Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Two: Definitive Update

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By the time Hank and Al arrived at the apartment Jay was fit to shoot someone to get answers.  Conor had left an hour earlier after reminding him he needed to call in for a check up in a few days.  Antonio and Kevin had arrived looking upset and Jay understood for he shared their anger, although more deeply.  They had no new information to impart and it was an hour and forty-five minutes later that Hank and Al finally turned up, both looking grim.

"Carter was stabbed twice in the throat," the Sergeant got down to business without preamble as he sat down opposite the frustrated Detective, "unfortunately where it happened there is a blind spot. The killer got away without being seen."
"It must have been another inmate," Adam spoke up, "so we question them."
"You think we didn't?" Hank demanded bluntly before rubbing a hand down his face.
"Sorry Sarge."
"Forget it," Hank ordered before turning to the main source of concern, "we spoke to everyone who was supposed to be in the area.  They all claim they didn't see anything."
"So it was just a fight between two inmates," Jay spoke looking around the room, "he's out of the way anyway."
"It wasn't a fight," Al joined in gently, "it was a definite execution. The ME took a look, as a favour, the person stabbed him from behind. There were no defensive wounds. No signs of a struggle."
"Well ...," Jay looked at his friends and colleagues, "he's still out of the way.  Now we just need to track down Martin Williamson."
"Halstead you know and I know it's not that simple," Hank pointed out, "this indicates there could be someone else pulling the strings."
"Martin Williamson might have arranged it," Jay suggested.
"No he couldn't," Kevin shook his head for he had spent an hour that morning going through the mans' financial records, "he's in debt to two loan sharks.  His house is about to be repossessed.  No way could he afford to take out a contract on someone."
"It wouldn't make sense anyway," Antonio looked over at the injured man, "Michael Williamson was trying to keep his hands clean so he wouldn't want Martin to put out a contract on you."
"Michael being in jail kinda defeats that idea. He doesn't need to worry about keeping his hands clean anymore.  Heck he got his brother to set up the accident," Jay argued, not wanting to believe what everyone else in the room had already accepted.
"Sarge could Michael have arranged it from inside?" Adam tried to aid his friend but knew it was a lost cause.
"No.  His calls are being monitored."
"Well hell!" Jay cursed as he went into the kitchen, he knew where this was heading and he wasn't going to let it happen, not again.

Hank followed his subordinate into the kitchen and closed the door to give them some privacy. He knew the younger man did not want to go into witness protection again and truth be told he couldn't blame him.  Unfortunately for now it was the only available option.

"Halstead you know I wouldn't suggest you go into witness protection unless it was absolutely necessary."
"Okay I'll go," Jay turned away from the counter he had been leaning on to face the older man, "but we do it properly this time."
"What do you mean?"
"I'll go into the programme fully.  No half measures.  When it's safe ye can let my handler know and I'll come back."
"Kid two things," Hank walked over to look the younger man in the eye, wanting to ensure he believed his words, "one is you never cease to amaze me and two is you're staying with us."
"Look Sarge that's good of you but I can't disrupt yer lives anymore. If we knew who was after me it would be different but it could be anyone.  My way is better for everyone," Jay insisted.
"Already cleared it with Crowley," Hank confirmed as he stepped back and folded his arms across his chest before informing the injured man, "she had no problem with it so you don't have any problem with it."
"But ......,"
"Kid Crowley signed off on it so until she says otherwise you're stuck with us."
"Why did she? The guns are not an issue any more so why did she agree?"
"She signed off on it and that's the important thing," Hank brushed the question aside, he wasn't about to admit he had threatened a collective walkout of the Unit members if his request was not sanctioned.

"Can anyone join this conversation?" Antonio stuck his head around the door, "we figured we'd let ye know we took a vote."
"A vote?" Jay raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah on whether or not we should let you join the WPP," Antonio grinned knowingly, "bad news is it was a resounding 'no'."
"Hell I'll tell ye all together," Jay shook his head impatiently and walked back into the living area past the two men, "guys I know ye all mean well but really I got no problem going into the Witness Protection Programme ...,"
"You tell him Crowley sanctioned him staying with us?" Al looked across at his old friend.
"No we were too busy discussing remodeling the kitchen," Hank responded drily as he walked around to stand in front of his youngest Detective, "Jay what you just said is the first lie you've told us.  You would absolutely hate going into WPP but so as not to put us out you'd do it.  Problem is if you don't agree to doing this my way, with Crowleys' approval, we're going to spend our time worrying about you so just say you agree."
"Sarge," Jay ducked his head in embarrassment, "guys I know ye mean well but I've already taken up too much of yer time ..,"
"Never knew there was a limit on the amount of time you could spend with a friend," Kevin pointed out sincerely.
"Besides this way you can still work the case," Antonio chimed in.
"Jay the truth is we want to do this and we all know without doubt if the tables were turned you'd be there for us," Adam spoke quietly as he saw the strain on the pale features, "besides you know we work better together.  It's just the way it is with this Unit."
"Kid I need an answer and it had better be an affirmative," Hank prompted as silence reigned down.
"Guess ....," Jay looked around at his friends and colleagues, "I'll agree but only for the time being."
"We'll take what we can get," Hank offered a hand to seal the deal.


Two nights later, after settling into a three storey red brick house located on Wisconsin Street in Lincoln Park, the men sat around an oak table in the kitchen playing poker. Each players' pile of jellybeans was minus orange sweets due to one players' constant retrieval missions.  Although the others knew Jay was upset about the new situation they understood he was putting on a show to assure them he was, as ever, fine but didn't call him on it.  For his part the injured man was cursing the hand injuries as they made him feel vulnerable even though his right hand was more than sufficient for shooting.  His hip was still sore and he knew it would continue to be for another while.  The hand and hip injuries aside he found he was still unable to shake the headaches and more than the other injuries they vexed him deeply for his concentration was being effected.  He was due to call into Med the following day for a check up and figured he'd talk to Conor about the Pain Specialist to see if he could try migraine meds.  Snatching an orange treat from the pile in front of him he looked up from considering his cards with a grin.  Wasn't his fault he kept winning he reminded his friends as they all folded before he could up the ante.  If only his life was going as smoothly as the game of cards he thought as he showed his winning hand to a chorus of protests.


ME - Medical Examiner

Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now