Chapter One Hundred and Four: Unexpected Find

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By the time Hank and the others got back to the offices of the Task Force Mouse was after gaining access to Petrocellis' Medical Records.  His delivery of the information he gleaned however was met with absolute silence rather than gratitude for his lightning hacking skills.  He looked around at everyone gathered with a frown.

"That's good isn't it? The guy is dying.  He's not going to be causing havoc anymore."
"It makes him a loose cannon," Hank eventually uttered sharing a look with Moretti across the room, "it's less likely to predict what he will do."
"And the organisation doesn't just stop because Petrocelli dies, whenever that is," Antonio pointed out as he sank down at his temporary desk.
"So what about Jays' idea?" Adam wondered drawing quizzical looks from most of the room.
"Jay thinks Petrocelli might be considering him as his successor," Hank elaborated.
"There's nothing in the tapes suggesting that," Summers argued.
"No," Hank agreed readily, "but we don't have ears everywhere and I trust my mans' instincts."
"If Halstead's right Brown is going to make a move on him."
"We know which is why we've asked Chicago to check Browns' activities.  Jay is concerned that the guy hasn't left the house since the meeting after he got home.  Think he figures he might have been dealt with," Antonio put in around a sigh.
"But if that's right then there's someone else in the background that we know nothing about," Phillips pointed out unhappily from behind his monitor.
"Well for now we wait until Chicago gets back to us and confirms Browns' status," Hank motioned for Moretti to follow him into his office, "in the meantime keep working on what we do know."
"Hell your guy must be in big trouble," Phillips looked at Mouse beside him, "he either has Brown after him or an unknown subject."
"What makes you think the unsub would be after Jay?" Mouse paused at his keyboard.
"Well if the unsub takes out Brown he must be doing so with Petrocellis' backing so he's well in with him."
"So this guy might see himself as a successor."
"And want Jay out of the way," Mouse nodded in understanding, wishing the case was getting more easier instead of more complicated.

At Petrocellis' residence Jay was wishing that the kitchen had been bugged as he looked across at the gun pointing in his direction ever so casually.  A glance at the older mans' eyes surprised him for instead of cold anger he saw sadness.

"Look Mr. Petrocelli I don't know .......,"
"No you don't," the big man sighed heavily and lowered the weapon to the table exchanging it for the glass of whiskey, "my son was an honourable man.  You remind me of him but not only in looks."
"I'm sorry," the Detective offered with genuine contrition.
"I believe you when you say that.  You are a good man doing an honourable job."
"I'm not sure .......,"
"I knew about you shortly after Johnny brought you to me," Petrocelli tossed back the remaining amber liquid, "sometimes fate steps in and gives you choices you never had before.  Normally an Undercover Cop would be dead by now after getting into my organization yet here you are."
"Mr. Petrocelli .......,"
"At least your first name is right .......... Halstead."
"I don't ......," 
"It's too late for lies.  Just as it's too late for you," the big man glanced over the tired mans' shoulder and nodded imperceptibly, within a few moments he was looking at the unconscious Undercover Cop lying on the ground where Jimmy and Paul had placed him.

For Jay waking up two hours later was accompanied by flashing blue and red lights and people shouting at him.   That didn't make sense he frowned as he forced his eyelids to stay up despite the glare from the lights.   He went to turn on his side and realised he was on a cold, harsh surface.   Not his bed.   His bed? No that wasn't right.  A face crouching down before him finally caught his attention.

"Detective Halstead can you hear me?" Sergeant Sam Booker had seen much in his twenty-eight years on the beat but finding the unconscious  Detective in the alley  shocked him, especially upon reading the note on top of the box of files beside him.
"Who .... are you?" Jay asked willing his brain cells to kick in, he felt awful.
"My name's Sam,"  the grey haired man grinned before looking back at his Rookie  partner who was approaching with two Paramedics, "now you just relax and let these guys help you."
"Stop!" Jay finally managed to sit up as he put a hand to his waist automatically searching for his gun.
"Hey now it's okay," Booker  assured the skittish man calmly as he stepped aside, "I know Mike and John.   You can trust them."
"So Sir can you look at me?" the aforementioned  John crouched down in front of the dazed man and caught his chin gently as he shone a penlight in the squinting eyes.
"Leave me be!"
"Detective please take it easy," the second Paramedic assessed the young man worriedly,  the pinpoint pupils a sure sign of drugs in his system.
"He was dropped within the past hour," Booker explained softly, "looks like he was  undercover and was found out."
"What makes you think that?"
"There was a note stating Det. Halstead was being returned as a goodwill gesture."
"Well let's get him to hospital," John looked up at the two men before saying sadly, "don't think he's going to go easily."

Booker looked over at the young Detective and made a decision there and then to stick with him.

In the Task Force offices Voight was in foul humour.   He had just been informed that Brown was in fact dead in Chicago.  He was still dealing with that when they received word that Petrocelli was on the move but there was no sign of Jay.   This was not a good sign for the young man  Making a quick decision he ordered the surveillance team to leave Petrocelli go and check the house for the Undercover Cop.   It was early in the morning for the mob boss to be taking off but the Sergeant didn't want to lose his Detective.   He just hoped he could track Petrocelli later via the bug on his vehicle.    Moretti had not been too happy when the men were ordered into the residence to complete a search but wisely didn't voice his disapproval.  The negative search concerned everyone and Voight was in the process of picking up his jacket to head to the location when his cell rang.   Ten minutes later he led the Unit and Moretti into the Emergency Room of LA Memorial.  He saw the Sergeant he spoke to  gesturing to them to  come over to where he stood outside a closed cubicle.

"What the hell happened my man?" Voight demanded as he walked over, the others trailing behind.
"He's pretty out of it," Booker replied ignoring the anger, "they gave him something."
"Damn," Adam cursed then looked at the Officers' forming black eye, "what happened to you?"
"The Paramedics were afraid to sedate him  in case there was a reaction with whatever drug he was given."
"He put up a fight," Antonio stated unnecessarily as they looked in at their  unconscious friend and colleague.
"He sure did."
"Where are the files you found with him?" Moretti enquired.
"My partner has them has in the patrol car."
"Mouse you go back with Al.  Go over everything.  No one else touches them."
"Now hang on a minute  .....," Moretti began.
"Someone gave Jay up.  There's no way the Kid messed up and believe me  whoever sold him out is going to pay!"

Booker wasn't the only one who shivered at the promise uttered in cold fury.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now