Chapter Thirty-Five: A Show of Force

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Adam had persuaded Jay to forego his watch so he could be fully rested by the following night. Antonios' rota had been altered while Hank had the revealing discussion with Jay in the library as the three ex-Rangers had stated they would be taking a watch also. Initially the trio had wanted to be on guard together but eventually it was agreed that two Officers and two of the former military men would be on watch at all times, rotating between outside patrols and inside watch. Saying he just wanted to switch things up Adam asked if he could partner Lance on the outside patrol instead of Jack. His request was agreed to and Jack nodded to his friend and headed off with Kevin at his side.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Lance asked as soon as they were away from the large house.
"Figured you could read me," Adam grinned before becoming serious, "Jay is going to tackle Voight again tomorrow about being bait."
"Jay needs support this time."
"Have you actually looked at him lately?" Lance frowned and came to a stop as they reached the end of the driveway, his gaze scanning the street through the tall black wrought iron bars of the motorised gates.
"Yeah I have but if this goes on for much longer it's going to take more of a toll on him."
"Could prove more dangerous for him in the long run."
"It's a chance he's willing to take," Adam pointed out as they headed into the garden to walk along the walled perimeter, "didn't think I'd have to convince you."
"You don't," Lance smiled this time, "but your Sergeant isn't going to agree easily."
"Yeah, I know."
"I'm surprised it's taken Jay this long to finally decide to put his foot down," the taller man admitted.
"I think he's only played by Sarges' rules because of Will. No doubt he was hoping his old man would have contacted him by now."
"That guy is a real piece of work!"
"Yeah and for all we've learnt I'm betting a hell of a lot more went on than he'll ever speak about."
"You're probably right," Lance sighed.
"Jack and Mark going to be on board?"
"One hundred percent.  We've been waiting."
"Good. Odds will be better if it's five against six," Adam explained, "Jay pointed out it's been ten against one all along when this matter came up."
"He knows you're talking to me?"
"Nope.  Think he felt he was after putting ye out enough already without putting ye in Voights' crosshairs."
"But he asked you," Lance commented.
"Think he was just feeling low when he did to be honest.  Wouldn't surprise me if by tomorrow he changes his mind."
"About tackling Voight?" Lance frowned.
"No.  About asking me to side with him," Adam grinned.
"But you still will right?"
"Good," Lance offered his hand, "glad he has good friends like you."
"Ditto," Adam shook the offered hand and then they headed towards the jetty to continue their patrol.


It was midday the next morning when Jay woke.  He had been awake for the early hours of the new day tossing and turning, unable to relax as he went through various versions of what to say to the tough Sergeant.  Finally at eight a headache prompted him to go downstairs to get a bowl of cornflakes so he could take some painkillers.  Al and Conor had been in the kitchen and he was glad he had left the tablets upstairs.  Both men greeted him cheerfully but did not seem surprised when he informed them he was going to catch another couple of hours' sleep.  He had gratefully retreated to his room again. Exhaustion and meds on a full stomach had helped to finally push him over the edge into darkness with a sigh of relief.

Going downstairs after a quick shower the pale Detective heard a new but familiar voice coming from the dining room.  Approaching the half opened door he stood still and eyed the usual occupants of the house and an additional figure, Mouse.

"What the hell are you doing here?! You're meant to be in Vegas." Jay advanced into the room glaring at his friend after scowling at his Superior and ignoring the other men in the room.
"Jay man I had to come when I found out what happened," Mouse looked at his former Lieutenant and winced, the others hadn't been joking he looked like death.
"What happened?" Jay suddenly turned to Hank and then Will in panic.
"Nothing Jay," Will walked over and placed a hand on his siblings' shoulder, "he just meant everything that's been going on."
"You can't be here," Jay shrugged off the hand and turned back to Mouse, "go on back to Vegas!"
"He stays," Hank spoke calmly but his tone brooked no argument. Unfortunately Jay just wasn't in the mood to meekly obey.
"Sure he stays," Jay spoke pleasantly enough and the four former Rangers in the room saw their leader come to the fore before their eyes, "and I'm going."
"This is going to get ugly," Adam muttered to Conor and Antonio on either side of him.
"You think?" Antonio rolled his eyes sarcastically.
"Listen Jay," Mouse put out a hand to stop his friend leaving apparently without really thinking it through - one moment he was vertical and the next he was horizontal on the plush carpet.
"Halstead!" Hank raised his voice this time as Will helped Mouse back up onto his feet.
"I will not put anyone else in danger," Jay spoke clearly but continued walking towards the door.
"But you really .....," Lance moved forward and suddenly found himself in a chokehold with a Glock 19 pressed to his temple.
"It appears a mistake has been made," Jay looked each man watching in the eye finally resting his gaze on his Sergeant, "I'm not a child and I am well able to take care of myself."
"Jay just put the gun away," Antonio urged as he moved forward with hands held open at his side, "you don't want to hurt him."
"Course I don't," Jay replied but watched his Sergeant, "this stops now.  I'm not an invalid."
"Never said you were," Hank countered.
"Didn't have to say it.  It's been implied since the attack and right here right now it stops!"
"You going to shoot him?" Hank gestured to his 'victim'.
"Nope," Jay released the hold he had and his friend straightened up rubbing his neck, "need bullets for that," he explained casually putting his weapon away.
"So what do you want to do?" Hank asked as the other Police Officers eyed their friend warily.
"Sort it out," Jay spoke with determination.
"You want to be bait?" Will interrupted.
"Hell yeah."
"No way."
"Will I'm doing this no matter what anyone says."
"Didn't think you'd be able to take on two healthy men," Adam mused aloud.
"Told ye I'm not an invalid."
"Maybe it's time," Al offered.
"Think he's right," Kevin nodded.
"Okay Kid," Hank finally reached a decision, "but you have plenty of back up."

Adam caught Lances' eye and winked.  When Jay had returned to his room with his cereal he found Adam and Lance waiting for him.  They had come up with a plan to prove that Jay was able to defend himself capably and Adam had contacted Mouse to ensure he would arrive that morning.  Exhaustion and pain meds on a full stomach had helped to push him over the edge into darkness but it was his friends' plan which allowed Jay to stay there without troubling dreams.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now