Chapter Eighty-Seven: A Loss

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Hank and Antonio had delivered the news of Johnnys' death to Will at the hospital. Conor glanced at his friend as they stood in the break room and tried to get a read on what he was thinking. He noted the Officers were not looking too concerned but this was work they were used to.

"So when are ye pulling Jay out?" Will asked after digesting the information.
"We may not be," Hank spoke quietly before putting up a hand to avoid any arguments, "we have a meet arranged for the morning. We'll see how things look then."
"How things look?! Isn't it obvious? Things are bad!"
"Will Jay is the best one to make the decision," Antonio looked from the redhead to Conor and back again.
"Ye are going to tell him about Johnny aren't ye?" Conor voiced his question with obvious worry.
"Yes," the Sergeant assured with a sigh, "he needs to know what we know.  He might decide to end the operation."
"Sure," Will agreed sarcastically, "because we all know he's going to walk away after they killed his friend!"
"Will this operation is important but as I told Jay he is more important.  Until we have an update from him there is no point in second guessing our options.  Once Ruzek speaks to him tomorrow we'll have a better idea of how to move forward."
"Wouldn't ye pull him out usually if a CI was killed?"
"Usually yes but dead bodies are piling up over Petrocelli and he needs to be stopped."
"But the fact they killed Johnny doesn't that mean there's a chance Jays' cover is blown?" Conor checked as he leant back against the counter.
"Yes but it's more likely he was killed in relation to something else. If Jay had been discovered chances are we would have found him with Johnny."
"Just because he wasn't found with Johnny doesn't mean he's not dead," Will argued, "be better to hide a dead Cop rather than having a citywide manhunt take place.  Ye said Johnny was found in an alley.  Obviously they weren't overly worried about him being found."
"True," Antonio nodded reluctantly, "but we can't tell you anything else at this stage.  As soon as we hear from Jay in the morning we'll be on to you."
"Never should have let him go under," Will spoke harshly but it was clear he was reprimanding himself not the two law enforcement personnel.
"We all know once Jay decides to do something there is nothing you can do to talk him out of it," Conor reminded in commiseration.
"It's amazing I don't have a head of grey hair!" the elder Halstead sibling shook his head in exasperation.
"Join the club," Hank said ruefully, understanding the other mans' worry for he shared it, "we'll make him pay when this is all over."
"Hope so, I really do."

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Jay was relieved the following day that his offer to buy breakfast had been accepted by his new colleagues and that his casual suggestion of Mollys Diner had not aroused any suspicions.  After demolishing two pancakes Jay headed for the restroom with a joke that he was going to slip out the back window to avoid the tab.  Jimmy and Paul had each merely offered him a rude hand signal as they enjoyed their free bounty.

Upon entering the three cubicle restroom Jay found Adam standing at the sink and a quick glance around told him they were alone.  Knowing they did not have much time the Undercover Detective quickly gave a rundown of what he had learnt so far.  Ending with details of the Sergeant whose life may be in danger.

"They have someone watching him so everything has to be done under the radar."
"I got it," Adam continued washing his hands under the tap in case they had company.
"He was going to go after him before I came along so there may be someone else with my skills to do it clean," Jay spoke hurriedly as he tore off a paper towel and wiped his hands, eyeing the door.
"How are you doing?"
"Fine.  Listen they moved Johnny somewhere.  I need you to find him .....,"
"Jay we already ....,"
"He's dead?" Jay knew from the look on his companions' face it was bad news.
"Two bullets to the back of the head. I'm sorry man."
"Well whatever is going on it's more than guns.  Think there's something bigger in the pipeline."
"Why do you say that?"
"Apart from the Sergeant I've a feeling," Jay shrugged as he headed for the door, "tell Voight I'm okay."
"Are you?"
"No," Jay admitted honestly, "but I'm doing this.  Was he ..... tortured?"
"No Jay.  Looks like it was quick."
"Good," the pale Detective walked out before anything else could be said.

Jay had just taken his seat opposite Jimmy and Paul when he saw Brown pulling up outside.  He looked at the two men across from him and noted they were also surprised by the new arrival.

"Guess we're starting work early," Paul grumbled around a mouthful of sausage.
"Hell I'm only half way through my breakfast," Jimmy complained unhappily as he gestured to the mound of food still on his plate.
"Serves you right for ordering nearly everything on the menu," Jay chided as he saw Adam exit the restroom and return to his seat opposite Antonio.
"Well it was free," the big man stuffed some egg into his mouth as Brown entered and walked over to their table.
"We got a job," the serious man uttered without looking at the men, "let's go. Ye can follow me."
"You still owe me Jay," Jimmy insisted as they all stood up and the younger man took several bills out of his wallet to include a generous tip.
"Yeah yeah," Jay said unimpressed as he noted a frown from the second in charge as he looked at the money on the table, "my Mom was a Waitress.  They deserve all the tips they get."
"Let's move," Brown ordered after staring at the new addition for a lengthy moment.

Adam and Antonio had heard the exchange and frowned.  Jay had informed his friend of Browns' distrust.

"That guy gives me the creeps," Antonio admitted as the cars drove off.
"Me too," Adam agreed, "what do you make about Petrocellis' son?"
"He must have gone by a different name. That's the only way we never came across him."
"And the fact that Jay reminds him of Vincent?"
"That could be good and bad. He'll probably be more inclined to trust him but if Jay does something totally different to his son it might bring reality down on him."
"Hell he doesn't think Jay is his son," Adam frowned as he sipped his coffee.
"No but it complicates things," the black haired man sighed before asking the real question he wanted to, "how did he take it?"
"Not sure.  Don't think it had time to sink in.  He couldn't afford to get upset anyway," Adam rubbed his forehead thoughtfully, "this was complicated enough with Johnny involved but the military angle came out of nowhere."
"Voight isn't going to be happy."
"Don't think any of us are going to be happy until Jay is back with us," Adam put in softly.
"I hear you," Antonio rose , "come on they've been gone long enough."

Back at the 21st, as predicted, the Sergeant was not happy about the information Adam had imparted.

"He doesn't have anything solid?" Hank checked.
"No. He said he just has a feeling there's more to the military angle than the Sergeant."
"How come we didn't know Petrocelli had a son," Kevin shook his head, this case was getting more complicated by the minute.
"Like I told ye he must have changed his name. All Jay had was his first name, Vincent, and he was killed in Iraq in 2009."
"I'm on it," Mouse assured as his fingers flew over the keyboard like a Pianist.
"So how was Jay?" Al asked thoughtfully.
"He looks tired but he said he's okay," Adam replied.
"How did he take the news about Johnny?"
"Didn't bat an eyelid.  You know how it is.  He can't afford to get upset, it might raise suspicions."
"So he's staying in?" Antonio double checked with his Superior although he knew the answer.
"We need to find out what Petrocelli is up to.  When Jay gets a 'feeling' he's usually right."
"For once I hope he's off," Al confessed to nods of agreement all around.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now