Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen: Platts' Gesture

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Once outside in the cool evening air Jay shivered and pulled up the zip on his black jacket.  He decided he was too exhausted to have an argument with his brother over talking about him.  Stuffing his hands in his pockets he looked around.

"I walked here.  You driving?"
"Yeah. Figured I'd stay at your place tonight since Nat has an old school friend visiting," Will took out his keys as they crossed the street to his vehicle.
"Maybe I'm entertaining tonight," Jay spoke as his brother unlocked the truck.
"Are you?" Will checked with a frown as he opened the drivers' door.
"No but you didn't know that.  What were you going to do if my place was out?" Jay asked climbing into the passenger seat.
"Probably would have bunked down in an on call room at work."
"Her friend that bad?" the Detective wondered as they pulled out into traffic.
"She's fine.  I just don't fancy spending the weekend listening to girl talk.  So what are your plans for the weekend?"
"None of your business," Jay replied as he turned his gaze to the outside world, "so why was Al talking about Taser Recertification?"
"Oh Matt mentioned a guy Jenkins who did dope tests at 51 at one stage," Will thought fast and replied hoping that was all his sibling had heard, "Al figured he's the same guy who does the Taser Recertifications."
"That guy must have a sadistic streak," Jay muttered to himself.
"Why do you say that?" the redhead was relieved they seemed to have dodged the bullet as the younger man had apparently only heard the tail end of the conversation in Mollys.
"Forget I said anything."
"I never knew you had to recertify.  Figured it was a one time thing."
"All Officers need to recertify annually for guns and tasers."
"So the taser.  You just show you can use it.  That all?" Will asked innocently unwilling to let this opportunity slip by.
"Pretty much," Jay agreed offhandedly as he rubbed his eyes, too preoccupied to question the sudden interest in the weapon.
"So when is the next recertification?" the redhead refrained from rolling his eyes, of course his brother wouldn't mention the fact that he'd have to get tased.
"Monday," Jay answered as they finally pulled up at his apartment complex and parked, "you can pay for takeout."
"I can?" Will demanded as they got out and headed towards the building.
"Call it rent."
"Hell you'd charge your own brother," the redhead groused good naturedly, pleased he didn't have to argue about staying over.


Monday rolled around too soon for Jay but he was gone before Will rose for work. Although the Doctor had tried to broach the topic of the Units' fishing trip casually the night before his sibling had effectively closed him down by saying he was having an early night.  Although he had not succeeded in getting the man talking he at least ensured he ate something solid rather than quick snacks which he favoured lately.  In the kitchen he found a note telling him to return to Nat as Jay was having company that night.  The redhead figured that was simply an excuse so he wouldn't be there after the recertification.  He wasn't sure what he should do.  He was already beating himself up that he had not known about the recertifications since the time Jay was abducted by Keyes.  He had unwillingly entertained images of his baby brother being tortured in his nightmares the previous night. Sighing he tossed the note and resolved to talk to Conor and Nat at work.  The redhead also needed to make sure the Surgeon spoke to his sibling about the continuing headaches.  Jay had informed Conor and himself, before he returned to work, that the headaches had stopped.  Will had forced himself not to bring up the subject over the weekend, knowing he would be rebuffed and unwilling to get into an argument.


The 21st as usual was bustling as Jay quickly ran up the steps into the reception area. Trudy Platt was berating another poor soul he noted, the Patrolman nodding his head repeatedly, no doubt figuring that might lesson the scolding.  He'd learn she wasn't easily appeased.  The young Detective had reached the stairs leading up to Intelligence when Platt called after him.

"Halstead! I want you!" the no nonsense Sergeant shouted across to him causing more than one person in the vicinity, including Adam, to chuckle albeit quietly.
"Sarge?" Jay walked over, purposefully ignoring the sniggers, and giving the Patrolman a subtle look to go while he could.
"I want you ....," Platt stopped as she saw everyone looking in their direction obviously amused by something, "ye have any work to do?"
"Sarge," Jay prompted as people made a show at least of going about their own business, "what can I do for you?"
"Come here a minute," the formidable woman gestured for him to come around the tall desk into her domain.
"Ah Sarge? What do you need?" Jay asked warily when she walked over to him once he obeyed.
"I got this for you," Platt handed over a sealed envelope, "you use it if you want.  If you don't want to that's fine too."
"What is it?"
"Look I figure you have a lot on your plate right now and the recertification today is probably the last thing you need so like I said use that if you want," Platt pointed to the white envelope.
"Sarge I really .......," Jay was overwhelmed by the kind gesture from the tough Sergeant but handed the item back, "ah ..... that's really good of you but it's not a problem. Whatever favour you called in cancel it."
"You sure?"
"I'm sure," Jay unknowingly gave her his most dazzling smile which always made her wish she was years younger.
"Okay then," Platt became flustered as she headed back over to her desk, "you better get upstairs before Voight starts screaming."
"Yes Sarge," the young man walked back around the desk and retraced his steps to the staircase where he found Adam waiting for him.
"What was that about?"
"Nothing," Jay quickly passed his friend and keyed in the code.
"You didn't send her more flowers did you?" Adam teased referring to the large bouquet of flowers his friend had arranged to have delivered to the Sergeant on his first week back at work in thanks for the unofficial safehouse.
"No!" Jay felt himself reddening as he recalled the ribbing he had taken that time, it was an innocent gesture yet caused much ridicule.
"Okay I'll drop it," Adam decided graciously as they walked up to the office, "but I want to know your secret."
"What secret?"
"I've asked you before.  Why is Platt so nice to you?  She's blunt with everyone else.  Well besides Voight I guess."
"You really want to know?"
"Go down and ask her," Jay dared as he noted the padded mats already in place on the ground for the upcoming hour long necessity.
"Ah hell you're no fun!"

Hank watched his youngest subordinate from his office noting the worn out features then turned towards the two men sitting opposite him, focussing on the dark haired one.

"Now Jenkins as I was saying I have no problem with Halstead being tased but you do him first.  Got it?"
"What difference does it make?" the burly man asked.
"That's none of your business," the Sergeant rose signalling the end of the meeting.
"No problem," fifty year old Paul Benedict, the second Insure Tech employee, stated knowing there must be a good reason for the request since it hadn't been made during the previous visits and he had always sensed the former Ranger in question was especially anxious about being tased although he tried hard to hide it.
"How long will this take?" Hank checked as he opened his office door to let the duo out.
"The usual.  An hour," Jenkins replied checking the list of names and noting the number matched those present.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now