Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Six: Personal

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"Wells?" Jay spoke into the phone wishing it had a speaker option.
"Ah Detective Halstead so good of you to take my call."
"What do you want?"
"No pleasantries Detective?"
"I'm busy so talk or I'll hang up," Jay wasn't sure why he was being so cavalier but his instincts were telling him it was the right way to deal with their adversary.
"I know you won't do that..," Wells began confidently only to hear the call being disconnected.

"You cut him off?" Adam rose to his feet in shock.
"What the hell are you doing Halstead?" Voight demanded.
"He'll ring back," Al stated firmly having an inkling what his young friend was trying to achieve and not liking it, "you're trying to bait him to come after you."
"We spoke about this," Voight stated grimly as the phone started ringing again and Jay picked up the receiver.
"Murphy must be going ballistic," Antonio quipped softly as he watched the young Detective grimace.
"Serves him right," Adam muttered crossly, he was beginning to sympathise with Voight. They were all multiplying their grey hairs thanks to Jay!

For his part Jay ignored the others in the room as he concentrated on the unhinged caller once Murphy put him through again.

"You hung up," Wells noted with displeasure colouring his tone.
"I'm not interested in playing games. You have something to say or are you just wasting my time?
"Tomorrow afternoon at fifteen after three I'm going to give you a chance to save someone. It will be up to you if they live or die. "
"What does that mean?" Jay sat up straight, this definitely wasn't good.
"You'll find out tomorrow Detective," Wells assured before hanging up.

The others had watched the different emotions flicker across their friends' features as he listened to the caller. The final emotion as he replaced the receiver surprised them all. The young man seemed saddened by something. Shaking himself to get his thoughts in order Jay quickly repeated the conversation to the group.

"Why did you hang up?" Kevin asked as the men contemplated the ramifications of the cryptic telephone conversation.
"I was trying to show him he wasn't fully in control."
"Bet Murphy wasn't thrilled," Antonio shook his head.
"Nope," Jay replied, "he wants me at Headquarters at eight in the morning."
"Hell whatever he says it can't be as bad as getting reamed out by Voight," Al winked at his old friend as he endeavoured to lighten the mood.
"Wouldn't be too sure," Jay put in ruefully as he got to his feet, "he was pretty steamed. Going to get some sleep. See ye in the morning."
"Jay?" Voight stood and waited for his subordinate to look at him.
"Wells lied.  Whatever happens tomorrow will be on him not you."
"Night," Jay couldn't agree so instead ignored the statement as he headed out of the room to a chorus of goodnights.

"Hell he looks like someone shot his puppy in front of him," Adam commented as the door closed.
"We all know if someone dies tomorrow the Kid is going to blame himself," Al pointed out the obvious.
"So we make sure no one dies," Antonio stated.
"We'll do our best," Voight eyed the door, "but like it or not Wells is in control. He isn't going to make this easy on Jay."
"He might make it impossible," Al suggested as he considered what they knew about Wells.
"What are you saying?" Adam got a sick feeling in his stomach.
"He might set Jay up to fail."
"That would really knock Jay down," Mouse spoke for the first time, "hell it would knock anyone down but for Jay ...,"
"What?" Antonio prompted the IT Specialist when he became silent.
"Ye've seen how personally he takes responsibility for looking out for others. It's engrained in him.  You could tell even in the Rangers it was a character trait.  You can't teach that level of self sacrifice or commitment.  I've never known anyone else with the same level of self appointed responsibility."
"So what are we saying here?  Wells is going to kill someone no matter what Jay does tomorrow?"
"He's been doing that all along," Al offered.
"Yes but this time he's going to make Halstead feel solely responsible," Voight spoke knowingly, with what they knew about Wells the scenario fitted his profile.
"Jay's already shouldering blame," Adam said in frustration, "we all know he's blaming himself for attracting Wells."
"We need to end this," Voight declared, "Wells holds all the cards but there has to be something he overlooked."
"Sarge are we still going to see Burke tomorrow?" Adam checked as he remembered the discussion before the phone calls.
"We'll see what Murphy says in the morning. Maybe he'll have come up with something helpful."
"Way our luck is going I doubt it," Kevin
stated with pessimism.


Unfortunately after Murphy had gone through the telephone conversation with Jay he had nothing helpful to divulge. Although the call had been recorded no identifying features were found to enable them to trace its' origin.

"Even though he said it will be up to Jay if the target dies it's highly probable there's no chance he can save the intended victim," Parker spoke from where he had been sitting unobtrusively in a corner of the office, "he clearly wants to toy with Jay."
"We had considered that possibility," Voight acknowledged, noting that the young Detective did not seem surprised.
"Did ye find any link between the last four victims and the others? Antonio queried as he eyed his young friend with concern.
"No. As we discussed at the moment the only link is they worked at the arena where the dance troupe and Vegas had performed. It's tenuous but it's all we have for now," Murphy replied as he too eyed the Detective who was caught in the middle of a bombers' twisted game, "you know no one would blame you if you wanted to go home Halstead. This is getting personal."
"As if I could!" Jay snorted in disgust.
"Man has a point," all eyes turned to Voight, "this isn't your responsibility Kid.  Wells is going to do what he's going to do.  That's on him, not you."
"Sarge for whatever reason he wants me here," Jay sighed heavily, "no place else I can be."
"You sure? It's getting more personal the way he's fixating on you," Parker checked although he knew the answer, his admiration for the young man growing.
"Not much I can do about that," Jay offered honestly, trying to appear nonchalant.
"So are we still going to see Burke? He might be helpful" Adam cut in knowing his friend needed a change of scenery.
"Who's Burke?" Murphy looked across at the Sergeant.
"Explosives expert," Voight glanced at his watch, "it's fifteen before eight. Ye have plenty of time to get there and back."
"Good," Adam grinned, "heard a lot about West Point. Be great to check it out."
"Just remember why you're there," Al chided.
"Yes Pop," Adam grabbed his jacket and signalled for Jay to get up, "come on.  I'm driving."
"That's a no," Jay rose from his chair, "I'd like to get there in one piece."
"He has a point," Antonio noted with a grin, "you're not exactly Mr. Patient behind the wheel "
"Hell he's not even Mr. Patient away from the wheel," Al deadpanned but threw Adam a wink, he knew his former partner was trying to lighten things up.
"First it's my cooking now it's my driving," Adam grumbled as he led the way out the door
"Might be a reason for that," Kevin shouted after them before the door closed behind the pair.

"So gentlemen," Murphy looked around the office, "how are we going to protect Halstead from Wells?"
"I like how you think," Voight looked at the older man with appreciation, "we need to end this as quickly as possible "
"No arguments there," Murphy nodded, "any ideas?"


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now