Chapter One Hundred And Twelve: Concerned Friends

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One Month Later

As Jay had decreed that evening in the kitchen he moved out of the safehouse the following day after Williamsons' interview did not offer up any links they could follow up.  The school bully had confessed to everything eager to show how he had helped the elder Halstead torment his younger son.  Standing in the Observation Room listening to Hank and Al question the source of so much turmoil in his life Jay had been impassive, unwilling to show his true emotions to Adam and Antonio as they stood on either side of him, like silent Sentinels.  As soon as the interview had concluded he had left the 21st with instructions he would be out of touch for a few days.  Attempts to ascertain where he would be were met with a stonewall of silence.  From the Unit to Will and Conor everyone tried to find out where he was going.  In the end they had to accept that he would be back as promised.  True to his word Jay turned up at the precinct on the third day ready to work.  He was still looking too thin and pale but persuaded Hank that he needed to get back to normal.  The Detective had reminded the older man that everyone else had returned to their normal routines and it was time he also did.  Jay glossed over the queries about his health and Hank had acquiesced to his return but added a proviso that if he needed to go home early any day he could.  That conversation had taken place almost a month ago and the youngest Detective in the Unit had been at work every day since, putting in the same long hours as everyone else, despite the fact it was clear he wasn't one hundred percent fit.  He never complained however and rejected any suggestions of taking it easy.  Although on the surface Jay seemed to be doing well his friends all noted that their once quiet colleague had become even quieter and he sought solitude more often.  Although he occasionally accepted invitations to go to Mollys after shift more often than not he had a ready excuse for declining.  His friends were all concerned but did not know how to help.  So it was on a Friday evening as the men were discussing weekend plans that Adam casually mentioned he was going fishing.  Al quickly invited himself and soon Adam found his plans altered as everyone else jumped on board, even Hank.  Everyone else bar Jay that is.  Glancing over at his friend Adam stilled as he noticed the stricken features.  Standing up quickly he walked over to his desk and crouched down beside him, knowing the others were watching but would give them space.

"Jay man what's wrong?"
"What?" the flustered man shook himself and rubbed away the sweat that had broken out on his forehead.
"Talk to me.  What's wrong?"
"Nothing," Jay insisted as he stood and his friend rose with him, "I, I got to go.  I'll .... I'll see ye Monday."
"You don't want to come fishing with us?" Hank checked from where he leant against his doorframe.
"No .... no thanks," Jay quickly grabbed his jacket and headed down the stairs without meeting anyones' eyes.
"What the hell was that about?!" Adam yelled in frustration, his friend was in trouble and he felt helpless.
"He seemed okay all day," Antonio observed then looked over at Mouse, "any ideas?"
"No but I'm heading over to Mollys after work.  Will said he'd drop in."
"Well looks like we're going to Mollys," Hank stated unnecessarily, they all wanted answers and some clue how to aid their friend.

Mollys' Bar -

Conor, Will and the Unit had gathered at the two back tables of the bar an hour later trying to work out what had caused the young Detective to flee.  Kelly and Matt had joined them shortly after arrival.

"And ye weren't talking about anything other than plans for the weekend?" Conor double checked as he leant back against the wall by Adams' seat sipping a beer.
"No," Antonio sighed from his inside seat by the wall opposite Will and Hank, "ever since this whole thing started he's been withdrawing but since he came back to work he's retreating further.  Heck I thought getting back to a normal routine would make things easier for him."
"Jay is never going to admit he's having a hard time with the way things went down with his father," Kelly spoke up causing the others to look at him with interest so he continued quietly, "we spoke once about what it's like when a father doesn't like a son."
"He spoke to you about the old man?" Will couldn't hide his surprise.
"No, not specifically," Kelly elaborated after a moments' deliberation, "Squad was called to a shout where a father had locked his son in the basement.  Access was blocked. Anyway we eventually got the boy out but it was too late.  I called in here after shift and got to talking with Jay.  The shout came up.  I told him how the father had a habit of beating the kid and locking him up.  The mother was gone.  It was only the father and son.  I said I couldn't understand a father hating his own child and hurting him.  Ye know  what Jay said?"
"What?" Kevin probed not sure he really wanted to know the answer.
"He said a father is just a man and any man can be evil."
"Hell!" Hank shook his head.
"It was the way he said it which struck me," Kelly continued, "like it was just a fact of life. No big deal.  I told him I don't get on with my old man a lot but he never physically hurt me and then I asked him what his father was like.  Thought I could get him to open up."
"Did he?"
"No.  Changed the topic and I didn't want to push."
"So ye said ye were talking about weekend plans?" Matt got back to the main subject as a Bartender brought over a fresh round of drinks, "what exactly?"
"Just fishing," Adam explained casually with a shrug.
"Damn," Will shook his head.
"What is it?"
"Fishing ........ Jay .... he hates it.  The old man took us fishing once and there was war because Jay refused.  I didn't understand what the big deal was but Jay ..... he ....,"
"He what?" Hank demanded with his trademark impatience, how could fishing be a bad thing?
"Turns out my kid brother doesn't agree with fishing," the redhead smiled sadly, "he doesn't see the point in catching fish and killing them or even catching them and letting them go.  He told the old man he considers it unnecessary cruelty.  Jay always had a deep respect for life."
"What did your father do?" Al asked after the silence lengthened amongst the group.
"Berated him for the rest of the day but Jay never fished.  He just acted as if the words didn't hurt," Will rubbed his forehead thoughtfully thinking back then cursed, "the following day ..... Jay ...... he had a broken arm when I got back from my friends' house. Said he fell down the stairs ...... I didn't even question it! I'll kill him!"
"Hey Doc you couldn't have known," Hank consoled, "Jay was protecting you.  That's why he didn't tell you all those times he was hurt.  I understand you're frustrated but that anger you have should be directed where it belongs.  At the old man."
"I know, I know," Will agreed angrily, "it's just so hard not being able to help him.  I've tried to get him talking about what went on but he just blanks me."
"Thing is with Jay he's never going to show his pain," Al put in, "he's very self contained. Take next Monday for instance."
"What's happening Monday?" Matt enquired noting the looks being exchanged by the Policemen.
"Taser Recertification," Hank pursed his lips.
"Ye can't make him do that!" Conor demanded before Will could.
"What's the big deal?" Kelly looked around the group noting Will had paled.


Tolerance Book I (Chicago PD/Med FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now