Chapter Fifteen: Memories Unleashed

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It only took Hank a few minutes to come up with another plan.  Upon reaching the apartment the squad car pulled up after ensuring they had no followers.  Adam and Kevin, dressed in patrol uniforms, made short work of parking the car and getting their friend up to the third floor apartment.  By that stage Jay was after coming around somewhat and could walk a little although they held him between them.  He hadn't said anything despite their words of encouragement to him.  Adam had phoned as they entered the lift and on one knock the door was opened.

"Jack!" Jay pushed away from the hands holding him and stumbled towards the man who opened the door who frowned at the two alert Detectives behind.
"He's only just come around Doc," Kevin sighed, "that's the first time he said anything."
"Jay let's get you lying down for a while okay?" even as he spoke Conor was guiding the man towards his bedroom.
"Will's dead Jack," Jay spoke softly in despair, "I tried .... save him ...... he ....,"
"Will is fine Jay," Conor insisted as he eased the man down on his bed.
"When you wake up Will be here," Adam assured as he quickly helped to undress the man down to his briefs.
"You just lie down for a while," Conor instructed as he took the stethoscope from around his neck and quickly checked the mans' breathing.
"The hand ... ," Jay slurred as his eyes closed.
"Damn," Adam rubbed a hand through his hair, "hate seeing him like this."
"I'll keep an eye on him a while," Conor offered as he pulled the covers up over the prone man.
"Thanks Doc.  I'll bring you in a coffee.  Milk and sugar?"
"Lot of milk no sugar," Conor sank down on the chair at the head of the bed, "wasn't sure I'd be able to convince Will to stay at the hospital."
"How did you?"Adam asked as he headed for the door.
"Told him his brother was more important than his feelings."
"Exactly," the dark haired Doctor agreed wrily.

Across town to say Will was fuming would have been a gross understatement.  The staff were wisely keeping out of his way except for Maggie and April who had been apraised of what was going to happen and readily agreed to help.  He managed to do his part when the black SUVs pulled up with sirens and lights.  Overseeing the transfer of the patient and immediate removal to an examination cubicle was quickly dealt with.  The doors were closed and curtains quickly drawn after Maggie and April left.

"Okay so what do we do now?" Antonio got up from the gurney and looked at the gathered group.
"I don't know if the caller intended Jay to be shaken so badly he would need to come here or if Will was meant to go to the precinct," Hank explained, "we still don't know what's going on."
"You say 'caller' it must have been our father," Will reasoned.
"Jay would have known you were okay if your father made the call.  It had to have been one of the men involved in the attack.
"Well Conor went to the apartment but when can I go there?"
"For now work as usual but check in here every so often as if Jay is in here still.  Make sure his name is put up.  I'm going to arrange for two Officers outside the cubicle until tonight."
"Can I at least ring Jay?" the Doctor asked impatiently.
"Sure but you might want to wait for a couple of hours.  Ruzek said he's after falling asleep and Conor is with him," Hank decided to leave out the bit about Jay once again thinking Conor was his army buddy.

When Jay next opened his eyes night had fallen and he didn't move as he tried to make sense of his surroundings.

"Hey man about time you woke up," Adam grinned from where he was sitting after just taking over from he Surgeon, glad to see his friend coming around.
"Jack?" Jay asked with a frown as he sat up quickly and got out the other side of the bed pulling something out from under the mattress as he did so which made the Detectives' stomach lurch.
"Hey now it's okay," Adam cautioned as the confused man went over to stand with his back to the corner, a place of defense, the Detective sighed.
"All okay in here?" Kevin walked in after hearing the voices.
"Yeah," Adam spoke keeping his gaze on the man across from him who held his left hand down by his side, out of sight, "Jay was looking for Jack.  I was just about to tell him he's on the way.  Should be here by seven over the snow being so dangerous."
"Right," Kevin nodded stepping back as he began to close the door putting out a hand to keep Conor out of the way as he approached, "I'll start on some food.  You in the mood for anything special?"
"I'm not pushed."
"Sure," Kevin stepped back and shut the door.

"What's going on?" Conor rounded on the Detective.
"Jay is still back in Afghanistan.  He has his handgun," Kevin explained distractedly as he pulled out his phone, "Al are ye on the way?  Yeah listen Jay thinks he's back in Afghanistan again ........ okay."
"Why can't I be Jack again?" Conor raised an eyebrow.
"Because Jay has his gun," Kevin put away the phone, "and Adam figures he can deal with him."
"Adam didn't say that," Conor pointed out.
"No not outright but he gave me clues," Kevin glanced at his watch, "he mentioned a meeting at seven.  Seven at night in the 24 hour clock is 1900.  He hinted snow was causing dangerous conditions but it's not snowing.  He was telling me Jay is dangerous because he has his Glock 19.  He also said he wasn't pushed about food meaning he was going to need time."
"What's that? Cop shorthand?"
"We're partners," Kevin shrugged as the door opened and Hank lead the rest of the team in with Will, "I guessed what he was trying to tell me."
"Well you better repeat all that quickly, "Conor pointed out ruefully after getting a look at the senior Halsteads' face as the men approached.
"Thanks," the taller man rolled his eyes.

As the Detective was bringing the newcomers up to speed in the bedroom Adam had moved around the end of the bed slowly, keeping his hands in view at all times.
"Who are you?" Jay squinted as the headache he woke up with intensified.
"I'm your friend Jay."
"Where's Jack?"
"He's on the way.  Why don't you sit down while we wait?"
"Will's ...... dead," the words were spoken with absolute certainty.
"He's ....," Adam paused as something occurred to him, "how did Will die?"
"I.E.D.," the answer was given without emotion and for the first time the unwell man brought the black firearm into view as he brought up the hand holding it to rub the side of his throbbing temple.
"He was a good man," Adam spoke as if he knew the dead Soldier, wishing his gut instinct had been off, "it wasn't your fault you know."
"It was.  He had a wife and kids.  I should have let him sit where I was."
"Why?" Adam dreaded the answer he knew was coming as he edged a step closer.
"Then he'd be alive."
"Jay man you couldn't have known about the I.E.D.  It wasn't your fault."
"It was," Jay persisted, "all my fault."
"How about sitting down here with me," Adam sat on the side of the bed and patted the space beside him, "we can wait for Jack together."
"But ...,"
"It's okay.  He said he'd meet us here," Adam motioned his friend over, holding his breath.
"He did?"
"Sure did.  You're just confused cause you hurt your head," Adam sighed in relief when the bed dipped beside him.
"Yeah," Jay sighed wearily, "I remember.  I tripped over his hand - that's all we found left."
"Well for now we'll just sit here," Adam carefully put an arm around his friends' shoulders and pulled him close, easily removing the loaded weapon from the unresisting grip, "you rest for a while and I'll take first watch."
"Kay," Jays' eyes closed as he gave into his bodys' need for rest.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now