Chapter Ninety: City of Angels

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After arriving at LAX Jay found himself settling a dispute between Jimmy and Paul as they strode through the airport terminal with their luggage.  Relief at a safe journey had apparently allowed the pair to relax enough to start arguing with each other.  Jay knew if Brown had been with them the current debate would not be happening.  He almost wished Petrocelli and his second in command had not gone on ahead as he made his way through the throng of people behind the two older men.

"Tell him I'm right Jay," Jimmy instructed confidently as he glanced back at the young man, "'X' stands for airport."
"That's crazy," Paul insisted adamantly, "it stands for international."
"Guys does it really matter?" Jay stopped himself rolling his eyes as they finally reached the exit.
"Hah! You don't know," Jimmy stated decisively.
"Actually I do.  It doesn't stand for anything.  There used to be two lettered codes used for airports but as more were built a three letter code was required from the end of the 50s. That's the only reason the 'X' was added to LA.   Ye should know that considering yer age."
"You saying we're old? Paul queried as they headed for a cab.
"I'm saying ye're older than me that's all," the Detective offered.
"Young ones of today got no respect for their elders."
"True," Jay agreed with an innocent grin.


After checking into their hotel off Wilshire Boulevard a couple of hours later the Unit headed downtown to police headquarters.  Anxious to get moving on the investigation as soon as possible Voight led the way into the offices of the Task Force run by one Peter Moretti.  The open plan area filled with desks was empty but voices could be heard from a large office in the corner.  After glancing at his men the Sergeant led the way and opened the door. All heads turned to look at the newcomers as the Unit members filed in and stood along the walls of the packed room.

"You ever answer your phone?" the tall, black haired man standing at the head of the room walked over to stand in front of Hank without any hint of welcome.
"We just got in," Hank took out his cell and noted several missed calls from the same number, "what's going on?"
"We had Petrocelli and his men under surveillance since we knew what flight they were on," Moretti nodded to the other Unit members before gesturing for the Sergeant to follow him to the head of the room, "Petrocelli and Brown are at one of their warehouse facilities .....,"
"Where's Jay?" Adam demanded impatiently, knowing something must have gone wrong and wanting details asap.
"At the moment he's in L.A. Memorial Hospital," another man spoke, standing up to look back at the visitors, "he was travelling with Jimmy De Luca and Paul Lombardi in a cab when it was involved in an MVA."
"Damn! How bad is he?" Hank asked sending a warning look to his men not to go off half cocked.
"He has broken ribs but considering it was his side of the car which was hit it's a miracle he wasn't hurt worse," Moretti explained, "the good news is David O'Sullivan is his Doctor. I double checked his background when you gave me his details and he's clean."
"You have someone at the hospital?" Antonio checked.
"Two men.  De Luca is staying with your man.  Lombardi left earlier.  Jay was the only one hospitalised.  He's being kept in overnight for observation because he was unconscious when he was brought in.  The other two just had some bruises."
"You mean he might have a concussion?" Al asked in disbelief.
"They tested him when he woke up and he doesn't seem to be concussed," Moretti looked at the serious expressions of the newcomers and sensed he was missing something, "there something I should know?"
"He's had two concussions lately," Hank exhaled.
"And you let him go under?!"
"Pete we need to take Petrocelli down.  You said yourself ye've been investigating him for years.  The body count is mounting, especially with Bright Glow hitting the streets."
"Guys we'll continue this in an hour," Moretti addressed his men and all but the earlier speaker filed out of the room, saluting the newcomers as they did so, turning to the grizzled Sergeant he ordered, "tell me everything you haven't told me to date.  I've read the files.  I want to know everything about your man."
"Jay is solid.  You don't need to worry about him," Adam defended as he approached with the others,
"I don't doubt he's trustworthy.  I want to know what kind of man he is so we have some hope of knowing how he will deal with things."
"Fair enough," Hank looked at the Detective who had stayed behind, "you been on the Task Force from the start?"
"Arnie Phillips," the thin, long faced man introduced himself and offered a hand eagerly for he had heard a lot about Voight, "been on it since the start."
"So how does Petrocelli keep outsmarting us?" Hank returned the firm handshake as he posed the query.
"Wish I knew.  The only thing we do know is if he gets a whiff of anyone turning on him they wind up dead."
"Which is another reason we need to close him down," Moretti said as he shook hands with the Unit members.
"That's why we're here Pete.  This time he gets sorted once and for all," Hank stated resolutely, no hint of doubt present.


Jay blinked upon opening his eyes as the bright lights intensified his headache. Headache?  Frowning he looked at his surroundings and frowned as his memory came back.  The accident.  Of all the times to be in a traffic accident this was definitely the worst. He remembered coming around down in Emergency and battling with the hands all over him.  He flushed in embarrassment as he recalled a Doctor trapping his head between his hands and talking to him quietly until his words eventually sank in telling him he was safe, he was in L.A. and everything was going to be okay.   He had thought he had been captured in Afghanistan.  Out of the corner of his eye he had seen Jimmy and Paul watching from outside the cubicle and he was relieved they were okay.  Both men had looks of relief on their faces as they each gave him a thumbs up and it stung knowing he was betraying them.  Looking around the room he had been moved to he was surprised but glad to be alone,  He wondered where Jimmy and Paul were though and if this meant the end of the operation.  He was in the process of trying to lower the bedrail when footsteps announced the arrival of the Doctor who had treated him on admission.

"Hey you're not going anywhere right now!" forty-five year old David O'Sullivan gently pushed his patient back against the pillow and settled the covers over him before ensuring the rail was locked in place.
"I want to get out of here," Jay spoke firmly.
"Well if you do well tonight I'll discharge you in the morning.  Do you know where you are?"
"Hospital, Los Angeles."
"How many fingers am I holding up?"
"Who's President?" the Doctor asked as he put down two fingers.
"Hitlers' understudy."
"Close enough," O'Sullivan chuckled as he asked what would normally have been his first question, "what's your name?"
"Jay Sullivan," Jay automatically gave his undercover name.
"That's a good surname.  Mine is O'Sullivan but how about you tell me your real name?"
"I'm a friend of Wills.  He asked me to look out for you while you were ...... working here."
"Don't know any Will."
"So if I said the Will I was speaking of is a real redhead with a stubborn streak to match a mule and is sometimes too arrogant for his own good you'd still say you didn't know him?"
"That could be anyone."
"He graduated Med School with me and refused to go home when his mother was dying," the Doctor added softly, knowing he needed to give some personal information to set the young man at ease enough to know he could trust him, "so do you still say you don't know him?"
"He shouldn't have told you about me," Jay began to shake his head but then winced.
"He cares about his baby brother.  You can't hold that against him," O'Sullivan chided as he took out his penlight and checked the prone mans' eyes.
"Not a baby!"
"You know what I meant.  Now let me give you a rundown of your injuries ...,"
"I'm fine."
"You have three broken ribs on the right side, which you can no doubt feel.  I've seen your records.  I'd be happier if you didn't have a recent chest infection but it is what it is. You need to look after yourself.  I assume one of your team will come to take you home .....,"
"Doc this doesn't change anything.  I have a job to do, if they want me that is," Jay protested with a sigh, "appreciate you're Wills' friend but he shouldn't have involved you in this."
"Your boss thinks otherwise."
"You spoke to Voight?!" the injured man tried to sit up but was promptly held down, things were getting out of control and he didn't like it, not one bit.


Authors' Note

MVA ................... Motor Vehicle Accident/Moving Vehicle Accident

(In Ireland we use RTA for Road Traffic Accident)

Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now