Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Three: Opportune Visit

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"Jay what is it?" Antonio asked with misgiving as Adam quickly walked over to his friend.
"I ...,"
"What?" Kevin turned around and noted the death grip on the page he had just handed over.
"Listen Jay you got to listen to me okay?" Adam urged raising his voice slightly, afraid the man before him was going into shock.
"What's going on?" Hank opened his office door with a frown noting where all the attention was focussed.
"Is this a bad time?" Trudy Platt asked quietly from the top of the stairs where Sam Benedict stood beside her frowning.
"Who are you? Antonio whispered as he walked over to the pair, surprised Platt hadn't announced their arrival via phone.
"Detective Halstead doesn't look well," the Counsellor ignored the query as he stated the obvious and caught Hanks' eye hoping for a que, his cousin had introduced him to the Sergeant the night before in Mollys.
"Jay you need to listen to me," Adam repeated as he placed a hand on the unencumbered limb looking to the others for help, "you're at the precinct and you're safe."
"I want everyone out but Adam," Hank spoke with his usual authority as he motioned for the Counsellor to come over after nodding to Platt as she headed back down the stairs worriedly as the others made themselves scarce.
"What happened?" Benedict asked quietly as he neared the desk and stood beside the Sergeant.
"Something on that sheet set him off," Adam cut in softly as they all glanced at the paper now being crumpled, "must have recognised a name."
"Is he in shock?" Hank checked as the Counsellor slowly placed a hand on the pale mans' neck to check his pulse as his left hand was splinted and Adam was holding onto the right one and he didn't want to break that contact.
"No.  Just keep talking to him," the brown haired man instructed Adam before motioning the Sergeant over towards his office where they could watch without being too obvious, "he should snap out of it soon.   He won't appreciate an audience I'm guessing."
"No he won't," Hank admitted, glad his instincts had been right to trust the Counsellor, "let's step into my office."
"You sure you want me here when he comes around?"
"Yeah.   Hell he won't open up to us.   Your military background gives you a way in, hopefully."
"I'm surprised you suggested I call in," Benedict confessed as he shut the door behind him and took the offered seat in front of the desk, "but I'm not sure he'll fall for me just passing and calling in to check on him after the collision."
"Yet here you are," Hank looked across at the other man.
"Couldn't think of any other way to see him, especially since he's been injured.  Shouldn't he be off work?"
"The thing about Halstead is he doesn't take to lying down easily."
"So I'm learning.   I know you want me to get him talking but you do know I'm not going to disclose anything he says to me."
"I don't expect you to."
"So why suggest I call in?"
"Because the kid has been dealing with a lot of stuff that would lead a lot of men to a cliff edge," Hank voiced his rationale, "I figure it can't do any harm if he opens up to you even if it doesn't do any good."
"You're concerned about his mental state?" Benedict wondered aloud as he glanced outside relieved to see the man in question shaking his head in response to something his friend said.
"No.  Not in terms of he might harm himself," the Sergeant replied with his usual plain honesty as his eyes too sought out the young Detective, "I just want to make sure I do everything I can to help him and if that means giving you a nudge in his direction so be it."

Jay slowly became aware of his surroundings and saw Adam looking at him anxiously.   Damn it!   He'd zoned out .... again.   He was never going to convince everyone he was okay if he couldn't act normal.  He shook his head as his friend asked if he wanted some water.

"Sorry," Jay looked at his hands in his lap and seemed to notice the wrinkled sheet in his grasp for the first time, "go on back to work.   I'm fine."
"Who did you recognise on the list?" Adam didn't budge knowing they had to find out what was going on.
"It's probably .... a coincidence," the young man looked around noting the others' absence, "where is everyone?"
"Following up on leads " Adam straightened up and released his hold as he saw Hank standing up with his visitor following suit, "so what's a  coincidence?"
"Michael Carter," the injured man eventually answered as he heard the door opening  behind him and glanced around confused as to why Sam Benedict was present.
"Jay," the Sergeant walked over and stood in front of his subordinates' desk, "Sam called in since he was in the vicinity.  He heard about the collision and wanted to check on you."
"I'm good," Jay frowned not liking this development one bit.
"Well given that you were close to going into shock I would say that's not true," Hank stated ignoring the surprised look from Adam, "Sam here is going home with you and Adam.  I want you to talk to him."
"Hey Sarge ....," Adam began but was quickly cut off.
"Kid I don't want any arguments," Hank instructed firmly but gently, ignoring the  interruption,  as the seated man avoided his gaze, "you won't talk to us but you need to talk to someone."
"Sarge I need to talk to you," Jay stood up, ignoring the irony of his words and the silent Counsellor, and walked around the desk into the open office before his Superior could argue.
"I'd appreciate if you would wait," Hank said quietly to the visitor, "Adam this is Sam Benedict, he's a cousin of Dr. Charles.  He's a Counsellor.  You might get him a coffee while I talk to the Kid."
"But ...,"
"Ruzek he needs to talk," Hank pointed out without rancour, "but you're staying with him."
"He recognised a Michael Carter."
"Okay I'll see what I can get out of him," the Sergeant nodded to the Counsellor before heading back to his office and closing the door.

"So who is Michael Carter?" Hank didn't waste any time as he looked at his Detective who stood behind his desk looking out the window.
"He went to the same school," Jay kept his gaze on the outside world as he heard the older man walk around and stand on the other side of the window frame, giving him space.
"He one of the bullies you tackled?"
"Yeah," Jay admitted reluctantly, "but it has to be a coincidence."
"You don't really believe that."
"I can hope," Jay muttered softly.
"I can understand that but if it's not a coincidence you know what it means?"
"Yeah.  You need a list of people I cheesed off in school."
"Hey Jay you did nothing wrong.  This is on them not you."
"You reckon the ...... old man ....... got in touch with Carter and the others?" the Detective finally looked across at the older man, admitting without saying it that he knew there was no coincidence involved.
"He may have got to them through Williamson."
"Hell this just gets better and better," Jay rubbed his temple tiredly.
"Kid I want you to talk to Sam.  He seems like a good guy.   I had him checked out," Hank got down to the main matter he needed dealt with as he walked over to stand beside his companion, "you might even like him."
"No way Sarge," Jay began to shake his head but the impending headache stalled the movement.
"Halstead you closed down after reading a damn name on a piece of paper," Hank observed frankly, "you need to be able to do your job without the added stress you're under."
"You can't make me."
"I'm suggesting it very strongly," Hank didn't argue that in fact he had the authority to compel attendance at counselling, "why don't you want to talk to him?"
"There's no need."
"Today proved there is a need.  Just give it a try.  That's all I'm asking," Hank suggested unwilling to make it an order for fear it would alienate the man for he knew work was a lifeline for him.
"And if I don't?"
"If you don't that's fine by me but I'm asking you to give him a chance," Hank knew he was being tested.
"Okay," Jay sighed, surprised the older man hadn't made it an order but relieved also for if he was kept from his job he would be totally lost.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now