Chapter One Hundred and Forty-One: Spending Time With Friends

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Maggie, Natalie and April had just been joined by Will, Conor and Ethan at the bar when Jay arrived over.   The three ladies had been discussing how cute the Detective looked with the toddler but in unspoken agreement decided not to impart that bit of information knowing their friend would be embarrassed.

"He's a lovely little guy," Natalie smiled as she ducked her head to get a proper look at the half asleep boy who had a fistful of black shirt in his right hand as his eyes blinked.
"Mikey here doesn't talk," Adam smiled, "but Jay is the only one he'll go to.  Turns out this is the Benedicts' first night out together."
"But he must be at least three or four?" April was surprised.
"He's three but doesn't like babysitters."
"I was speaking to them earlier," Maggie spoke quietly in deference to the boy, "think Sandy is finding it hard here.  It's a big change from Hawai'i."
"If you're not careful little brother you'll get recruited for babysitting duties," the redhead observed, noting how comfortable the toddler was with his sibling.
"Might have to give up the day job," Jay agreed as he placed his bad hand behind the toddler as he finally gave in and closed his eyes, "be a lot easier than keeping Ruzek out of trouble anyway."
"I won't say anything," Adam decided with exaggerated patience.
"So Jay how are you doing?" Maggie checked.
"Good.  Can't complain," the injured man responded unaware of the eyerolls  Will and Conor couldn't stop.
"Anyone know whose going to win the game tomorrow night?" Joe Cruz asked as he joined the group after patting Jay on the back.
"Which one?" Conor checked.
"The Blackhawks man!   Where have you been?"
"There are other games on," Ethan defended for he hadn't much interest in the Blackhawks.
"Yeah but this is an important game," Cruz insisted.
"Think I'll mingle for a bit," Jay decided to escape the ensuing argument as he tightened his hold on the toddler before looking at his friends as he turned away, "thanks for coming.  It was good seeing ye."
"Hopefully we can do it again soon," Natalie placed a quick kiss on the surprised mans' cheek before he hastily walked away.

"Should I be jealous?" Will looked across at his girlfriend with a grin before his eyes followed his sibling.
"I've always been fond of Jay," the pretty Doctor explained, "he's one of the good guys."
"He looks awful," April put in honestly, "sure hope things settle down for him soon."
"They have to," Adam spoke resolutely, "things have to start working out right for him at some stage."
"Well we'll just all have to hope and pray it's sooner rather than later," Maggie looked over to where the subject of their conversation was now talking to Kelly, Casey and Herrman at the end of the bar, "I don't know everything that's been going on but he looks ..... soul weary."
"Yeah," Conor sighed heavily, "he's been through a lot but he's still standing.  Once things get settled he can take some time to rest and get back to full strength."
"I can just see Jay taking time to rest!" Adam scoffed at the likelihood of such a thing happening.
"He'll have to," the Surgeon observed seriously, "and I have an ace in my pocket when he tries to decline."
"Ace?" Natalie frowned.
"Sergeant Voight will back me," Conor smiled, "Jay won't stand a chance."

"Listen Herrmann thanks for this," Jay settled on the stool carefully with his burden, "you shouldn't have gone to so much trouble."
"Hey man the day Mollys can't close for a friends' private party is the day I walk away," the genial Firefighter/Bar Owner stated genuinely, "and by the way Cindy said to let you know she was asking for you."
"Does she have any more blind dates lined up for him?" Casey asked with a smirk.
"Not that I know of but you never know."
"So how come she never tried to set me up?" Kelly demanded.
"You crazy?   Anytime she asks how you're doing I tell her about your latest girl!   Your track record isn't exactly good my friend."
"He has a point," Casey concurred, "but what about me?"
"Oh no, no, no.  No way am I getting into this," Herrman held his hands up in surrender and looked at the pale Detective, "it's all your fault.  If you weren't so charming she'd never have suggested you dating her friend."
"Schucks some of us are just born charming," Jay responded with exaggerated smugness as the three men chuckled in defeat.


Authors' Note

I am publishing this Chapter with the next Chapter (Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Two)  as I started the next chapter thinking this one was finished!!!!!    So kinda two short Chapters!  Apologies Frances.

Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now