Chapter Sixty-Seven: Taking Precautions

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Jay had locked himself away in the temporary office set up in the new safehouse on Lincoln Park in the Northside for the past few hours.  He had insisted on dealing with the transfer of the video footage to discs by himself because he knew he was going to be confronted by images which for years had been sheltered in the dark recesses of his mind. Knowing that his boss and friends had viewed the videos pained him greatly but he was glad the whole team had not done so.  After arriving at the redbrick two storey safehouse the tired Detective had asked Mouse for a lesson on how to transfer the footage from one format to the other.  As he had expected the task was not difficult and he had been able to send the IT Specialist on his way in a relatively short period of time. Coughing as he finished transferring the tenth video he checked the time.  It was ten after eleven.  He decided to call it a night as a knock on the door grabbed his attention.  Hastily turning off the monitors and machines he unlocked the door to find Will and Antonio facing him with arms folded across their chests.  Stepping onto the landing he coughed as he shook his head at their stance then locked the door behind him, pocketing the key. Anyone would think he was a little kid the way they were looking at him and he wasn't in the mood for it.

"You were meant to be finished an hour ago," Antonio pointed out.
"Never said I was going to finish at ten," Jay countered as he headed down the stairs still coughing.
"You said you'd be another hour or so when we asked," Will argued as the pair trailed behind the younger man as they reached the kitchen.
"No. I said I might be an hour or so."
"Hey Jay," Adam stood at the open door of the black double refrigerator, "you want a sandwich?"
"I'll make one," Jay told his friend appreciating the offer as he stifled a yawn behind his free hand.
"No need.  I made a couple for you earlier when I was having one," Adam smiled as he took out a chunky white cheese sandwich and handed it over.
"Thanks," Jay ducked his head as he accepted the plate and placed it on the counter.
"You want coffee?" Antonio checked casually as he went to an overhead cupboard and took down a few mugs.
"I'll have milk," Jay decided as he retrieved a glass and took a carton out of the refrigerator.
"So how many did you get through?" Adam decided to ask the difficult question as he sat down beside his friend opposite Will at the oval island.
"You come across anything that might help?" Antonio checked as he filled three prepared mugs with boiling water.
"No," Jay got up slowly and picked up the plate with his free hand, "I'll talk to ye tomorrow."
"I'm going to get a jumper," Adam got up before Will could and picked up the full glass, "it's cold."
"Still don't see why I have to share a room," the injured man groused as he headed out of the kitchen.
"Hey anyone would think you didn't like my company!" Adam threw back as he winked at the seated men.
"You're only figuring that out now?" Antonio called after him with a grin.

"Guess with Adam sharing the room he can't disappear," Will tried to look on the bright side, "good thing we all had to double up this time."
"You can bet Sarge thought of that when he chose this place.  Especially with Lance, Jack and Mark gone home.  We have less eyes."
"Yeah.  He's going to have to let ye see the footage once it's transferred isn't he?"
"Yeah," Antonio sighed, that was one task he was not looking forward to, "just Sarge, Adam and myself again.  Like we told you we're hoping we'll find something that leads us to where the assault rifles came from."
"I wish he didn't have to relive those times."
"Me too Doc. Me too."

Upstairs Jay had gotten undressed and now sat on the side of his single bed in his black Calvin Klein briefs as he swallowed a couple of vicodin.  He figured the stronger tablets might help him sleep deeply enough that nightmares would not disturb him.  Adam sat on the bedside chair and looked at his friend wishing there was anything at all he could do to ease his troubles.

"Can't be easy watching those tapes."
"Has to be done," Jay reminded, seemingly unconcerned.
"Well if you want someone with you tomorrow when you're transferring the rest let me know."
"What do you mean?"
"Why do you want to watch the tapes with me?" Jay asked after a brief hesitation as he took a bite of his sandwich.
"Just figured you might find it easier with some company," Adam replied honestly, not sure what really lay behind the other mans' question.
"You were asking something else.  Tell me," Adam voiced his suspicion as he stood up and walked over to sit down beside his friend and tried to ease the tension he could sense building in his frame, "I'll give you an honest answer.  You know I'm hopeless at lying."
"Why?" Jay repeated his question quietly as he put the sandwich back on the plate sitting on the bedside locker.
"Why .......," Adam looked at the pale man carefully and then realization struck him, "would I offer? Because you are one of my best friends.  Because I promised you I'm going to be here for you no matter what. But most of all because you're worth it.  You're a good guy Jay.  You have integrity and honour engrained in your character.  You're my friend and if I didn't know you I'd be a lesser man."
"Never thought you'd be so emotional!" Jay sought to escape the serious turn in the conversation as he shifted uncomfortably on the bed.
"Nah ah," Adam shook his head unwilling to go along with the distraction, "I want you to know I'm serious.  I want you to tell me you know you're worth it."
"Give me a break," Jay tried to brush off the suggestion.
"Tell me you're worth it."
"I ....... can't."
"Well in time we'll get you to believe it," Adam rose to his feet and looked down at his friend and team mate who refused to meet his eyes, "and in the meantime I'm watching those tapes with you tomorrow.  Now drink your milk and get some sleep."
"I'm not a kid!" Jay objected as he grabbed a pillow with his good arm and tossed it at the departing man.

Downstairs Adam found the kitchen had filled in his absence.

"How is he?" the newly arrived Conor checked as he shrugged off his jacket with a yawn.
"Took two vicodin."
"Damn," Hank shook his head, "wish I could give him a couple of days off but we need a lead on those rifles."
"Is it that important to find the source?" Ethan wondered as he poured himself a glass of water.
"Ye have the rifles so why is it so urgent?" Will added his own question.
"Because someone like the old man having access to weapons is an unknown factor.  He has no previous firearm convictions," Al gave part of the answer to the civilians.
"And there's a likelihood whoever furnished the weapons is still working on an agenda for the old man."
"Ye told us that," Conor recalled the conversation about Ethan, Will and himself moving to the safehouse.
"And if there was someone out there they could have gone after us the past few days," Will observed.
"Doc we don't have any answers for you," Hank reiterated, "what we all agreed however is that Jay doesn't need the added stress of worrying about ye getting hurt."
"We know that," Conor conceded without hesitation, "guess none of us expected this to go on so long."
"Join the club Doc, join the club."


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now