Chapter Fifty-Four: A Christmas Family

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Jay once again found himself downstairs in the early hours of the following morning after being wrestled from his bed by another nightmare.  Sitting at the kitchen counter with only the cabinet lights on he nursed a glass of milk after swallowing two painkillers. A noise in the hallway made him look up at the dark hallway as he heart soft footsteps.

"Don't tell me you couldn't wait to check under the tree until the morning?" Antonio chided as he walked in carrying an empty black bag.
"It is morning," the younger man threw back.
"Guess it is.  You couldn't sleep either?"
"How are you doing?"
"Fine," Jay finished the last of his drink and brought the glass over to rinse under the tap before turning around to look at his friend, "listen I just wanted to say I'm sorry about ruining your Christmas."
"Two things Kid," Antonio looked over at his friend as he folded the plastic bag, "one you haven't ruined Christmas for me or for anyone else.  Two is Christmas can't be ruined if you spend it with family. And we are."
"Right," Jay didn't sound convinced.
"You telling me after everything we've been through you don't think we're family?" Antonio feigned mock hurt as he walked over to lean against the counter beside the ill man.
"No .... I mean yeah .... I didn't mean ...,"
"I know Kid.  I know.  So why haven't you asked me what I'm doing up so late?"
"Figured it's your business."
"True but I'll tell you anyway."
"Figured the tree was looking a little bare."
"There were more than enough decorations," Jay argued referring to one of the additional purchases the appointed shoppers had brought back to the house.
"Well I'm not arguing with you there," Antonio conceded recalling the mess that ensued when Adam, Ethan and the three visiting ex-Rangers were elected, literally via short straw, to put up and decorate the item in question, "but I meant under the tree was bare."
"You ... you didn't get gifts did you?" Jay felt his stomach muscles clench.
"Sure I did," Antonio grinned proudly not really paying attention to his companions' reaction, "have to wake up to something nice on Christmas morning."
"Ye ..... ye said ....... ye agreed .... no presents?" the pale man shook his head.
"Hey Jay man," the older Detective placed a gentle hand on one shoulder as he took in the strained features, "it's nothing big.  Just some things for fun.  I promise."
"But .... I don't .....,"
"You don't have anything for anyone and that's fine.  I just picked some things up to drive Voight nuts tomorrow okay?" Antonio tried to lighten the atmosphere.
"Did ...... anyone else ... get stuff?"
"Honestly Jay I don't know.  No one said anything to me but I can't guarantee it."
"Think I'll head up," Jay stepped out from the grip on his shoulder, "see you in the morning."
"Hey you just got done telling me it's already morning," Antonio forced levity into his voice as he watched his friend walk out and sighed.

Five minutes later Antonio walked into the sitting room and closed the door softly. Looking into the shadows he spoke quietly.

"We have a problem."
"So we heard," Will emerged from behind the sofa with Conor at his side for they had been heading for the kitchen when they heard the Detective talking, "that was close."
"Ye hear everything?"
"Yeah," Conor sighed as he turned on a small lamp as he gestured to the small bundle of assorted parcels under the tree, "so what do we do?"
"Well they are only gag gifts," Will reminded.
"Yeah.  Might be useful for him to have some distractions tomorrow."
"So we leave them?" Antonio checked.
"Yeah," Will nodded decisively.
"Will I got to ask," Antonio hesitated looking between the two medical professionals, "was it Christmas day he got beaten the last time?"
"No. The old man couldn't have got away with that.  Usually it seemed to be the lead up to the Holidays rather than the actual day.  Well ...... at least that I know of," the redhead frowned as he thought back, "mind you his 16th Christmas he .....,"
"He had a broken arm.  He came home from school on the day we finished up and said he fell.  I only thought of that now - he must have lied.  What the hell is wrong with me?!"
"Keep your voice down," Conor quickly cautioned, "there's no point in beating yourself up over the past. We've gone over this.  Jay didn't tell you about most of his injuries and you were a kid like him.  You're here for him now and that's what counts."
"Everything is so messed up," Will confessed, "the only consolation is Mom never knew.  It would have killed her."
"There's that," Antonio agreed as he checked his watch, "come on let's get some shuteye. Morning won't be long coming."
"It's morning already," Conor winked.
"Shut up."

Christmas Day came with a white snowfall providing a picturesque outdoor backdrop as the men enjoyed the well cooked meal glad to note that Hank was in fact a good cook.  The garishly wrapped gifts had been opened with much laughter as most of the gifts were revealed to be childs' toys.  Jay had been quieter than usual and refrained from joining in the banter between the men as they promised retribution upon opening their parcels.  Hank had looked at his gift with a serious expression but eventually he cracked a smile as he tried on his plastic Old West Sheriffs' badge.  Will and Conor had simply chuckled at the toy medical kits they received.  The rest of the day went by quickly, the men watching movies late into the early morning munching their way through some of the leftovers.  It was ten after two when Jay announced he was going to turn in.  Just as he reached the door his mobile rang.  The others exchanged glances.  They hadn't known he had retrieved his phone since his return.  It had been locked away until such time as he asked for it.  The request had never come however.  Hank shook his head minutely to signal to the others that he didn't want questions.  Jay looked at the unknown number and didn't need to answer it to know who was ringing.  He looked at his brother first and then the others ending with Mouse.

"Be back in a minute," the pale man opened the door and gave one instruction before he walked out, "Mouse don't trace the call."

"What the hell?!" Hank rose angrily.
"He'll tell us what's going on," Adam stated confidently.
"He better," Al spoke succinctly.
"Mouse trace the call," Hank directed as he headed for the door.
"Excuse me!"
"He told me not to."
"And I told you to .......,"
"He's testing us," Al pointed out thoughtfully.
"We promised he could call the shots," Kevin admitted.
"How did he get his cell?" Hank walked away from the door.
"Guess we know why he didn't ask for it," Antonio quipped trying to lighten the atmosphere.
"Answer the question," the Sergeants' gaze finally rested on Adam.
"Hey don't look at me! I didn't know he had it."
"He got it himself," Lance spoke quietly but firmly as all eyes rested on him.
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"His business."
"In case you haven't worked it out this is our business!" Hank roared advancing on the seated man.
"It is and it isn't," Lance stood as did Jack and Mark on either side of him, "he gets to deal with this his way and you're going to let him."
"Excuse me?"
"You're excused," Jack put in without mirth.
"If he doesn't deal with it his way he'll regret it the rest of his life," Lance glared at the older man, "when he comes back in we listen to what he has to say and go along with it because none of us are blind.  This is eating him up from the inside out."
"He's right."
"You agree?" Lance looked at Will in surprise not expecting him to be on board despite his promise that he was going to go along with his siblings' wishes.
"Yes.  It's killing me and I didn't go through anything."
"You did," Conor argued.
"Nothing compared to Jay."
"So we all good now before the Kid comes in and finds a shootout taking place?" Al checked sardonically.
"Well?" Lance asked mildly.
"Yeah," Hank sank down on an armchair in defeat, a rare occurrence.

Out in the hallway Jay ended the call with a grimace as he rubbed his head.  Leaning against the wall he eyed the front door and knew what he had to do.  Even if he didn't have the energy to do it.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now