Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Two: Never Lying Down

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As soon as the bedroom door closed behind the three men Antonio looked over at Will.

"You got anything to say for yourself?"
"What do you mean?"
"You just assumed Jay had purposefully crashed his truck," Adam referred to the conversation in the hospital with Dr. Barry which he had been appraised of.
"I was worried about him."
"Will you keep saying that but you're jumping to conclusions about him that aren't based on facts," Al joined in, "Jay deals with things his way, not your way.   You have to realize that just because he doesn't do what you think you would do in any given situation doesn't mean he's doing it the wrong way."
"We've had this conversation before and every time you say you will change your attitude yet we always wind up back at the same place.   Just so you know," Adams' tone took on a warning note, "you hurt him any more with your condescending attitude and you'll have me to deal with.   He needs you but not if you're going to be expecting him to do things your way."
"I don't ....," Will protested but stopped at the looks of disapproval being directed at him.
"I don't know what's going on in your head," Antonio stated as Hank walked out closing the door behind him, "but Jay would be very hurt if he knew about any of this.  We're not going to say anything to him but you need to start thinking straight and make sure you don't hurt him in the process."

In the bedroom Conor wordlessly helped his friend to undress, mindful of the various injuries.  Once he was lying on his right side under a mound of covers, with the injured hand resting on a pillow in front of him, the Surgeon sat down on the side of the bed, careful not to jostle the injured body.

"You've been in the wars again Jay.  Wish there was something I could do to help."
"You're always helping me.  Must be getting sick of it by now."
"Hey I told you anytime you need help I'm more than happy to play Doctor," Conor tried to lighten the guilt he saw in the dull eyes.
"Yeah but you never thought I'd be giving you so much practise."
"This isn't practise," the older man objected, "this is me spending time with a good friend."
"Go on Conor," Jay shrugged off the serious comment, "I've taken up enough of your time.  And take Will with you."
"I'll talk to you later," Conor didn't address the instructions he had been given as he stood up, "just close your eyes and rest Jay.  You deserve it."

When he walked out of the bedroom Conor was surprised to note that only Hank, Al, Adam and Will remained.  He figured the others had gone down to the precinct.

"How is he Doc?" Hank asked as he took a sip of coffee and leant against the kitchen door frame.
"In a lot of pain but hopefully he'll be able to sleep for a few hours at least.  Unfortunately the meds won't kill the pain completely."
"Can't you give him something stronger?" Adam demanded in surprise.
"The only thing stronger than what he's on now is morphine," Will pointed out quietly, not sure if his input would be appreciated.
"I'd prefer to keep that as a last resort," the Surgeon noted as he went over to look out the window, "right now he's in a world of physical pain, in addition to everything else he's dealing with, and do ye know what he's worried about?"
"Tell us," Hank ordered although he could hazard a guess.
"He's worried about putting me out."
"How the hell are we ever going to convince him he's worthy of being looked after!" Adam asked barely managing to keep his voice low.
"Way he sees it his injuries mean we are being imposed upon - again," Conor offered sadly before looking over at the Sergeant, "what does this mean for Jay?  Does he have to go to a safehouse again?"
"We're checking some leads at the moment.  Kevin and Antonio are going to talk go Williamson in jail.  I won't make a call on that option yet."
"Well I hope you do your best to ensure he stays here.  He needs some sense of normalcy, especially after the past few months."
"I hear you."

Two days later found Jay back at the 21st despite orders to take time off.  Leading the way up the stairs slowly as Adam shadowed him the young Detective couldn't help but wonder if he was ever going to feel right again.  It seemed fate was destined to keep knocking him down and although he always forced himself to get back up he was becoming sick and tired of the effort it took.  He finally reached the top step and was greeted by a scowling boss.

"I told you to stay at home Halstead if you were feeling rough."
"I'm not feeling rough," Jay muttered as he made his way over to his desk and sank down gratefully on the swivel chair, mindful of his left hip, he had learnt a long time ago that bones could be bruised and the result was painful and uncomfortable.
"I was very clear," Hank, belying the harsh tone, had trailed behind the young man ready to steady him if he faltered, "you really think you can work?"
"Hey Sarge he can make calls no problem," Adam came to the aid of his friend surprised by the Sergeants' attitude given he had phoned earlier and advised of their impending arrival.
"I know that Ruzek," Hank nodded losing his stern stance as he looked at the injured man before heading for his office, "same rules as before Halstead.  You need to go home there's no problem.  In the meantime just make sure Ruzek doesn't get into trouble."
"Heck Sarge that's impossible," Jay tossed a wink at his scowling friend now sitting at his own desk.
"Someone has to do it," Hank stated wrily as he closed his door.
"How come everyone picks on me?" Adam groused with mock despair.
"Cause we luv ya," Antonio threw a paper ball at him unrepentantly before turning his attention to the injured man, "I'd ask how you're doing but you'd say you were 'fine'."
"No I wouldn't."
"So how are you?" Kevin ventured.
"I'm ...... okay," Jay grinned mischievously as he glanced at his watch, "where's Al?"
"Talking to Williamson again," Antonio replied after a brief hesitation, "he's not being co-operative as you know."
"Like I told you he's sticking to his story that his brother had no connection  to the old man and that he hadn't seen him in over a year," Adam reminded casually knowing his friends' concentration was effected by the pain he was in.
"Guess there's no way to prove he's lying.   Besides I couldn't swear it was the brother even if we tracked him down," Jay sighed as he looked at Mouses' empty desk, "Mouse go to that IT Course he's been telling us about?"
"Yeah," Antonio grinned, "he was like a child waiting for Christmas the past couple of days.  Never saw anyone so excited by computers."
"So what can I do?" Jay decided to get down to business.
"Well for now," Kevin walked over and handed a sheet of A4 paper across the desk, "we're checking everyone on this list against registration numbers pulled from CCTV where the collision occurred."
"Ye have it on tape?"
"Yeah," Antonio shared a look with Adam, "we told you yesterday."
"Oh ... sorry.   Guess I forgot."
"No problem man."
"Why are we tracking down these names?"
"Maybe someone else can identify Williamsons' brother," Antonio explained patiently.
"You don't have to do this if you don't want to," Kevin went to take back the sheet without rancour.
"No.  I want to do it.  Be good to keep occupied."
"Well I've already spoken to the first three so you can ignore them," Kevin headed back to his desk.

Jay glanced at the first three names distractedly and then paled as his gaze returned to the second name.  Adam had been watching his friend out of the corner of his eye and noticed the reaction.   Just what the hell was wrong now?!


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now