Chapter Eighty-Two: A Sergeants' Care

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As Hank opened the door to the restroom he heard retching coming from a cubicle. Luckily the other cubicles were empty. He knew the young Detective was pushing himself and debated calling the undercover operation off even though it might be the only shot they had of finally nailing Petrocelli for a long time. Rubbing a hand down his face he looked over as the cubicle door slowly opened and the shaken man stepped out then froze at the sight of his Superior.

"Kid don't look so worried," the older man turned on the cold tap and stepped aside giving the man space, "reckon that concussion is still playing havoc with you not to mention all the old memories you've been dealing with."
"Sarge I'm okay," Jay made short work of washing his hands then threw some water on his face to stave off the weakness which was assailing him, "guess I should have eaten more at lunch."
"Kid you know and I know this has nothing to do with not eating enough," Hank countered patiently, "you've been through a lot. Bound to take its' toll."
"Look Sarge I'm okay for going undercover," Jay turned away from the sink and walked over to lean against a cubicle to look at the older man, "I'm good to go."
"You know something I admire your guts Halstead but just between you and me we can leave this go."
"No way Sarge! Johnny has to be at that warehouse in the morning.  If he isn't they're going to go looking for him."
"Well they won't find him."
"They will if he doesn't cut a deal.  Can't keep him protected forever. Petrocelli will be able to get him taken care of once he's in jail.  You know that. Him testifying is his ticket to a new life. "
"I hear you," Hank walked over to the sink and took out a clean cloth handkerchief from the inside pocket of his jacket, rinsing it under the cold tap and getting rid of excess moisture before handing it over to the Detective, "put it on the back of your neck.  It will help."
"I .....,"
"That's an order."
"Thanks," Jay accepted the damp cloth reluctantly and did as directed, albeit blushing, hoping it would indeed help.
"You have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. Everyone gets sick or hurt at some point. There's no shame in it."
"Sarge I need to do this," Jay ignored the words as he pressed the cloth to his skin, relieved that it helped fight off the awful weakness which seemed to have turned every muscle in his body to jello, he really hated this feeling.
"I'm not going to lie to you taking Petrocelli down would be great but doing so at your expense isn't worth it.  We've had this conversation before.  You are not expendable."
"Sarge I give you my word if I don't think I can do it in the morning I'll tell you."
"Okay your word," Hank offered a hand after a few moments' consideration to seal the agreement.
"Thanks Sarge," Jay straightened up and returned the grip firmly, glad the weakness was fading.

In the Interview Room Adam and Antonio were being educated on one Jay Halstead. Upon their entrance Johnny had been concerned about Jay but they managed to assure him that he would be back shortly.  After a few minutes Johnny decided to share
some of his childhood memories of Jay with them even though both Detectives had tried to deflect him.  It became clear that when nervous Johnny liked to talk and apparently at the moment their friend was his favourite topic of conversation.

"Ye should have seen Jay that day.  The library was busy but he was the only one who went to Sams' aid. Paul and Arnie had been picking on him for ages but Jay didn't know about it. Heck Sam was a couple of years behind us," Johnny paused in his recollection.
"Jay likes helping people," Antonio commented not willing to ask any questions regarding his friends' past although he wanted to, "so you understand what's going to happen tomorrow?"
"Yeah," Johnny nodded distractedly then looked at the two men across from him seriously, "Jay explained it all.  I won't let him down. I promise."
"He doesn't expect you to," Adam put in with a frown.
"I know he doesn't but ye do and I understand that."
"Jay says he trusts you with his life.  That's good enough for us."
"Really?" Johnny asked in clear disbelief.
"He's a good judge of character," Antonio stated simply, "and if we didn't trust you we wouldn't let him go in with you."
"Well I'm no angel that's for sure but I owe Jay more than I can ever repay.  He was my only real friend when I was growing up.  No matter what was going on with him, and I reckon a lot of it wasn't good, he never once told me he didn't have time for me or made me feel like a nuisance."
"Why do you reckon a lot of it wasn't good?" Antonio had the words out before he could stop himself and sent Adam an apologetic look as the other man glared at him.
"He was in pain a lot. Not that he ever let on but you could tell by the way he moved.  And I'm not just talking about the times he dealt with bullies.  Sometimes he'd start having a bad headache and looked fit to pass out and when a Teacher suggested he should be collected to go home early he'd insist if he felt bad enough he'd go home.  He never did of course.  I remember one time I found him out behind the gym building.  That was the place he retreated to when he was feeling really bad. Anyway I went looking for him to see if I could get him anything and he was leaning against the building with his head in his hands, shaking with the cold.  I told him I'd get help but he freaked out.  He said he was just tired, there was nothing wrong with him.  I promised not to say anything and about ten minutes later he arrived in class looking white as a sheet.  The Teacher, Harrison, was a good guy.  He could tell there was something wrong.  He took Jay to the Nurse and she checked his temperature.  He had a fever.  Didn't see Jay again for over a week."
"What happened?"
"Not rightly sure.  Jay wouldn't tell me. I was just so glad he wasn't mad at me.  You see I was afraid he thought I had said something to Harrison but he explained he knew I wouldn't let him down.  Hearing those words was worth more to me than any amount of money.  It meant I hadn't lost my friend.  Truth is I thought of speaking to Harrison but knew Jay would see it as a betrayal."
"Well you still have him as a friend," Antonio spoke genuinely, understanding why the younger Detective cared about the man, despite the years apart.

Jay arrived back in the Interview Room carrying two cans of soda, which the Sergeant had reminded him of, and looking slightly better than he had when he left.  Antonio and Adam stood up and told Johnny they would see him the following day.

"All okay?" Jay passed over a coca-cola as he retook his seat, his back to the one way mirror.
"Yeah. They told me what's going to happen tomorrow.  I told them you had explained it but I figure they're being careful," Johnny looked up at the mirror and winked as his friend had his head down as he opened his can of fanta.

In the Observation Room Antonio and Adam exchanged a look of relief.  Glad the man hadn't divulged their conversation.  Adam looked at the Sergeant as he returned.

"So what's happening tomorrow?"
"As of now it's going ahead.  If Halstead isn't up to it in the morning we'll call it off."
"He agree to that?"
"Gave me his word."
"Well I gotta say I hope he's feeling better tomorrow because Johnny isn't going to be safe in jail."
"I know," Hank agreed, "just have to hope whatever happens tomorrow it works out in Johnnys' favour.  Don't think Jay needs anything else to deal with."
"We hear you Boss," Antonio nodded as they watched the two men in the other room talking, "we hear you."


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now