Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-One: Making Allies

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Jay had decided to take some painkillers and lie down in an effort to deal with his headache. A cold icepack on his forehead helped the pain to recede and after a while he sank into oblivion with a sigh of relief. Seemingly a minute later a knock on the door preceded Adams' entrance and Jay startled awake, automatically reaching for his gun under the pillow.

"Hey man it's only me," the worried Detective put his hands up in a sign of surrender after turning on the light, "figured you'd want to get up for a while."
"What time is it?" Jay squinted as he laid his weapon on the bedside locker noting with surprise that darkness had fallen.
"Just gone eight."
"Why did ye let me sleep that long?" the pale man demanded as he gingerly got out of bed, grateful his headache although still present had receded to a more bearable level.
"You needed the rest," a new voice joined the conversation as Voight entered the room, "how's the headache?"
"Fine," Jay made short work of pulling on his jeans when Adam helpfully tossed them to him, "didn't anything turn up?"
"Well ....," Adam hesitated and looked at his Superior, not relishing the forthcoming argument, "we found two victims."
"When?" Jay paused closing his shirt buttons and sank back down on the bed.
"A little before three this afternoon," Voight answered, "both were shot from long distance "
"Hell, like a Sniper would do. Why didn't ye wake me? Murphy must be wondering why I wasn't around."
"Actually it was his idea to let you get some downtime. And before you get all upset his reasoning was sound. You looked like hell this morning and we need you to be able to function."
"Besides there was nothing you could have done," Adam joined in placatingly seeing the disgruntled expression.
"Were they together or separate?" Jay opted to forego an argument in consideration of his still aching head as he got to his feet.
"Together. A visiting pop duo, Vegas. Apparently they had a large fanbase and always let people know their agenda on social media," the Sergeant supplied as he led the way out to the kitchen.
"So Wells had no problem tracking them down," Jay sighed as he rubbed his eyes.

"No. He didn't need any inside information," an unexpected voice put in.
"Sir," Jay eyed Murphy in surprise, he would have appreciated a heads up especially when he saw Peter Parker sitting beside him at the kitchen counter.
"Detective you're looking a bit better," Murphy stated, "we only dropped by to
let you know another note was delivered a short while ago."
"Addressed to you again," Parker added unnecessarily.
"What does it say?"
"Read it for yourself," Antonio stood up from his stool at the island and went to hand an evidence bag to the pale man.
"Just tell me," Jay declined to take the offering.
"Sure," Antonio went back to his stool and then relayed the contents of the missive as Jay sat down at the table beside Al ...


Shooting targets from a distance is something we can both do. I chose the target because of their handle. Nevada has always been a favourite place of mine.

Will be in touch soon.


"That doesn't really give us much," Kevin voiced all their thoughts as he handed Jay a glass of milk and set a thick cheese sandwich on the counter before him, unobtrusively placing two painkillers beside the plate without a word in deference to their visitors.
"Thanks Kev," Jay thought about refusing the food but needed the medication so took a bite as he tried to work out if there was a hidden meaning in the note.
"You ever been to Nevada?" Adam looked at his friend.
"Not in years."
"So you have been there?" Murphy sat up straighter.
"Yeah," Jay put down the sandwich, his appetite gone, "Vegas actually "
"About five years ago."
"Might be just a coincidence," Adam suggested.
"True," Voight looked at the others, "but it's a link."
"Not much of one," Mouse looked up from his pc in the corner of the kitchen, "a lot of people go to Vegas. I did."
"He has a point," Antonio agreed, "I've been there, so has Adam."
"Myself and Al spent a long weekend there once," Voight nodded.
"So have I," Kevin added before looking at their guests curiously.
"Me too," Murphy shrugged before looking at the Psychologist.
"Nope, never been there," Parker answered the unspoken question, "but it's on my to do list."
"Save yourself the hassle," Adam instructed, "be a lot cheaper to go elsewhere "
"He's only saying that cause he lost a small fortune at the blackjack table," Antonio explained mischievously.
"Last time I tell you anything."

"Mouse is right it's probably a dead end. Where were they shot?" Jay ignored the attempt at levity
"Outside a downtown restaurant," Voight replied.
"No I meant ..... were they ..... clean kills?"
"No Kid. They weren't," Voight should have known what his youngest Detective was thinking, "both were shot twice."
"The second bullet killed them."
"So he's not like you," Adam spoke then realized he wasn't helping, "I just meant he let them suffer."
"Dead is dead," Jay noted succinctly.
"Twenty-three year old Robert Tanna was the first one to be shot," Murphy decided to cut in before Adam said anything else, "he took one in the shoulder and then one to his back. Second bullet tore through his heart."
"Twenty-one year old Alannah Smith was shot in the hip before taking one in the gut "
"Hell," Jay cursed in disgust knowing a gut shot was an extremely painful way to go, "do ye have a time of death?"
"ME gave an estimated time of one. We'll get a better timeframe after the autopsy is done."

"How would he have known about your military background?" Murphy asked the question which had been bothering him.
"It's not public knowledge," Voight replied when the younger man shrugged, "but Petrocelli might have told him."
"Or Jimmy and Paul," Jay suggested, "those two like to gossip."
"They're Petrocellis' henchmen," Al elaborated for their guests.
"You have any way of contacting them?"
Parker checked.
"My Detective would have given over any contact details when he was debriefed after the undercover operation if he had them," Voight bristled.
"Sorry I didn't mean to imply Jay did anything wrong."
"It's okay. It's a fair question," Jay shrugged as he eyed the Psychologist curiously, wondering why he always used his first name when addressing him but called the others by their title and surname.
"We're on your side," Murphy quickly put in, anxious to avoid any misunderstanding, "Pete doesn't do a lot of work in this area."
"Oh? So what does he normally do?" Antonio asked as he glanced at the man in question.
"I'm a Psychologist who specialises in Childhood Trauma and PTSD," Parker decided to answer the question himself, "James asks me to do profile work occasionally."
"You're not a Profiler?" Voight allowed his surprise to show.
"I have the necessary qualifications and as I said I have done profile work before just not on a full time basis."
"He's being modest," Murphy chided, "he's helped put away two serial killers."
"So do I pass the test?" Parker looked around the kitchen, "my question about contact was not an insinuation of any sort. I apologise if that was how it came across."
"No need to apologise," Jay rubbed his temple and decided to chance the painkillers with some milk, "these guys just like being mother hens."
"Hey! Who are you calling mother hens?" Adam demanded indignantly.
"I think we should be offended," Kevin declared with chagrin.
"Not my fault ye cluck," Jay observed unrepentantly.
"Kid I'll assume you're not including me in that description," Voight stated fondly before looking at the New Yorkers, "so let's get down to business."


ME - Medical Examiner

Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now