Chapter Thirty-Seven: Unintentional Betrayal

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Although Jay now had the full backing of the Unit and the others it soon became clear to him that they were still not ready to actually let him put a plan into action. His frustration grew as the men stood around the kitchen after the dirty dishes and cutlery had been dispatched to the dishwasher and any suggestion he made was rejected. The final straw came as Will, despite his earlier assurance, argued that Jay meeting their father on his own was not an option.  With the exception of Will the men scattered around the kitchen could all feel the tension rising in their young friend.  It was like an invisible fog was engulfing him yet outwardly he looked calm.  They all sensed however that the calm was about to be shattered and each tried to think of some way to avoid the upcoming confrontation.  As they listened however they were surprised.

"It's not an option Jay.  It's too dangerous," Will repeated, using a softer voice this time yet still just as determined.
"You think he might hurt me?" Jay sounded mildly surprised as Adam casually stepped closer to his friend prepared to tackle him before he went for his brother.
"Of course that's what he wants to do," Will was too wrapped up in his eagerness to get his wishes obeyed that he wasn't really paying full attention to his sibling like the others were.
"Guess you may have a point," Jay nodded in concurrence, steadfastly ignoring a frown from Adam who now stood beside him.
"So you agree I'm right?" Will smiled in relief.
"Yeah," Jay nodded as he looked from his smug older brother to the others, "feel like some fresh air."
"Want some company?" Adam walked with his friend to the door as the pale man picked his jacket up from the window seat where he had left it last.
"Nah, I'm good," Jay headed out without looking back.
"He's headed for the water," Kevin noted checking the monitor.
"Good," Adam spun around angrily and stalked back over to the red haired Doctor, "just what the hell was that Halstead?!"
"Hey Adam ....," Antonio tried to intervene but was quickly cut off.
"What do you mean?"
"We told him we were going to back him and so did you!"
"I know.  I am backing him."
"The conversation you had with Jay in the dining room this morning - you said you would support him didn't you?"
"Yeah," Will looked from Adam to Antonio then back.
"You lied to him you son of a bit*h!" Adams' hands curled up into fists as he tried to control the rage coursing through him.
"No! Ye heard him. He agreed meeting the old man wasn't an option."
"Ruzek stand down," Hank walked over to the two glaring men.
"Damn it to hell!" Adam stalked over to stand beside Antonio at the kitchen counter.
"I'll give you the frying pan if you want," Antonio offered.
"Wouldn't get through his thick skull!"
"He didn't agree," Conor spoke quietly into the tense silence as he looked over at his colleague.
"He did ....," Will wondered why everyone seemed unhappy.
"No he didn't," Hank joined in as he stepped closer, "what he agreed was that his old man would likely hurt him.  Doc he never agreed meeting him was not an option."
"He's your younger brother," Al put in, "but he's also our family.  When we give him our word we mean it."
"He'd do anything for you.  In fact he has since he was a young boy," Hanks' voice took on a hard edge for the first time, "so it's time you back him on his terms.  Not yours."
"Sarge is right," Adam put in, "he needs us all."
"Hell I've done it again haven't I?"
"Yes," Conor shook his head ruefully, "you zero in on an issue and become totally blind to the full picture."
"I'm just .... if our old man ....... gets to him he'll kill him but ...... he'll make him suffer first."
"Know you're worried but we all are," Hank explained looking around at Mouse, "that tracker working?"
"Yep," the IT Specialist looked up from his laptop.
"Tracker?" Conor asked in confusion.
"We figured we'd put a tracker on the Kids' jackets just in case he decides to go AWOL," Hank replied as he looked over at his subordinate again, "where is he?"
"Just past the treeline."
"Can't see him," Kevin frowned walking closer to the monitor as if it would magically give him a closer view.
"He's probably sitting on the big rock on the left hand side as you go through the gap," Adam explained, "seems to be his favourite spot for thinking.  Branches are probably blocking the view because it's right up against the treeline."
"Well keep an eye on him."
"Yes Sarge," Mouse, Adam and Kevin answered in unison.

Once through the gap Jay spent a few minutes on the jetty, as per his usual routine, then slowly walked up towards his familiar rock.  Once sheltered by the trees he sat on the big rock for a couple of minutes gazing at the water, just listening to the sounds around him.

The dark afternoon clouds threatened to shed more rain shortly and it was then he decided to make his move.  Unknownst to his friends he had accounted for every single surveillance camera on the property, inside and out.  He knew this particular spot and along to the left of it up to the neighbouring borderline wall was not covered by any prying eyes.  The last few times he came down to the lake he had been wearing an extra top.  He had stashed the clothes in a large plastic bag under fallen branches.  Taking off his jacket and laying it across the rock he then took the notes from his wallet and added that. Taking out his phone he texted a short message to Adam and left it as a draft.  Leaving the Message Folder open he placed the cell on top of his jacket upon which he laid the tracker.  Taking off his boots he left them behind also.  He knew Mouse had ingenious ways of hiding trackers so although in the dull afternoon light the boots didn't appear to have been tampered with he decided not to risk it.  He hastily unburied the cold bag. Giving one final glance to his surroundings and satisfied he was not about to be joined by anyone he quickly made his way along the treeline to the border.  Upon reaching the wall he gingerly climbed over.  Landing with a grunt on the other side he checked for any activity in the house above but there was no movement.  Opting to exercise caution in any event he crawled his way down to the cool water.  At the edge he opened the bag and made short work of wrapping his service weapon, a spare gun, his Swiss army knife and the notes in the bundle of clothes after adding his jeans to the ensemble.  Double checking the knot he ignored the bite of the cold, cursing as the first drops hit him from above.  Holding tightly to the plastic he moved into the freezing water forcing himself to focus on the task in hand rather than the daggers assaulting his body.  The bag would not keep the garments completely dry but it was the best he could manage.  He had thought about smuggling out his small knapsack which was waterproof but decided not to risk it just in case the others were checking his wardrobe randomly.  He knew the three tops missing would not be noticed as he had hidden them under the mattress the first time he used the bedroom.  Before anyone could take stock of what he had.

As the rain began to descend Adam glanced at the monitor for any sign of their friends' return.

"I'll go check on him," Will offered.
"No Doc," Adam looked away from the screen then grabbed his jacket, "I won't be long."

Once through the gap Adam turned expecting to find his friend sitting on the rock with the branches overhead shielding him from the brunt of the rain.  His stomach flipped at the sight that greeted him.  Hurrying over he glanced at the bundle and the boots. Pressing the cell to activate it he unlocked the screen as he knew the password.  The Message Folder appeared and he saw the draft message left for him, his curse carried away by the breeze.  A chill ran through him as he looked around knowing Jay was already out on his own somewhere.  Gathering the stuff he made short work of getting back to the house.  After all he had a message to deliver.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now