Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Two: Gaining Insight

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An hour later found the men relocated in the spacious blue living room as they discussed the likelihood of catching Wells sooner rather than later.

"Why is he fixating on Jay?" Mouse looked over at the Psychologist.
"Well contrary to what people believe some people become obsessed with someone who isn't famous or in the public eye."
"You mean this can happen to an average person?" Adam frowned.
"It's happening to me," Jay reminded.
"Hell you're hardly average," Kevin scoffed then continued as he saw the puzzled expression on his friends' features, "you're a Detective with a military background that most could never imagine."
"Kev is right," Al concurred, "you're a lot of things Jay but 'average' isn't one of them."
"So how can we draw this guy out?" the man in question ignored the implied compliment and shifted the conversation from himself eagerly.
"Well we discussed before that Wells may be jealous of your relationship with Petrocelli," Parker spoke thoughtfully, "maybe we could use that to our advantage "
"How? It's not like Halstead has any contact with Petrocelli," Voight voiced his scepticism.
"I'm not sure yet," the Psychologist shrugged.

"Your theory about the shootings is off though," Antonio pointed out, "he clearly bundled both but his note shows his confidence.  You said he would be enraged if he couldn't do a good job."
"There are no absolutes," Murphy stated before Parker could respond although everyone in the room already knew that, "of course maybe there's another aspect to the shootings".
"Such as?" Antonio raised an eyebrow.
"He wasn't going for a clean kill," Jay put in shaking his head in disgust.
"But if he was trying to impress you wouldn't he have been trying for clean shots?" Adam queried, this was getting too complicated.
"We don't know for sure that he's trying to impress me.  Hell we could write a book about what we don't know," Jay stated dejectedly, they were flying blind, "maybe we should try to draw him out."
"You're not going to be bait," Voight spoke firmly.
"Maybe he'll get brazen and visit the shooting site," Adam guessed what his friend was thinking, "and he might seek Jay out again."
"He'd be taking a huge risk doing something like that," Murphy didn't agree with the possibility, "he's bound to know we'd never let him get away a second time."

"And the press are going to be all over the scene tomorrow," Al put in, "Vegas apparently rate extensive news coverage."
"Well even for New York this is a high profile investigation," Murphy admitted unhappily.
"The media hasn't linked the Park bombing to the shooting yet," Kevin tried to find a positive aspect.
"Only a matter of time," Voight muttered darkly.
"Is music the connection?" Jay frowned.
"What do you mean?" Adam asked as he put down his empty mug.
"Well the dance troupe would have been in Central Park if they didn't have a flat tyre and now he targets Vegas.  Both have large fanbases."
"Yeah but the dance group hadn't made it public they were going to perform in the Park," Murphy argued.
"But we did consider the possibility of word getting out due to the numbers involved with the troupe," Antonio pointed out.
"We need to check if there's any connection between the troupe and Vegas," Voight eyed the HS man, "maybe there's a link "
"We're already looking into it," Murphy stated, "but the troupe has left for Los Angeles."
"What's the name of the dance group?" Jay asked curiously, recalling he had never heard it.
"Sierra Dancers," Murphy replied nonplussed, "they're based in Colorado but travel extensively throughout the country."
"It's too much of a coincidence," Jay spoke softy as he shook his head.
"What is?" Adam demanded.
"Wells' reference to Nevada.  He targeted Vegas but he probably also intended to attack the Sierra Dancers."
"We had thought of that," Kevin looked across at his friend in confusion, "so what are you saying?"
"Maybe Nevada is the connection.  I've heard of the Sierra Nevada Hills."
"But the troupe wasn't attacked," Parker  joined in.
"They would have been at the exact location where the bomb went off if
a flat tyre hadn't delayed them," Murphy nodded thoughtfully before looking at the Psychologist, "would he give up such a clue?"
"Depends on whether or not he wants to be caught."

"Anyone want a drink?" Jay checked as he rose and headed for the door.
"Wouldn't mind a soda," Adam stated as he retrieved his mug, "coke or 7UP anyone?"
"7UP," Antonio and Kevin spoke in unison after the others declined.
"Back in a sec," Adam acknowledged as he headed out.
"Is Jay alright?" Parker asked once the door closed.
"He had a headache earlier but it's after dying down," Voight supplied evenly, he knew his young friend would not appreciate the attention.
"No ... I meant emotionally.  Having Wells fixating on him can't be easy.  He looks as if he has the weight of the world on his shoulders "
"Let's just say he had a lot on his plate even before this," Voight suggested evasively, he wasn't about to divulge anything personal although he sensed the question was borne only out of genuine concern.
"Would Wells be able to find out Jay was a Sniper?" Antonio opted for a safer subject, "we assumed he knows."
"Well if he learnt about Jay from Petrocelli or his men he would know," Voighted frowned, they had discussed this previously.
""A guy with Petrocellis' contacts would have gained access to Jays' background," Al added around a sigh, "but we don't know for certain if he had access to classified data."
"Thought we were assuming Petrocelli knew about Jay being a Sniper," Mouse looked around the room before voicing his real concern, "if Wells didn't find out about Jay from Petrocelli how did he find out?"
"My money's on Petrocelli," Murphy divulged confidently, "too much of a coincidence otherwise."
"That Petrocelli and Wells both know about Jay?" Parker checked.


In the kitchen Adam watched as his friend downed a couple of painkillers with a glass of milk.

"Isn't it a bit soon to be taking more meds?"
"The others didn't work," Jay rubbed his eyes wearily, he still felt exhausted despite the long sleep.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Why didn't you tell us you were thinking Wells might have been from your school days?" Adam retrieved a few 7UP cans from the refrigerator.
"I thought it might be a possibility but had no proof.  Besides I didn't recognise  him."
"You know that doesn't necessarily rule the possibility out."
"Mouse hasn't found anything," Jay pointed out as he took a final gulp of the white liquid before rinsing the glass under the hot tap.
"So you're 100% certain?" Adam prodded.
"Hell no I'm not," Jay shrugged before admitting softly, "don't think I'm ever going to be 100% certain of anything again."
"Look Jay I know you've been through a hell of a lot but that's no reason to doubt your instincts. You're the most reliable guy I know."
"That's not saying much! You don't know a lot of people," the pale Detective  tried to make light of the issue.
"I'm being serious," Adam insisted, "don't waste your time second guessing yourself."
"Never said I was."
"You didn't have to.  I know you.  You're wondering what you did to attract Wells. That's okay but don't take on any blame for what the guy is doing. That's all on him."
"You really believe that?"
"Yes," Adam replied emphatically.
"Then why do I bring out the worst in people?" Jay asked quietly as he rubbed a hand down his face.
"You don't.  You're old man was a b*****d but that was nothing to do with you. What he did is all on him. One day you're going to believe that."
"It's not just the old man though. The guys from school and .....,"
"Hey we're all responsible for our own actions.  You didn't make anyone hurt you."
"Wells is killing people now because he's latched onto me for reason."
"That's just chance.  Before you got up Parker was explaining that stalkers choose their targets for many different reasons, some logical others illogical. You didn't do anything intentionally to draw him on you.  Just remember that," Adam insisted as the kitchen door opened and the Psychologist stuck his head around the door.
"Mind if I have a word with Jay?"
"Sure Doc he's all yours," Adam ignored the glare sent his way and headed out with the sodas leaving his friend alone with someone he hoped could help him.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now