told Murphy to put the caller through knowing the conversation would be recorded.


Authors' Note

I've been having problems editing story on Wattpad.  For some reason the edit page was empty the last few times I went in to publish this chapter.  Luckily it's back this morning!

Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now