Chapter Twenty- Four: Safehouse Attack

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Once they arrived at the apartment, after a silent trip, Conor was already there after being phoned by Will. He greeted Hank and Adam before focusing on his patient, not liking what he saw.

"So Jay how about you lie down for a while?" the Surgeon suggested gently as the other man passed him and headed over to look out the window.
"No," Jay didn't turn back to face the others.
"Might be ......," Conor began.
"Please ..... just .......... leave me be," Jay leant his forehead against the glass and shut his eyes.
"Halstead I'm heading back to the 21st," Hank spoke from where he stood beside Adam at the kitchen counter, "you need me for anything, anything at all you call me okay?"
"Antonio is on the way," Hank switched his attention to Adam.
"Grand," Adams' gaze was on the forlorn figure standing at the window with hunched shoulders, only ten or so feet separated them but it felt like a distance the size of the Grand Canyon needed to be crossed to reach him, "I'm in the mood for a Lethal Weapon marathon tonight," he forced cheerfulness into his voice.
"I'm out of here," Hank rolled his eyes before sending a look to Conor.
"I'll walk down with you," the Surgeon offered, "left my kit in my car."

Once outside in the hallway Hank turned to his companion as they walked to the elevator and stepped in when the doors opened.

"Will told you what happened I assume."
"Yeah.  The attack seems to have resurrected a lot of painful memories for him."
"It's strange though that he didn't go to his bedroom, if only to get away from us, isn't it?"
"Maybe he just needs to feel he's not alone, although he doesn't want to talk."
"Hell! Even I know he's got to start talking," Hank admitted as the elevator descended, "just wish he didn't have to."
"Can't say as I blame him," Conor put in, "the attack was bad enough but now he must feel like his whole life is on display to his family and friends."
"But we are family and friends," Hank argued, "and we share good times and bad."
"Sure," the Surgeon nodded in agreement, "but everyone has stuff they keep to themselves. I know I do and I'm betting you do?"
"Yes we share things with those close to us but it's when we choose to."
"And Jay is being forced to share things he probably would never have chosen to share," Hank accepted the point, "so that's extra pressure."
"Right and on top of his recovery it must seem insurmountable at times," Conor continued as the elevator chimed announcing its' arrival on the ground floor, "we're all keeping an eye on him," Conor spoke as the doors opened and walked out after the Sergeant as a man dressed in a maintenance jumpsuit stepped into the empty chamber, "so what's the next step?"
"That depends ......," Hank stopped talking and turned back quickly to try to stop the doors closing.
"What is it?"
"Take this," Hank handed his cell to the other man man hurriedly and then ran, "it's ringing.  Tell Ruzek they have incoming! Now!"
"You have incoming!" Conor didn't waste time on words as he ran towards the closing door of the stairwell.

As soon as Adam got the message he quickly located Jays' weapon and gave it to him before double checking the locks.
"Get this in front of the door," Jay ordered, after expertly reassembling the handgun and loading it, as he began to push the couch.
"Mind yourself Jay!" Adam cautioned but kept his voice low as he quickly added his strength to the task ensuring it was done before there was a knuckle rap on the door.

"Hello? I need to check the smoke alarms," an unfamiliar male voice spoke loudly.
"Yeah right!" Adam whispered to Jay as they stood to the right of the door behind the kitchen counter, weapons ready.
"You don't believe him?" Jay feigned shock although his friend knew the banter was forced.
"Guess I'm being paranoid."
"Charles will have a field day with you," Jay advised, "first you want to walk into Mollys naked and now you admit you're paranoid."
"Hey now there's no ......," whatever Adam was going to say evaporated under the sound of rapid fire.
"Never knew you needed an AR 15 to check a smoke alarm. " Jay was nonplussed as the door and couch were sprinkled liberally with bullets.
"How do you know it's an AR 15?" Adam asked as silence descended.
"Damn Voight's going to be pissed," Jay ignored the question as he surveyed what damage he could see.
"His friends' insurance will cover it," Adam frowned, the other man seemed genuinely worried.
"Everyone alright in there?" Hanks' voice suddenly demanded.
"We're good," Adam left the kitchen and made short work of moving the tattered couch and opening the bullet riddled door.

"Take this," Hank shoved a tall black haired handcuffed man towards Adam before entering as he holstered his weapon.
"Ye okay?" Conor checked both men over looking for bullet wounds.
"Fine Doc," Adam replied as he pulled the faux maintenance man over to sit down on the ground under the window where, with Jays' gun trained on the prisoner, he unlocked the cuffs and released the left hand so he could chain the right limb to the leg of a heavy black metal magazine holder.
"Jay you can put the gun away now," Hank casually walked over to stand beside the young man, "you know him?"
"He was one of the guys who attacked me," the recovering man explained calmly as he lowered his weapon.
"That so? Think it would be best if you left," Hank turned to look at Conor, purposely not using any appellation to identify him, on the off chance his identity was not known to the man in custody.
"No. I'm good," Conor headed towards the open doorway, "back in a minute."
"Ruzek call off reinforcements for now," Hank instructed knowing several calls would have been nade by now reporting the shooting.
"Will do," the Detective headed for the hallway shaking his head at the mess he passed.

Out in the hallway Adam found Conor explaining recent events to Will and Antonio. Heading past them he made short work of his errand and hastily approached the trio as they turned to head into the apartment.

"Guys I need to talk to ye," Adam motioned the men over to him to avoid being overheard.
"What?" Will asked impatiently, he wanted to see with his own eyes that his brother was safe.
"Think something is up with Jay."
"What do you mean?" Conor enquired as he shot out a hand to keep the older sibling in place.
"He's been acting a bit off," Adam sighed trying to put his worry into words, "he's always calm in life and death situations but this time there was ...... something off."
"He has a lot on his mind right now," Antonio reminded unnecessarily.
"I know but I'm telling ye he isn't acting like the usual Jay."
"Has he done something specifically which has you worried?" Will frowned.
"He was fine when the place was being shot up but he seemed really upset about the apartment being damaged," Adams' frustation at not being able to verbalise his concern adequately was obvious, "look I just get the feeling there's something else he's hiding."
"Well he clearly remembered something earlier when Dr. Charles was giving his opinion," Will spoke thoughtfully.
"I know," Adam accepted, "just wish I knew if that is the reason he's acting off."
"Well he has all of us to help him no matter how many things he needs to deal with," Antonio spoke fervently for he had a deep regard for the younger man, "and whatever life throws across his path we'll be there to clear it."


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now