Chapter Thirty-One: The Siblings Talk

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Jay woke in strange surroundings and took a few seconds to remember his new residence.   Sitting up slowly in deference to his aching head he had a quick shower, relishing the hot droplets cascading down as he tried to ease away some of the pain which seemed to have taken up permanent residence in his body.  He got dressed in faded blue jeans and black jumper in the dark before pulling the velvet orange curtains open glad to note it was still daylight outside.  He was just after tying his boots awkwardly when something caught his eye.  Walking back over to the windows he noticed two vans approaching the big black automatic steel gates which demarked the start of the property.  Quickly checking his Glock he headed downstairs, gun in hand, and jogged over to the kitchen entrance where he heard voices.

"We got company," Jay stated calmly, "two unmarked vans just pulled up."
"I know Kid," Hank stayed where he was unconcerned but pointed to a large open cupboard over the sink which revealed three monitors showing various areas in the house, the gardens and the entrance, "they're putting shutters in.  This place needs to be airtight."
"You've gotta be kidding me," Jay advanced on his superior ignoring the surprised onlookers who paused preparing a meal, "you can't do that!"
"Already cleared it with my friend."
"I don't care," Jays' voice rose as he put a hand up to his aching temple, Grade 3 concussion meant he was going to be living with headaches for another while yet, "this place is too good.  Don't want to damage it."
"That's what we're trying to avoid," Antonio cut in as he went back to grating cheese on an island counter trying to pretend a confrontation was not taking place before him.
"It'll make the place safer," Adam put in at the other island counter where he was cracking eggs into two jugs for whisking, "which is what the owner wants."
"Kid my friend suggested it," Hank continued Adams' lie without batting an eyelid.
"This is getting ridiculous!"
"Buzz them in," Hank instructed Al then turned to his pale Detective, "after you eat and take some meds you and me are going to have a talk."
"I'm fine now so talk," Jay was in no mood to be mollycoddled.
"Sure, that's why you're rubbing your temple and squinting," Hank was nonplussed as he headed for the kitchen door for he had instructed the vans to come around back, "we'll talk later.  Right now I've got to see a man about shutters."

Al put down his knife and followed his friend outside and closed the door.

"That went well," Hank commented as four men exited the plain black vans and made their way towards them.
"He looks like hell."
"I know but Will and Conor will look after him," Hank raised his voice as the newcomers approached, "ye have any problems?"
"No Sir," Detective Andrew James extended a hand to both men, "my Sergeant uses my brother-in-law when it's needed."
"Well I appreciate the help," Hank said genuinely, "just remember as far as Jay is concerned ye're workmen not Police Officers."
"Sure," James gestured to the three men standing behind him, "we've all been briefed. Guess he's feeling trapped."
"That's one word for it," Al nodded, "ye know much about fitting shutters?"
"We work for my brother-in-law sometimes for extra cash," James gestured to the three men behind him, "we'll have them fitted in about two hours.  Having the specifications for each window saved a lot of time."
"Good.  We'll be in the kitchen if you need anything.  Call me Mr. Samuels in case Jay is around."
"Sure thing Mr. Samuels," James grinned before turning around, "come on we're here to work not chit chat!" he took on the role of Foreman easily.

When Hank and Al were outside Jay leant against a wall and looked over at Antonio and Adam.

"This is all too much."
"What?" Adam stopped whisking to pay attention to his friend.
"This place must cost a damn fortune," Jay elaborated, "it's not worth it."
"Jay we're out of the firing line.  That's the main thing.  We need time to regroup," Antonio offered as he diced some onions.
"No point in regrouping when none of us know what's happening.  It's not like we can make plans and we can't hide out here forever."
"It won't be forever," Antonio insisted, "in the meantime take the time to heal properly."
"I'm fine," Jay grumbled and grabbed an apple from the intricate Waterford Crystal fruit bowl as he walked away.

In the high ceilinged dark wooden library Conor and Will sat reading as the door opened.

"Sorry.  Thought this was empty," Jay began to back out.
"Come on in," Conor urged as he got to his feet on the plush cream carpet, "I'm finished for a while.  Take my seat," he gestured to the cream armchair on the right side of a roaring fire.
"Nah, I'm good," the Detective shook his head slowly as the Surgeon reached him.
"We have to talk sometime," Will spoke pragmatically as he looked up from his book for the first time and gestured to Conors' vacant seat across from him.
"Go on," Conor placed an encouraging hand on the younger mans' shoulder, "if he gets too difficult just shout and I'll come running."
"You will?"
"Sure," Conor had made the offer as a joke but was surprised and saddened to note his patient was serious, "I'll leave the door open so I can hear you," with that he gently nudged the man forward and sent a look of apology to the older Halstead.
"Thanks Conor," Will said genuinely, hiding his hurt that his brother felt he might need protection from him.
"So did you get much sleep?" Will spoke once his sibling was eventually seated across from him.
"How did ....., "
"I just checked on you once."
"Jay can I ask you something?"
"You can ask but I'm making no promises about answering."
"Fair enough," Will closed his book and placed it on the wooden side table then leaned forward resting his arms on his knees, "do you blame me for what Dad did to you?"
"You sure?"
"I don't lie," Jay sounded hurt.
"I know," Will affirmed, "it's just you never talk about what you went through.  It might help."
"Talking doesn't help."
"You've ...... spoken to someone?" Will was afraid to use the word Counsellor or Psychologist around the ill at ease man although he could see no shame in needing help, physical or mental.
"Had to see a guy after my tour," Jay shrugged.
"But that was about the war not home," Will spoke softly, "maybe you could talk to me if you don't want to see someone."
"No way! It's my business," Jay sought refuge in the flickering flames as he tossed the half eaten apple in.
"Jay I couldn't protect you when we were kids and I know I wasn't around when you got back from Afghanistan or when Mom was dying but I want to be there for you now and in the future. You're my baby brother and I know I've let you down in the past but I give you my word I will never let you down again."
"I didn't need you after I got back," Jay shrugged dismissively, "I did need you though when Mom was ill.  I didn't know what to say to her when you didn't visit.  At first I pretended you were busy at Medical College but she came to the realisation herself that you didn't want to be there.  That's the only thing I blame you for Will and I think I always will.  It hurt her."
"And you," Will added as he ran a hand through his hair, "Jay I did care.  I just didn't want to watch her suffer and die.  It's not a good reason but it's the truth."
"Oh like I wanted to see her die!  You think that was easy?"
"No.  No I don't."
"She was ... my whole life.  She was all I had."
"I'm so sorry," Wills' heart pounded as he saw tears streaming down his brothers' face as he looked at the fire.
"Damn Jay," Will moved quickly and knelt beside his brother pulling him into a tight hug, despite his resistance, that tried to erase all the hurt the trembling frame had suffered.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now