Chapter Fifty-Five: Taking Control

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Jay shoved away from the wall and rubbed his eyes.  His head was now pounding. Looking at the door he sighed and turned back to head into the room.

"So what does he want?" Hank didn't waste any time as soon as his subordinate entered.
"What he always wants," Jay offered as he slowly sank down on a chair by the window, away from the group.
"Tell us," Al directed not liking the younger mans' obvious despair.
"Mouse check St. James's Care Home," Jay gave his own order referring to the Care Home the Samson siblings had run away from, "two residents went missing tonight."
"Damn," Antonio cursed as he turned on the television beside him and flicked to a news channel keeping the volume muted.
"Halstead start talking," Hank directed impatiently.
"Have it here," Mouse broke in as his fingers flew across the keyboard on his lap, "Gerald and Martin Porter.  Fifty-five year old twins.  They were missed after dinner."
"It's not a coincidence he's going after brothers," Adam pointed out glancing between Will and Jay worriedly as the screen showed the mens' photos.
"Ye meet them at St. James's?" Antonio checked.
"Yeah I did," Adam scratched his forehead recalling the brief conversation with the pair of middle aged men, "they were friendly.  Engrossed in watching television."
"What were they watching?" Al asked as he had not met them.
"An old rerun of Hawaii Five-0."
"So like the Samson brothers they like Cop shows?" Kevin raised an eyebrow.
"Could be a coincidence," Conor offered.
"So Jay what exactly did he say?" Will finally spoke.
"Unless I ....... meet him by myself the day after tomorrow he's going to ..... kill them."
"He said more than that Kid," Hank pushed.
"Nothing important," Jay shrugged as he sat up straighter and looked around the room, "I'm going to meet him.  It's the only way to end this."
"You think so? Coz we all know how well the last meet ended up," the Sergeant observed bluntly, ignoring the startled looks sent his way.
"Yeah I'm sure," Jay confirmed without even a flinch, hell he blamed himself for the Samsons' deaths so why shouldn't Voight?
"When?" Adam looked over at his friend isolated from the group physically, already distancing himself.
"Where?" Lance hoped his obviously headache riddled friend would answer automatically since it wasn't one of his colleagues 'interviewing' him.
"Not telling ye," Jay sent a wink to his friend to let him know it was a nice try.
"This isn't something to be treated lightly," Antonio argued.
"Not taking anything lightly," Jay checked the time and stood up, "I'm making a sandwich before going to bed."
"Not before you tell us what test he told you you had to do," Hank stood up and walked over to block the door with his arms folded.
"I ....,"
"Jay we know it's what he does.  Give you tests," Adam put in gently from where he sat.
"I need to take some tablets," Jay walked over to his Superior, "please?"
"Sorry Kid," Hank shook his head reluctantly and placed a hand on the younger mans' shoulder guiding him over to his favourite armchair by the fire, "we need to talk."
"Back in a minute," Conor rose as the silence which had descended continued.

"So tell us what he wants you to do to save the Porters," Antonio looked at his friend keenly before continuing, "what test do you have to do?"
"Hey we know.  We know he used give you tests.  You told Adam."
"How ........ could ye know.  I ..... never ........,"
"You told me.  Remember?" Adam reminded softly.
"Jay since this all started I've remembered things," Will explained quietly, "you mentioned a test to me after ...... Max died."
"Don't know what you're talking about," Jay denied as Conor came back in and quietly handed him a plate with a chunky cheese sandwich before placing a tall glass of milk on the small marble table beside him with his pill bottle, "thanks."
"No problem," the Surgeon assured readily as he retook his seat beside the concerned redhead.
"We know what happened," Hank decided to do the hard part for the older sibling as he watched his Detective shake several painkillers into his palm before gulping them down with some milk, "we know your father killed Max and made you believe it was your fault."
"I don't want to talk about it," Jay was no longer hungry but forced down a bite of his favourite food, "there's no point."
"Okay Jay," Will agreed to let the subject of the lovable dogs' demise drop, for now, "but at least tell us what he wants you to do."
"I don't know.  He'll tell me when I see him."
"How do we know he hasn't already killed the Porters?" Al queried.
"I spoke to them."
"Could have been anyone."
"What do you think Jay? Was it them?" Adam observed his friend closely not liking the pinched features and bruised eyes, natures' mark of severe pain.
"Yeah.  They both spoke the same way anyway so I think it was," Jay nodded slightly before he stifled a yawn around a bite of bread and tomatoe ketchup covered cheese.
"You sure about not letting us know where the meet is taking place?" Hank double checked.
"Yes.  And I know he could kill them before I get there but I have to take a chance he won't," the pale man referred subtly to the other mans' harsh words as he put down the remains of his sandwich to avoid looking at his Sergeant as he spoke.
"Hey what happened to the Samsons wasn't on you," Hank spoke sincerely, "your father is responsible.  Him alone."
"Right," Jay got up lifting his plate and glass as he did so.
"Leave them. I'll deal with them," Will offered hating seeing his younger brother looking so pained, both physically and emotionally.
"Jay I meant what I said," Hank stood also and watched the other man return the ware to the table carefully before straightening slowly, obviously in deference to the pain in his head.
"Right," Jays' words held no conviction however as he walked out of the room closing the door after him.

"You shouldn't have said that to him Voight!" Will spoke angrily after a few moments.
"You as much as said the Samsons' deaths are on him," Jack pointed out sternly, "and frankly we all know that isn't true and more importantly that he's already blaming himself."
"What part of that don't you understand?" Mark glared across the room.
"Look I know that," Hank conceded as he sank down on his seat again, "I just wanted to get him to let us watch over him.  I don't want that Kid getting hurt."
"Hell you have a damn funny way of showing it," Lance groused.
"So what are we going to do?" Adam got down to the main issue knowing hostilities would not benefit anyone.
"We let him meet the old man by himself.  Tomorrow you and Al go back to the Care Home.  We need to make sure the Samsons did in fact run away."
"You mean they could have been taken as well?" Will demanded.
"We need to know for sure.  Al make some calls to the Detectives working the case.  Don't give them any unnecessary details.  They know we're working the Samson case."
"That's going to be difficult."
"Well just sound them out.  I'll deal with them if they don't co-operate.  Besides their case is part of our investigation."
"Okay," Al looked at his old friend knowing the strain he was under because the whole Unit and everyone else in the room was under strain.

That strain however was nothing compared to the strain Jay was under and he just hoped the old man would be dealt with sooner rather than later, without any more bloodshed. His gut however told him his hopes would be in vain.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now